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Decadent Heroes
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Wolverine James Howlett a.k.a Logan

Fighting: Amazing
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Excellent
Endurance: Incredible
Reason: Good
Intuition: Monstrous
Psyche: Incredible

Health: 140
Karma: 135
Resources: Good
Popularity: 0

Known Powers:
Claws: Logan is able to inflict Excellent damage with his claws. Made from CL1000 pure Adamantium they ignore physical armor of less that material strength. The claws do not ignore Force Fields but may still damage the field for the purposes of overloading.
Regeneration: Unearthly
Recovery: Unearthly
Resist Poisons: Unearthly
Animal Empathy: Amazing
Enhanced Senses: Monstrous smell and Incredible hearing
Tracking: Monstrous
Berserker: Ignore stuns & Unearthly resistance to mind control. A successful Psyche FEAT must be made to come out of it.

Special Notes:
When in battle with Sabretooth all green and yellow Fighting hits hecks are considered to be a "Hit". Red is considered a "Stun" unless a natural 100 is rolled which results in a "Kill".

All combat talents, Espionage, Ninja, Stealth, Swords, Weapon Specialist: Claws, Resist Domination


James Howlett, the mutant now known as Wolverine, was born into privilege in Alberta, Canada, during the late 19th century, the second son of John and Elizabeth Howlett. Young James' mother was distant and remote due to the untimely death of her first son. Growing up, the sickly James was close friends with the red-headed Rose, his companion and tutor, and "Dog," the son of the Howlett’s cruel groundskeeper Thomas Logan.

Dog’s growing obsession with Rose finally prompted him to attack her -- forcing James’ father to fire Thomas, and evict him and Dog from their home on the Howlett estate. The groundskeeper and his son stole into the mansion the next night and attempted to convince Mrs. Howlett to leave with them. Apparently, Thomas and Elizabeth Howlett had been engaged in an ongoing affair. When John Howlett interrupted their discussion, Thomas shot and killed his former employer. At the shock of seeing his father murdered, James manifested his latent mutant abilities, and bone claws jutted from the back of each hand. The beast within the boy unleashed at last, James attacked and killed Thomas, and slashed Dog’s face. Completely unhinged by the violence, Elizabeth took her own life.

James suffered a severe breakdown; his mutant abilities "healed" his mind as well as his body, blocking all memories of his last months at the Howlett estate. Because Rose and James were blamed for the deaths at the mansion, she spirited him away to a British Columbia mining colony. Rose gave James the name "Logan," so that his real identity would remain unknown.

The frail "Logan" grew into a strapping young man at the mine and became known for his strength and ferocity. He spent a great deal of time among the wolves in the nearby wilderness, discovering he had more in common with the wild beasts than his fellow man. Bullied incessantly, Logan acquired the nickname "Wolverine" thanks to his tenacity and refusal to back down from a challenge.

Logan’s happiness at the camp came to an end when Dog tracked him down. Finally remembering the night of his father’s death, Logan fought Dog savagely. During the struggle, Logan accidentally impaled Rose on his claws, killing her. Wracked by grief over the death of the woman he truly loved, he fled into the woods. Logan was not seen again for many years, but the legend of the man called Wolverine had begun.

The rest of Logan’s life is shrouded in mystery, peppered with half-truths and anecdotal reports of unconfirmed sightings. His healing factor seems to act against the effects of aging -- which would explain why, as a man of more than 120 years, he appears to be in his mid-30s.

In the latter half of the 20th century, the Canadian government subjected Logan to a bizarre battery of experiments intended to forge the ultimate killing machine. Weapon X scientists grafted the indestructible metal adamantium to Logan's skeleton and bone claws, and introduced memory implants that shaped his past to suit their ends. Combined with the earlier effects of his healing factor, these false memories have made it impossible for Logan to discern fact from fiction when recalling his former life. He now knows little of his past, save that it was fraught with pain and loss.

Wolverine was working as an operative for the Canadian government when he accepted Professor X’s offer to join the X-Men. Logan chose to stay on partly due to his belief in Xavier’s vision for the co-existence of humans and mutants, and partly because of his attraction to Jean Grey. During his time with the X-Men, Logan has worked to regain his lost memories, but virtually every answer leads him to even more new questions.

Although he would rarely admit it, Logan remains with the X-Men because he feels the team is the closest thing he has to a family in the world. Serving with the X-Men has given Logan what he had been missing for so long: a cause worth fighting for. Still somewhat uncontrollable and unpredictable in battle, and prone to an occasional berserker rage, Wolverine has proven to be a tremendous asset to the team; he continues to make his home in Xavier’s mansion. Beneath his brutish exterior, Wolverine will always be the scared, insecure boy who lashed out at the world all those years ago, doomed never to make peace with his troubled past.
Captain America
Captain America Steve Rogers

Fighting: Amazing
Agility: Incredible
Strength: Excellent
Endurance: Remarkable
Reason: Excellent
Intuition: Incredible
Psyche: Amazing

Health: 140
Karma: 110
Resources: Remarkable
Popularity: 100/6

Known Powers:
Leadership: Remarkable ability to inspire others to follow him or his cause
Regeneration: Typical

