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Odd'a'Waaagh Ruffriderz
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Koach Eevalve Da Ana'kizm was beginning to go insane after seeing the balance sheet after every practice. It seemed that Bulk had been eating a couple gobbos each practice. After nearly going bankrupt, Koach Eevalve Da Ana'kizm forced Bulk to throw-up any goblins he ate during practice. Bulk, always being sensitive about his weight, began using this new technique on himself. Upon hearing this news, Mad Dok Fray'zure Brane diagnosed him as Bull'e'mik.
Right Stuff
Sure Feet
Koach Eevalve Da Ana'kizm wanted to start of with a powerhouse team. That's why he hired so many black orcs for his starting roster. Arny was one of those black orcs. During training camp, he was fanatical about getting into shape. "Eye'z godda looze zum wayt. Eye'z way outta shape!", he'd constantly be saying. He was always in the gym, especially during team dinners. This continued throughout training camp. Arny once a 400 pound monstrosity, became a 70 pound runt. Mad Dok Fray'zure Brane later diagnosed him as being an'o'reksik.
Right Stuff
Side Step
When Kip returned with the TBB trophy that was on display when the Ruffriderz announced there transfer from the CFL to the TBB, Mad Dok Fray'zure Brain was quick to diagnose Kip as a Klept'o.
Right Stuff
Koach Eevalve Da Ana'kizm wanted to start of with a powerhouse team. That's why he hired so many black orcs for his starting roster. Dik was <i>supposed</i> to be one of those black orcs. Dik showed up for weigh-in: <p>Mad Dok: "70 poundz, but'it sayz 'ere dat you'z beez a black orc"<br>Dik: "Dat skale muz't beez brok'n. I wayz 700 poundz!"<br>Mad Dok: "Come 'ere <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=168258>Acksul</a>. Dis beez a black orc. You'z beez d'oo smawl d'oo beez'a black orc."<br>Did:"'eez beez da smawl'un. Meez beez da big'ust orc on'da teem!"<br>Mad Dok: "Iv you'z not beez'a grot, den you'z kan eez'ly smash en'y grot?"<br>Dik: "Dey allz beez a'scared ov meez! Meez da bezt block'a in'da wurld!"<br>
F'obik Fip scurried away upon hearing Dik's boisterous proclamations.<br>
<p>Mad Dok Fray'zure Brane diagnosed Dik as D'uh'looshunal after this brief encounter while Dik constantly points to <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=168254>Arny</a> to prove that he is definitely a black orc, even though he thinks "D'uh'looshunal" is just another fancy word for being the world's biggest black orc. </p>
<p>Upon hearing of an upcoming team meeting: "I d'oh'nt needz no meet'n. I juzt needz da smash dem 'edz!" <br>
Upon being asked to attend a team rally: "I d'oh'nt needz no r'ahlee. I juzt needz da smash dem 'edz!" <br>
Upon being called to join the huddle: "I d'oh'nt needz no 'uddle. I juzt needz da smash dem 'edz!" <br>
Koach upon hearing of these incidents: "Ee beez da smart'un." <br>
Mad Dok Fray'zure Brane upon hearing of these incidents: "Ee beez ant'e'soshul." <br></p>
Skitzo Sarge believes he's in charge of a unit squig hunters. He often confuses the ball for a squig and dutifully hunts it down. Mad Dok Fray'zure Brane has often told Koach Eevalve Da Anakizm that he really should be treated with a squigotomy but Koach Eevalve finds that telling Sarge that the endzone is a squig pen is just as effective.
Mighty Blow
Sure Hands
There would be a bio here but Nikz wants his bio to do him justice. Thus he's writing his own. Presently, he's on volume 21 of his planned 100 volume opus detailing his early life.