20 coaches online • Server time: 01:50
When asked to submit his Bio, Graxor ate the reporter. The team sent a honeyed ham to the widow.
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
An old veteren of many wars. Goblingutter was looking for a place to retire. He found bloodbowl. Now, despite his constant complaints of old-age and infirmity, he leads the Blood Blitzer's Fearsome Five.
After being a wash-out with the Orcland Raiders this monster of a black orc earned a spot on the Blood-Blitzers. He's looking to return to his former days of glory when he was the defensive MVP for the Slappa Bay Blockateers.
HP Shovecraft loves books. He likes them best dipped in chocolate and nurgle soup made from the flayed corpses of nurglings. He finds occult books to be the yummiest.
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
The team captain. Vishnak's ability to raise havoc is legendary in his mountain home. At the tender age of three, he pushed his father of a cliff face to "see if e co'd fwy!" He also holds the Mad Pass record for most fights in a week (27), most fights won in a week (27), and most times exiled (3). Even the frequent wars didnt keep Vishnak occupied away from home long enough, so the orc elders decided to make him the captain of their new blood bowl team, and told coach Nerfic "Don't come home until you win the Bloodbowl!"
Venomspewer is the most civilized orc in the entire Mad Dog clan. He tries to run like an elf, but hits with conviction. Actually, he's done very little hitting, in fact, he's been caught repeatedly wearing feathers and tight green hose and dropping "Thees" and "Thous" over his befuddled mates.
Sure Hands
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Recently, in an interview was asked about his battles with alcohlism. This is what he had to say "Can't *hic* throw the ball *hic* if I be sober *hic*" Kid's love Ballripper, he spends alot of time in city parks flat on the grass unconcious. Many halfling children use his ample gut as a trampoline, while the orc children make bets on when he will vomit! He also looks a bit like Elvis. Weird.
Drego "Daddy Cool" Dread is not only a star blitzer for the Blood-Blitzers but is also an award winning hip-hop artist. His most popular hit "Gon Eacha like a snotling" still packs in the crowds wherever the Blood-Blitzers play.
Yes... before you ask... he really does beat lepers.
Former slave-master & torturer. Lorcas likes to cause pain. "I like elves" he says "their cheekbones break nicer than anyone elses!"
Crom likes to run into walls at very high speeds. He's not quite right in the head.
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
He once vomited on a referee. It was funny as hell.
Does a guy with a name this cool really need a bio? No. No he does not. So slag off!