Shield: Captain America's Shield is made of CL1000 material. He can use it to block up to 90 damage from an attack, but he is still subject to stuns and slams. He can also throw it up to 3 areas for Remarkable damage and he can attack up to 3 people with a successfull Agility FEAT (Monstrous) or 5 with a yellow FEAT. By bouncing it of a number of hard surfaces he can make the shield return to him the next round.
Armor: Good vs. Edge & shooting, Typical vs. blunt attacks
Control: Good
Speed: Remakrable
Body: Typical
Control: Good
Speed: Excellent
Body: Remarkable
Protection: Excellent
contains first aid kits & computer terminal

Weapons Specialist: Shield, All Martial Arts, artist, Leadership, Military

Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thunderbolts, Redeemers

Steve Rogers, unable to enlist in the US army during WWII, was handpicked to be the test subject of a "super soldier formula." Although the experiment was a success, a Nazi spy killed the doctor behind the experiment. Rogers was given the identity of "Captain America," and served his country as a costumed hero while also enlisting in his civilian identity. Soon, he was teamed up with the young base mascot, Bucky, who joined Captain America in a similar costumed identity. Cap and Bucky fought many war criminals, especially the Nazi agent, the Red Skull, and even joined other heroes at the time, forming the Invaders, the Liberty Legion, and the All-Winners Squad. Cap went through many shields at the time, finally being given the indestructible one that has become his signature weapon. During a later battle, however, Cap and Bucky tried to stop the getaway plane of Baron Zemo, and Bucky was killed. Cap himself was thrown into the icy waters of the pacific, and entered a state of hibernation, frozen.

His frozen figure was being worshiped by native Inuit peoples of America and found by a rampaging Sub-Mariner, who threw the ice floe into the ocean, and it floated to the vicinity of New York harbor. He was revived by the formative group of heroes, the Avengers, and soon acclimated to our "future" and became one of their long-standing members, eventually leading them for a while, and soon found a new sidekick in Rick Jones and new government sanction. Rogers also created his secret identity, becoming an illustrator and later developing a romance with Bernie Rosenthal.

Captain America only left the Avengers when his own adventures warranted, but often returned and often in a leadership role. Earlier, he had used Rick Jones’ Teen Brigade to keep abreast of trouble, and once formed a nationwide phone hotline. He later dissolved his relationship with Jones, and formed new alliances with the Falcon, and a one-time successor to Bucky, now known as Nomad, but time and again returned to operating solo.

Later, his often-resurrected enemy, the Red Skull, resurrected himself in a cloned body of Rogers’, and earned a spot on a government agency, one in which demanded ownership over the identity and property of "Captain America." Electing to be a free agent, Rogers quit his role as Captain America, and instead created a similar identity, the Captain, complete with a similar shield provided by fellow Avenger, Tony Stark. The Captain took temporary leave of the Avengers, and reestablished allies of Falcon, Nomad, and soon, Demolition Man. Ultimately, Rogers was confronted by the Skull, who he soon defeated, and he was reinstated as Captain America when his replacement (now, USAgent) proved unsuitable. During this time, he would develop a relationship with ex-criminal Diamondback, although she later left him, not escaping her criminal past.

Later still, he would rejoin his Avengers, only to be a part of the Kree-Skrull war, in which several Avengers deserted him to kill the Supreme Intelligence. His faith in the Avengers’ ideals shaken, Rogers soon took another leave of absence of the team, but soon returned, and in time for their fight against the villain, Onslaught, in which he apparently died with other heroes in defeating his menance.

Captian America was soon returned to our reality with the rest of the heroes, emerging in Japan. Rogers continues to champion for his coountries ideals as our flag-clad champion.
Spiderman II
Spider-ManPeter Parker

Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Amazing
Strength: Incredible
Endurance: Incredible
Reason: Excellent
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Incredible

Health: 160
Karma: 70
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 30

Known Powers:
Wall-Crawling: Amazing
Combat Sense: Amazing, a "buzzing" in his head alerts Spider-Man of potential danger. Spider-Man cannot be blindsided, and he may make defensive actions if he makes a successful power FEAT. Intuition in combat is equal to this power rank. If the sense has been nullified his Intuition is as listed and all Agility FEATs are at -1CS.

Web-Shooters: In material strength web in the round it was fired. It hardens to Monstrous in the next round. This webbing is used for transportation (3 areas per round) and restraining opponents. He also can create the following:
Web Shield: Monstrous
Web Parachute
Web Hang Glider: Typical air speed.
Web Missiles: Excellent blunt damage at 3 areas.
Spider-Tracer: Attuned to his Spider Sense he can track these with Amazing ability up to 1 mile.
Spider-Light: Good illumination, spider-shaped.
Web Cannons: Large gun of Excellent material to spray web over one whole area.

chemistry, physics, photography
SupermanClark Kent, Kal-El

Fighting: Incredible
Agility: Monstrous
Strength: Unearthly
Endurance: Shift-Y
Reason: Remarkable
Intuition: Remarkable
Psyche: Amazing

