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Khorne's Militia
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
I'm number 2! *psst...one, sir* Shut up!
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Mighty Blow
As Militia Quartermaster, Fowler is in charge of keeping all militia armor rust-free and weapons sharpened, issuing them as needed to members pulling guard duty. Can anybody blame him if he keeps the best equipment for himself and his Captain?
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Mighty Blow
Hundley is the Militia Fitness Monitor, keeping all members in peak physical condition. More than one plot has formed in the thoughts of every militiaman of how to assassinate this despot when he informs them of a "surprise 20 mile march"...
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Mighty Blow
A true unarmed combat specialist, Landry is the current reigning Militia Pugilist Champion, tasked with teaching new recruits how to fight despite being disarmed in combat. His teaching skills are incredibly effective--only way to pass his class is to survive, and anybody who can survive a 1v1 session with him is well prepared for battles vs pansy elves and the like!
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Mighty Blow
Even chaos armies realize a certain level of discipline is required for a successful combat. Not during the fight itself--every warrior for himself at that point!--but a leader needs everybody actually getting TO the fight in order to be IN the fight. Drill Instructor Maze keeps the soldiers marching despite fatigue and sore feet, so all players are present and account for when the glorious call to battle sounds...
A former follower of some human god he refuses to mention by name, Quinlan is fluent in many languages from having travelled far and wide. In the rare event a captive is taken alive, Quinlan translates his screams under torture for the others to appreciate...
A newcomer to the militia, Huhn has been brought along to act as Capt Noss's personal bodyguard. His duty is to stand in front of the commander and intercept any raging blitzers coming his way! Oh, the honor! Oh, the dignity! Oh...wait a minute...
Burkett won a spot on with the command by out-belching all others the official theme song of the Militia. He's now our instrumental leader and cheerleader, bringing the crowds to their feet with his amazing oracular talents...
Even chaos soldiers must eat more than just raw meat (at least, the human members of the Militia do--word's still out about Capt Noss). Wingo fixes all the delicacies an army on the march could ever desire--beans, bacon and lard! Yummy!
Rhyne gets the honor of setting up the campfire every night, an honor he'd rather do without--have you ever tried to pack 100 lbs of wood all around, just in case the area you go to doesn't have a handy tree to cut down?
There are two reasons to join the militia--the opportunity to fight, and the pay. Somebody has to keep track of the money, and that somebody is Chilbert. Yes, he's the only one who can count past two, but hey, let's not be insulting. Let's also not accuse him of siphoning a portion of every paycheck into his personal satchel--he's also buys the most rounds of beer, so we all get our money back in the end anyway.
All militia sleep under the stars (when Fowler actually gives them a chance to sleep--he loves "moonlight calisthenics"), but one tent is kept raised at all times in the center of camp--for "interrogating" prisoners, for secret rendezvous with female slaves, or just someplace for Capt Noss to snore away the hot summer sun while the soldiers sweat under Fowler's watchful gaze. Lange is in charge of this monstrosity, keeping it well maintained so all can hear but not see what goes on within, leaving the imagination to wander...
Somebody has to have latrine duty, and this week it's Cass. Come to think of it, last week it was Cass, too. Checking the schedule for next week, it's..........
Arfstrom is the youngest recruit ever to join the militia, though none question his dedication and abilities. Tends to be the gofer for Capt Noss--he wants something, he sends Arfstrom to "go fer it".