8 coaches online • Server time: 06:15
Sugar Dollz
Dump Off
Safe Throw
Sure Hands
Dark Donna was originally recruited to the team as a back up thrower. But since then she's gone from a replacement player to one of the stars and keyplayers of the team. The only regret is that she tries to learn Strong Arm, but she seems to just don't have it in her. Recently she has started to play without armour. The coach tries to convince her that it's dangerous, but she doesn't seem to care. Let's hope that this diva won't get hurt.
2005-02-05. Top Amazon star thrower.
2005-02-05. Top Amazon valuable active thrower.
2005-02-06. Top Amazon passer.
Side Step
Mighty Blow
Nerves of Steel
Pass Block
Side Step
There was a rumor going around that Pierced Babe couldn't learn how to block properly. On her first skill roll she rolled double 1, and the temptation was too big. She learned how to side step. On her second skill roll she rolled double 6, and the temptation was too big. She got stronger. On her third skill roll she rolled double 1, again the temptation was too big, she learned nerves of steel. On her fourth skill roll she managed to roll +1Movement, but this time the coach managed to control himself and choose the long sought after block skill instead of the movement increase. On her fifth skill roll of course she missed her ageing roll and got a niggling injury, oh, and she learned tackle to really push through those pesky opponents. Her fifth skill roll was about to happen and I was sure she would niggle again, but fortunately I managed to roll 11 on the ageing roll. This time around I chose to teach her Pass Block so she can run down the field and really put the thrower under pressure. My sixth skill roll came up, and I was sure she would niggle, but once again she managed to avoid it and learned Pro.
2005-02-05. Top Amazon active scorer.
2005-02-05. Top Amazon active valuable player.
Second Amazon to become a Legend