Health: 415
Karma: 110
Resources: Good
Popularity: 100

Known Powers:
Kryptonian Physiology: Class 3000 Solar Absorption and Storage that provides Superman with the Agility, Strength, and Endurance Ranks listed under statistics. He also uses this energy to recover lost Endurance Ranks, though he does not have a Healing Factor. He may also direct this stored energy to enhance the following abilities:
Heat Emmision-Eyes: Superman can emit his body's stores of solar radiation through his eyes causing Unearthly Heat damage with a 10 area range.
Recovery: Superman's body continues absorbing solar radiation even after death. This energy may eventually return him to life making it virtually impossible to kill him.
Power Boost: Superman can direct his bodies energies into his Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. He can boost immediately to Shift-Y if he needs too.
This power gives him freedom over Earth's gravity and permits him to subconsciously direct his energies as to manifest themselves in the following ways:
Invulnerabilities: Superman has Cl1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation. His body's cells protect him internally as well so even his insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.
Body Resistance: Superman's dense Kryptonian body provides him with Unearthly protection from physical and Energy attacks.
True Flight: Superman is able to defy gravity and fly at Unearthly airspeeds in atmosphere whilst at CL3000 speed in space.
Hyper Speed: Superman is fast. He possesses hyperspeed at Amazing rank.
Hyper Breath: Amazing Cold within 1 area
Superhuman Senses: Superman heightened senses as below:
Enhanced Hearing: Unearthly
Microscopic Vision: Amazing
Telescopic Vision: Good
Penetration Vision-Xrays: Unearthly

Superman is vulnerable to Krytonite an irradiated ore from his home planet of Krypton. He is powered by a particular wavelength of light which happens to be rather abundant in our sun. Kryptonite either destroys or interrupts this because it's radiation is in a band which is similar to sunlight, but causes a different process to occur. In other words, the kryptonite radiation "chases out" the sunlight. There are different spectrums of Kryptonite and its effects on superman are as follows:
Green Kryptonite: causes his body's cells to deteriorate, similar to radiation poisoning in a human being. Exposure to Green Kryptonite causes Superman to lose all his powers at -1CS per round. He also loses 1 rank of Strength and Endurance (with its loss of Health) per round until death occurs at Shift-0 Endurance. Removal of the Green Kryptonite enables Superman's body to regain lost ranks at a rate of one per round.
Red Kryptonite: causes bizzare changes in Superman's body at a Unearthly rank. Changes in the past have included a beserk-madness rage and personal shrinking at a Incredible rank. It is up to the game judge to assign an effect at the time of the exposure to Red Kryptonite. These changes last for one day per round of exposure to the Red Kryptonite.
Gold kryptonite: Gold kryptonite robs kryptonians of all super abilities and powers and they then have the same stats of a normal human of the same height,weight and build.
Blue kryptonite: is toxic only to Bizarro creatures. Effects are similar to Green Kryptonite on Superman.
White kryptonite: is harmful only to plant life.
Jewel Kryptonite: are fragments from the jewel mountains of krypton. It allowed Jax-Ur and his cohorts from the Phantom Zone to concentrate and use their collective mental might focused through jewel kryptonite to send out an energy beam to detonate any explosive material.

Superman also has a vulnerability to magic attacks and the effects of magic. Magical attacks directly effect Superman ignoring any resistances or invulnerabilities. Further more any magical effect is increased +1CS in rank and duration against Superman.

Superman needs an Earth like atmosphere to breath in. His Endurance enables him to last for extended period without holding his breath, but in space he will eventually need a space suit. His greater constitution (Endurance) provides little need for sleep, however eventually he will tire and require rest.

Superman's powers are based on solar radiation from Earth's yellow sun. Should he be deprived of this radiation for an extended period he will loose all his powers.

Acrobatics, Wrestling, Martial Arts B, Martial Arts D (Kryptonian version of Tai-Chi), Computers, Electronics, Journalism, Detective/Espionage, Leadership, History: Human and Kryptonian, Linguistics: All Earth languages.

Batman, Daily Planet, Metropolis Police Department, White House, Justice League, United Nations and just about everyone else inbetween.

Rocketed to Earth in a birthing matrix, it's only inhabitant that would be Kal-El was the last son of Krypton. Kal was born when the Kents found him in an area nearby their farm in Kansas. Named Clark after his Mother's maiden name, the Kents were able to pass him off as their birth child because of a massive snowstorm that occurred almost directly after they found the child, that lasted through spring and cut off the farms from the outside world in their area. Clark grew up normally, he would have a loving family and go to school in the nearby town of Smallville, and wouldn't realize his unique situation until he was a bit older, when his alien physiology was affected by the rays of Earth's yellow sun.

Clark used his abilities to help others in secret for years during and after his time as a college student in Metropolis. He would travel the world for a time, but returned to Metropolis to begin his career of choice as a journalist for the Daily Planet, one of the most widely printed metropolitan newspapers, and an American institution. Shortly after his return to Metropolis Clark revealed his presence to the world when saving the crew of the experimental space plane Constitution. From that moment on Clark was linked with Lois Lane, an Army brat, and a reporter at the Daily Planet covering the space plane story, whose life Clark saved. Lois called the man who saved the plane "Superman," a title that has stuck to this day. After Clark scooped Lois on a Superman exclusive, they developed a competitive relationship that blossomed into romance as the years went by, and Lois and Clark would fall in love. Along the way, Clark, as Superman, has encountered more than his fair share of villains, from Brainiac, to Doomsday. The villain who gave Clark the most trouble of all is Lex Luthor, multi-billionaire and the owner of a great deal of Metropolis. He and Superman would conflict repeatedly, and would develop a rivalry of their own, each despising the other immensely.

