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Razgob's Maula's
Razgob is da long sufferin' boss o' da ladz. 'e's got 'imself a bit've a bad back afta one nasty little block but apart frum dat e's right as rain.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Rumbla is new to da team but e's alredy made a big impression on da ladz. 'is most notable achievements include lyin' on i's back for 'is first game and den tryin' is best to mash poor little Bounca' for most of da second. We're tryin' our best ta sort 'im out.
Buizza is da highest scorin' playa for da <i>Maulas</i> and ded fighty too. Nuffin' more ta say really........
Urta's been around since da bginnin' and 'asn't really done dat much yet. He's tried 'is hardest though, 'onest.
Squick is da team's throwa. 'e does pretty well in most games, gettin' a pass in. He once scored a touchdown but no-one quite knows 'ow dat happened. Of late 'e's been handin' da ball to Bounca' all da time, even if 'e's at da uver end ov da pitch. It wurks somehow, so we doezn't say nuffin'.
Nurk got a nasty hit in da gubbinz early in 'is career and 'es neva really got ova it. All da ladz 'ope e'll get 'is 'ead togetha and start playn' as well as wez all know 'e can.
Kridkull is an alright playa. 'asn't really done much yet..
Crunch is bloody useless, an' 'es got sumphin wrong wiv 'im too. 'e betta pull 'isself togeva or deyr'ell be words had wiv 'im......
Battera' joined da team to replace da unfortunate Gorstampa'. Or dat's whut we told 'iom anywayz. He actually joined by accident when razgob pushed da wrong button and e' was supposed ta be a blitza. He's since learned 'imself 'ow ta block properly though so e's not doing too bad. He's also bloody good at killin' stuff, even if 'twas alredy ded.
Right Stuff
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Bounca' is a young gobbo wiv a bright futua ahed ov 'im. 'e joined da team just in time to play da <i>Flaim of Lodoss</i> norse bugga's and managed ta get 'is'self nearly eaten once, dropped twice and thrun into da crowd near da end for a spectacula' three ko's in one game. Good thin' he's nice and squishy eh?
Inn 'is second game thou, 'gainst da <i>Mummy's</i> 'e got 'imself a first down touchdown in da sec'nd 'alf and den da little bugga got 'iself inta da end zone where squick chucked da ball at 'im fer anuver. Good lad. After da match 'e found 'imself to be a bit more bouncy too so we's all happy.