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Kings Of Metal
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
After recording his last CD Marilyn Manson got a little too much in touch with the devil resulting in two horns and other funny mutations. Being now strong as a bull and sometimes a little bit too aggressive his decision was made: No more singing, just go out on the field and splatter some other guys.
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Mighty Blow
Eric "The Voice" Adams is the lead singer of the world loudest Heavy Metal band Manowar. Inspired by the last CD Warriors of the World United he and Joey decided to get their own Blood Bowl Team and asked coach Schloesser-Alt to form the Kings Of Metal. Now he is awaiting the first march into the arena.
Ross The Boss was the a former band member (Drummer) of Manowar. Coach Schloesser-Alt asked him to join the Kings Of Metal once again. Ross was very happy about the offer. A new chance for him to join his old friends. Let´s Rock!
Sure Hands
Tired of jumping around on stage and playing the guitar every gig the same style, Angus joined the Kings Of Metal.
On stage nimble with guitar he was put in the position of the teams thrower.
He was so enthusiastic about the idea of playing blood bowl that he called his brother Malcolm.
Malcolm joined the Kings of Metal right after Angus brought the news to him. He didn´t even thought twice and accepted the offer to bring some touchdowns on the position of a receiver in.
Luca is the youngest memeber of the Kings of Metal. Only hired to bring some inspiration in the team by writing the team´s song "Return of the Kings".
Ozzy joined after his fitness trainer said to him that this is a good sport where it doesn´t matter if he only stumbles over the field.
Disadvantage of having Ozzy in the Team is the f*****ing amount of cameras and reporters when he plays.
Lemmy is the Teams front liner. When recruiting him for the team coach Schloesser-Alt wasn´t sure if he counts as two players due to his big wart in the face.
Philthy Animal can always be found at the side of Lemmy on the field. If somewhere on the field is a brawl or the ref is argueing whether or not the move was legal, Phil is there.
After unsuccessful years of playing the typical Running Wild style, coach schloesser-alt gave a hand to Rolf and asked him to join the Kings of Metal. Rolf needing the money accepted and on the side of real metal stars plays blood bowl on highest level.