Now, Clark and Lois are happily married in the real life city of tomorrow, Metropolis and have gone through a long way to get there. Lois and Clark went through Clark's apparent death at the hands of Doomsday, the appearance of four pretenders that took the mantle of Superman, and many more hardships on the way to their marriage. They did so with the help of their friends, Jimmy Olsen, a talented young man and friend of Clark and Lois that has been many things, but come full circle as the Daily Planet's photographer, Perry and Alice White, the Editor of the Daily Planet and his spouse who offer guidance and friendship to Lois and Clark, Ron Troupe and Lucy Lane, a reporter for the Planet and his new bride, who happens to be Lois' sister, as well as John Henry Irons , Superman's partner Steel and a brilliant scientist, Linda Danvers, a young woman that has become one with Supergirl, a close friend and confidant of Clark's, and Superboy, a clone made to take the place of Superman after he "died" who remains a protégé of sorts and a superhero in his own right. In Metropolis Clark fights for truth and justice still, while using his position as the Daily Planet's foreign correspondent to help fight injustice across the globe as Superman. He also faces possibly his greatest challenge yet, as Lex Luthor won the Presidency, and has Clark's longtime boyhood friend and former Senator Pete Ross as his Vice President.

Superman has actually been worshipped by some of his many admirers, but he is not a god. Though slow to anger, he does not suffer villains gladly. Superman is, at heart, a warm, compassionate, courageous man with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. He has devoted his life to the promotion of truth, justice, and the great ideals of the American way.
Sure Hands
BatmanBruce Wayne

Fighting: Amazing
Agility: Incredible
Strength: Good
Endurance: Remarkable
Reason: Incredible
Intuition: Incredible
Psyche: Incredible

Health: 130
Karma: 120
Resources: Monstrous
+50 as Batman
+10 as Bruce Wayne

Known Powers:
The following should not be considered a power as it falls more under the auspice of "Training".
Stealth: Excellent Equipment:
The Batman costume is made of Nomex fire-resistant material and lined with triple-weave Kevlar. His cape is also made of Nomex and triple-weave Kevlar, and its points are weighted for use as an offensive weapon (Excellent damage). The suit provides: Excellent Body Armor vs. physical attacks Good vs. energy attacks.

Batman's cowl is a Kevlar-lined helmet with aramid-fiber and exotic-metal threads. Built into the cowl in the forehead, between the eyes, and across the throat are trauma plates for extra protection, impact dissipation, and edged weapon attenuation. The suit is electronically cooled and contains:
Starlite nightvision lenses that collects & focuses ambient light, permitting normal vision in any are not completely devoid of light (Remarkable Ultra-vision),
A radio receiver/transceiver,
An audio processor with voice command equipment,
A field of view display projector
An inertial GPS system
The costume also has a taser built into hit, which delivers a Excellent, low-amperage electrical shock to anyone who comes into contact with it. This taser is good for one use before needing recharging.

Utility Belt:
Equipped with eight pockets of varying size. Failsafe in the belt will cause it to explode (Remarkable damage) and be completely destroyed should the buckle or pouches be opened incorrectly.
De-Cel Monofilament Jumpline: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods.
Launching Grappling Hook: Fires a hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target. Contains 200 ft. of de-cel cord (above).
Wall Penetrating Grappel: Fires diamond-bit piercing darts that can attach to up to Remarkable materials. Contains 200 ft. of thermoplastic line (Incredible strength, can support up to 600 lbs.).
Multifunction Binoculars: Magnifies up to 60 times. Equipped with infrared and limited ultraviolet imaging (-2 CS to darkness modifiers), as well as frame capture, stop-motion camera, and computer uplink. Can be handheld or attached to Batman's cowl by electrostatic clips.
Fingerlight: Small flashlight that clips onto one finger. Negates all modifiers from darkness. Can project white, red, or infrared light.
Nerveagent Rated Gas Mask: Contains pullout face protector that seals itself over the nose and mouth opening in Batman's cowl. Allows for normal operation when exposed to nuclear, chemical, and biological toxins, and all forms of nerve gas.
Conventional Gas Mask: Allows for freedom of operation under exposure to any airborne noncontact toxins. Normally always carried in magazines of six.
Rebreather: Provides oxygen for 2 hrs.

Pellet Grenades: Can be strung together with bungee-prima cord (below). Can be attached to surfaces with an internal contact cement reservoir or thrown for a 5-sec. delay. Remarkable EA damage, 12-ft. blast radius.
Concussion Grenades: Can be set for explosive or flash-bang detonation and for a delay of 3 sec. to 40 min. Can also be set off by radio remote. Remarkable EA damage, 12 ft. blast radius.
Bungee-Prima Cord: Ropelike explosive normally used to link larger charges. Must be set off by a separate charge. 6 ft. blast radius, Good EA damage.

Universal Tool: Used to aid in electronics work. Tip contains various Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, wrenches, lockpicking device, drill bits, and other implements. Inside the base are full lineman's kit, multiline analyzers, cellphone analyzers, and other electrical analysis gear. Can record and play back audio and video signals. Tool can be safely used as a hammer.

Aerosol Sprays:
Rapid Room-Filling Fogger: Fills an entire area with Remarkable intensity fog for 10 rounds. Single-use only.
Infrared Paint Marker: Contains 8 oz. of paint, virtually invisible unless looked at through infrared optics.
Foaming Explosive: Contains 8 oz., detonates when charged electrically. Incredible Edged Attack damage.
Electronic Device Freezer: Disables electronics for 10 min.
Quick-Acting Knockout: Renders targets unconscious for 3 hrs. and without memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure unless Incredible Endurance FEAT is made

Tracer Devices:
Burr: Just over an inch wide, attached by foil spring snags on each of its four corners. One-month battery life, 1,500-ft. range

Throwing: Less than an inch in diameter, 3-mile range.

Batcuffs: Based on police-issue Ty-Cuffs, these restraint devices are made of sapphire-impregnated nylon with a stranded metal cable center.Considered to have Remarkable material strength.

Folding Batarang: Good Blunt Throwing damage. Four may be folded and carried in a single belt pouch.
Close-Quarters Impact Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage, half standard throwing range.
Hard Impact Edge Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage.
Cutting Edge Batarang: Remarkable Edged Throwing damage.
Radio-Controlled Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage, can be radio-controlled by device on utility belt (+3 CS to accuracy FEATs).

Mini Computer: 3 1/2 by 4 1/2 in. in size. Operates as a standard personal computer in game terms. Equipped with fax modem, GPS system, and minidisk rewritable drive. Can be used to remote-control the Batmobile.

Knockout Gas: Remarkable intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or pass out for 2 hrs. and lose their memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure.
Regurgitive: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or become violently ill for 10 rounds.

Smoke: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2 CS to performing actions.
Tear Gas: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Must make Endurance FEAT or be unable to perform any action until one round after leaving the affected area or 15 minutes (10 minutes if outdoors or in a windy area), whichever comes first.

Crime Scene Investigation Kit: Contains sample bags, blood-drying bags, fingerprinting kit, odor-analyzing chromatograph, independent detachable video camera. Linked directly to Batman's uniform, the Batmobile, and the Batcave computer.

Taser: Delivers Amazing electrical jolts.

Subsonic Bat Call: Attracts all bats within a 10-mile radius.

Incidentals (normally always carried): Keys, money, lockpicks, first aid kit, mini-cellphone, antitoxin assortment, signal flares, wireless listening devices, small halogen flashlight.

The Batmobile
The current Batmobile uses one of Bruce Wayne's sportscars a a basis and then redesigning it completely. The body is an advanced plastic/polymer composite with Amazing damage resistant properties. The windows are all bulletproof, polarized one-way glass, and the mirrors, headlights, and taillights are all bulletproof. The tires are self-sealing (two turns to seal and re-inflate, five to replace completely). The Batmobile has an internal computer that allows for limited voice-activated controls. It also has an internal navigation system with global positioning system hookup, video and radio receivers/transceivers, scanner set to monitor police, fire, medical, and military emergency frequencies at all times, and a satellite hookup to the mainframe in the Batcave. Room for 1 passenger, 6 cubic feet of cargo capacity, Speed 162 mph.

The current Batmobile is a low slung two-seater sportscar roughly the size of a .1985 Corvette. The headlights, located in the hood, contain powerful lasers, useful for disabling getaway cars or for vaporizing the occasional road hazzard left by criminals. The body of the automobile and dual-bubble windscreen are coated with a unique bullet-proof ceramic. The exhaust sytem allows for smokescreen generation. A microwave-linked terminal allows Batman access to the Bat-Computer. The batmobile is also capable of off-road movement. Control Speed Body Protection
Remarkable Unearthly Remarkable Remarkable

Smokescreen: (from rear exhaust) of Excellent rank and intensity.
Laser-Beam Headlights: causes Remarkable damage at a 5 area range.
Portable-Lab (in trunk): Allows for Excellent rank chemical analysis.
On-board computer: Excellent infomation storage/analysis/retrieval with satellite linkup to Batcave mainframe .
Radio-Telephone: Excellent range, has direct link-up to Gotham City PD.
Ejection Seats: Allows for Remarkable rank leap.
Snow Tires: allows Remarkable rank traction in snow and ice.
May be self-sealed (security mode) with bands of steel-alloy and wheel-sheaths allowing Amazing rank protection from outside forces.
Self-sealing/inflating tires: two rounds to seal and reinflate in case of a blowout
Limited voice-controlled driving either while in car or via remote
GPS system (+2CS to Navigation)
Bulletproof windows, headlights, taillights, and mirrors
Multi-band scanner
Audio and video transceivers

The Batwing
The current Bat-Wing is the latest in a long line of planes. This one is a customized F-4 Phantom that has VTOL capabilities. It is capable of vertical take off and landing and silent running. In addition to its two man crew, the Bat-Wing can carry 25,000 pounds of ordinance on it's wing pylons. The Bat-wing is armed with various weapondry, making it one of the most formidiable aircraft in the skies. An on-board terminal access the BatComputer via microwave link. Control Speed Body Protection
Remarkable Incredible Remarkable Excellent

Abilities: Missiles- 10 missles (Sin each wing), 20 area range, Incredible explosive damage. Wing-Mounted Machine Guns- 15 area range, causes Remarkable damage.

The Batboat
The Batboat, amodified two seat hydrofoil, is one of the world's fastest small warships, capable of speeds over 100 MPH. Its radar/sonar sytem is state-of-the-art.lt is coated with the same bulletproof ceramic that protects the Batmobile. It also shares the microwave link with the BatComputer. Control


Abilities: Bat-Torpedos: 10 area range, Remarkable rank sonar/radar tracking, Incredible explosive damage. Radar/Sonar: Remarkable rank and range. Ejection Seat: allows a Remarkable rank leap.
The Batboat also has full scuba and underwater gear onboard.

The Batcycle
A modified heavy-duty motorcycle capable of high speeds. It also has a microwave link to the BatComputer. Batman sometimes uses this silent-running bike in his missions. Control


Abilities: Snow Tires- alows Remarkable rank traction in snow and ice.
Batman also wears a helmet when riding this cycle that lessens the damage from impacts by -1CS.

Martial Arts A,B,C,D,E, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Detective(+3CS), Disquise/Actor, Resist Domination, Marksman, Weaponsmaster, Weapon Specialist: Batweapons, Computers, Forensics, Psychology, Kit bashing, Pilot: Helicopters to Jet Fighters, Horsemanship, Escape Artist, Leadership, Tracking, Medicine, First-Aid, Law, Law-Enforcement, Criminology, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Computer Engineer, Electronics, Languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Filipino, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, German, Latin, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, French, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese

Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon (Oracle), Gotham City P.D./Prison/University, Richard Grayson, Tim Drake, The Justice League of America, Azreal, Arkham Asylum
History:Gotham City was founded in 1635 by a Swedish mercenary Captain Jon Logerquist with a hand full of colonists that fled the religious wars that were ravaging Europe. The original settlement was named Fort Adolphus after a famous general. Later the fort was ceded to the British (who renamed it Gotham City) and during the revolutionary war as many Tories as Rebels lived there.

During 1779 a rebel raid on the Gotham Armoury was saved from a British ambush by merchant Darius Wayne. He was initially captured, and was sentenced to hang until Rebel forces took the city. As a reward he was given a large parcel on land in the Bristol area which is the present site of Wayne Manor. In the years that followed Gotham grew as a major industrial centre making it the leading financial centre in North America by the turn of the century.

With the invention of the automobile Gotham began to decline as trade moved away from it's railroads and ports. The Great Depression further hit the once great city forcing it into a slide behind such cities as New York and Metropolis. This environment began a slide of corruption and crime that slowly began to over take the citizens of Gotham. Crimelords began to move in and take over the city. This tide was held back for a time by such people as first Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Black Canary I and the brutal Reaper.

Once prosperous areas fell into decline and the slum of Crime Ally was created. Corruption reached to the highest levels of the police force with Commissioner Loeb. The entire city was in a state of decay, with no hope or future out of the cycle of unending crime.

Young Bruce Wayne was the only son of prominent Gotham City doctor Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne. Two events in his childhood forever scared the future of Bruce. The first was when he accidentally fell through a hole in the grounds of his ancestral home Wayne Manor and found himself in a cave system that ran under the house full of bats. For years afterwards Bruce would catch sight of one particularly large bat over and over again.

The second and most tragic event happened just after the family had left a showing of the classic film "The Mark of Zorro" at the cinema and was walking back to their home. They were confronted by a mugger who demanded that they handed over their valuables. Thomas Wayne put up a struggle and in the process he and his wife was shot dead. The mugger ran off leaving the shocked Bruce alone with the bodies of his dead parents. First on the scene was physician Leslie Thompkins who sought to look after Bruce.

Thomas's brother Phil Wayne was named Bruce's guardian and with the help of Thompkins and the family butler Alfred Pennyworth they raised him as best they could. For days after the funeral Bruce was unsettled, it came to a head one night when he ran to his parents grave and swore his vengeance on the criminal world. On that night Bruce Wayne died and the Batman was born.

Bruce put his utmost into his school work and upon graduation he left the US to travel the world learning from the brightest and the best in each field of speciality. He also travelled to remote schools on the far east and studied for years under the masters of the various martial arts. Upon returning to the United States, he set out on a fact finding mission into the depraved parts of Gotham's seedier districts to see how the criminal element had evolved. While there he became involved in a street brawl where he was seriously injured. He managed to make his way back to Wayne Manor and slumped in his study slowly bleeding he considered the situation. He was injured because the local criminals would not fear him as plain common man on the street, yet his father always maintained that criminals were a superstitious and cowardly lot. He needed to make them fear but how?

It was then at that instance that the large bat that had frightened him years ago flew in through the window, through his weakened state from the bleeding the answer was obvious. "Yes father. I shall become a bat!" It was then that the true idea of the Batman formed in Bruce's mind.

With the help of Alfred, Bruce dynamited a path from the house down to the massive caverns beneath, from there he began planning and designing the weaponry and costume that would give him the edge against the criminals and would instil terror upon sight. Before long GCPD began to receive reports of a large bat shaped creature attacking and harrying the local hoods and criminals. The corrupt police force at that time sought to hunt down the Batman but one lone lieutenant by the name of James Gordon who was one of the few straight cops began a long running professional relationship with the Batman that would lead to the down fall of the corrupt police commissioner and Gordon advancing to the rank of Captain.

Rapidly Batman started to grow more professional and competent, he became the focus of the fight against crime in Gotham and acted as a catalyst for the emergence of a string of similar vigilantes across the US such as the second Black Canary, that took their lead from the human figure in the night rather than the superhuman figure of Superman. Always operating on the edge of the law and inside of it when possible it was not long before Batman clashed intellects with the figure that would become his arch enemy and one of the most deadly criminals in the world - the Joker. Also about this time Batman started to run into the mysterious Catwoman, while there was an attraction between them neither would admit to it and remained on opposite sides of the law.

In the second year of his career Batman faced the Reaper who had returned to Gotham City and sought to kill criminals whereas the Batman would seek to hand them over to the police. The following year proved to be a turning point in the Batman's career when he teamed up with the orphaned circus acrobat Dick Grayson who became the first Robin and the sidekick of Batman.

The next couple of years after the first appearance of Robin were a dramatic change of direction for the Batman who had previously spent most of his time fighting normal criminals but now he faced an entire pantheon of sociopathic criminals such as the Penguin, Riddler, the Scarecrow and the femme fatale Poison Ivy. Shortly after Dick Grayson left for collage (and began spending more time with the Teen Titans) Batman transferred his operation temporally to a penthouse in the city above the Wayne Foundation headquarters, it was during this time that Batman would first encounter Talia daughter of Ra's Al-Ghul a six hundred year old criminal mastermind who sought to rid the natural world of the infestation of mankind. There is a definitive romantic element between Bruce and Talia but she is so devoted to her father then nothing ever becomes of it. Ra's and Batman respect each other and Ra's has even asked Batman to join him, but Bruce's dedication to the law has meant that he has at times had to thwart Ra's' plans despite working with him against common enemies at other times.

The pairing of Batman and Robin was occasionally helped by a growing circle of other heroes that Batman tolerated/recognised such as Batgirl (Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon) and the Outsiders, a superhero team that Batman was instrumental in creating. Shortly afterwards Batman and Robin split over a philosophical dispute (the criminals were getting more dangerous and Batman did not want to endanger Robin anymore than he had to). Robin changed his identity to Nightwing and returned to his position as leader of the Titans.

The Batman for a time operated with a second Robin, a young street kid by the name of Jason Todd whose father had been killed by Two Face, a fact that Batman kept from him for a period of time. Todd was more rebellious than Grayson and had a lot of misdirected anger than Bruce tried to channel into crimefighting. It reached the point where Todd was grounded by Wayne rather than let this hothead loose in the deadly world of Gotham City. Shortly afterwards Todd was murdered by the Joker while looking for his natural mother (who was also murdered at the same time) he never knew he had.

The loss of Todd turned the Batman into a darker figure than ever, he dived into his work returning to the solitary figure that he was before he teamed up with a sidekick. During this period the Batman developed a second wave of enemies such as the Ventriloquist and Kadver, he also took in a tragic figure called Harold once the armour for the Penguin he now works in the Batcave designing and up keeping much of the Batman's weaponry. The dark drive of the Batman was noticed by young Tim Drake, a boy that had actually managed to work out Batman's secret identity via close observation of the gymnastic abilities of Robin I (Tim had been watching the circus the day that Dick's parents were murdered). Tim set out to try and convince Dick that he should return to being Robin because Batman needed a stablising presence, someone for him to watch out for. In the process Tim accidentally became the third Robin.

Refusing to make previous mistakes the Batman insisted that Tim train with the same people that taught himself, Tim also studied under some that Batman had never encountered. The result was the third Robin who is much nearer Batman's own abilities than that of the second and perhaps even the first.

Batman faced the toughest moment of his career when already pushed to the limit by a mass breakout of Arkham Asylum and then had to face the massively powerful Bane who broke Bruce's back. While Bruce recovered from his injuries Azrael took over the mantel of the Batman however his mental conditioning started to kick in and made him more and more unstable to the point where he was on the edge of executing criminals. It was at this stage the Bruce managed to take back the mantel by taking down Azrael.

Now back as Batman full time Bruce has started to date radio personality Vesper Fairchild. As the Batman he has also started working with more heroes again developing quite a circle of vigilantes in and around Gotham including Robin III, the Huntress II, Nightwing, Azrael II, sometimes the Catwoman and Oracle (the former Batgirl). The Batman also serves as an adviser and occasional active member of the new JLA.
Black Orc Blocker
ThingBenjamin Grimm

Fighting: Incredible
Agility: Good
Strength: Monstrous
Endurance: Monstrous
Reason: Good
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Remarkable

Health: 200
Karma: 50
Resources: Good
Popularity: 0

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Incredible protection vs physical and energy damage
Resistance to Fire: Incredible
Protected Senses: Remarkable protection vs. sonics

Pilot, Martial Arts B, Wrestling


Ben Grimm, former war veteran, met Reed Richards in college, and when Reed began his work on an experimental rocket ship, Ben offered his services as a pilot. When Reed actually was ready to launch, however, Ben had second thoughts, and only decided to go ahead with it when Reed's fiancee, Sue Storm, convinced him. So Ben, Reed, Susan, and her brother Johnny, took the rocket into space, where the radiation shielding proved faulty. All four were hit by intense cosmic radiation, and the ship crashed back down to Earth, where the four discovered they had all gained superhuman powers. Ben was partially crushed, mentally, with his transformation into what he regarded as a monster, but he joined the others in vowing to protect mankind. He's joined them on innumerable adventures across the entire known Multiverse (and many unknown aspects of it as well), including the Negative Zone, the Skrull Galaxy, and the underwater city of Atlantis here on Earth. During this time, he developed a relationship with Alicia Masters.

He has left the Fantastic Four temporarily at times for a variety of reasons, and has always been searching for a way to become human again, even succeeding for short periods of time, such as after the battle known as the Secret Wars, which left Ben on the "Battleworld" for a time before returning to Earth. It was then Ben met Marvel Boy (now Justice) and the UCWF and the West Coast branch of Avengers. After returing to the FF, Ben eventually led the team when Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman left, and his relationship with Ms. Marvel began amid mutations to his rocky hide.

Eventually, he and the FF returned to "normal," but during Reed Richard's presumed death, Ben's vulnerability was shown when his face was slashed to pieces by Wolverine's adamantium claws, then battered by a number of supervillains. It only healed completely when the mad and apparently god-like villain Hyperstorm simply erased the damage as a show of power.

However, this soon became a moot point, as Ben, along with the other members of the Fantastic Four and others apparently sacrificed themselves fighting Onslaught and were shunted into a parallel dimension known as the FranklinVerse, created by Ben's "nephew", Franklin Richards, where a slightly altered Ben Grimm worked alongside the Fantastic Four of that reality.
Black Orc Blocker
Hulk Dr. Robert Bruce Banner

Fighting: Incredible
Agility: Good
Strength: Unearthly
Endurance: Unearthly
Reason: Poor
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Remarkable

Health: 240
Karma: 40
Resources: Feeble
Popularity: 0

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Monstrous
Invulnerable to Cold, Heat, Fire, Radiation & Disease
Regeneration: Monstrous
Hyper-Leaping: CL5000, 40 areas
Astral Detection: Unearthly
Adrenaline Surge: The listed abilites and Health scores are for the Hulk under "normal" circumstances. The Hulk's Fighting and Strength may be raised +1CS to a maximum of Shift-Z to hit and damage under special cirumstances. Every round the Hulk is in combat with the same opponents, he receives this shift. If the opponent or opponents are defeated, the Hulks abilites and Health scores return to normal in the next round.
Special Detection: For some unknown reason, the Hulk is able to locate the place he was "born"- Desert Base, New Mexico- with Cl3000 ability
Alter Ego: He turns into the Hulk when he gets mad. As Bruce Banner he has none of the powers above:
Fighting: Typical
Agility: Good
Strength: Typical
Endurance: Excellent
Reason: Remarkable
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Good
Health: 42
Karma: 60

Banner Only: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Physics


As a child he was abused by his dad and he killed his dad when he was a teenager. After colleage he became an accomplished scientist and nuclear physicist. He was working on Gamma Bomb for the US goverment, when Rick Jones was on the testing site for the bomb. Bruce got Jones out of the way, but he himself got bombarded with gamma rays and turned into the Hulk, as a product of Banner's split personality. (At first, such changes occured with with the sunset, reverting at dawn. Later, Banner would change with the adreniline rush of excitement or anger.)

For years, Banner lived as a fugitive, with the American governement hunting the Hulk. At times, Banner was able to control his Hulk persona with a degree of his own intelligence, but more often than not the child-like Hulk lashed out. Over time, three distinct personalities emerged: the Gray (self-assured and cocky) Hulk, the Intellagent (Banner-driven) Hulk, and the Savage (child-like, irrational, and angry) Hulk. Eventually, the world soon knew Banner's secret identity.

At one point, the Savage Hulk found himself in a sub-atomic world ruled by the princess Jarella. They fell in love, and both returned to Earth, although Jarella sacrificed herself to save a child.

Later, Doc Samson was able to physically seperate the Hulk from Banner, creating two seperate beings. During this time, Banner became the leader of the government's Hulkbuster taskforce to hunt the Hulk, and he even married long-time girlfriend Betty Ross. However, a continued seperation was killing both beings, and Banner and the Hulk soon merged again, re-creating the Grey Hulk, with old pattern of night-time hulking-out. As the Grey Hulk, he adopted the identiy of "Mr. Fixit" as a bouncer for a Las Vegas casino.

Later, after extensive therapy with the combined talents of Doc Samson and the Ringmaster, the Hulk merged the three different personalities within him. Soon after, he was contacted to join the Pantheon and served a long stint with them.

The Hulk was severely injured by the being known as Onslaught, physically seperating Banner from the Hulk body once again. Banner was then shunted to another demension, leaving Hulk in this world slowly dying.
Black Orc Blocker
Juggernaut Cain Marko

Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Poor
Strength: Unearthly
Endurance: Unearthly
Reason: Typical
Intuition: Poor
Psyche: Good

Health: 234
Karma: 20
Resources: Typical
Popularity: -30

Known Powers:
Invulnerability: The Juggernaut has body armor that gives Unearthly protection and a Cl3000 force field covering his entire body that protects against physical and energy attacks, radiation, toxins, corrosives, cold, heat, and gases. It provides Monstrous protection vs. magical attacks but none against psionic attacks. Juggernaut wears an Unearthly material helmet and skullcap of mystic material, these provide Unearthly protection against psionic attacks.
Self Sustenance: No need to eat, breathe or drink and he is unaffected by disease.
Regeneration: Juggernaut can recover 100 points of health but only in a round he is not injured again.
Movement: Juggernaut can move 2 areas/round and he should be treated as CL1000 material to be stopped. He pays no attention to force field or objects of less than Incredible strength. Those of greater force will slow him down to 1 area/round.


Cain Marko is the son of Dr. Kurt Marko, an atomic researcher, but was sent to boarding school when his parents seperated. When his father married the widow of his fellow researched, Dr. Brian Xavier, Cain came to live with his new family at Sharon Xavier's family mansion. Cain was often abused by his father, and took out his frustrations on his new stepbrother, Charles (later, Professor X). At one point, Charles' burgeoning mutant powers of telepathy allowed him to read Cain's mind, an act which Cain took personally and never forgave him. Later, Cain had an argument with his father, which resulted in a laboratory accident which ultimately killed his father.

Joining the military, Cain eventually became a mercenary. At one point, when helping revolutionaries of a third-world country, Cain was jailed and met fellow mercenary Black Tom Cassidy. Cassidy used his mutant powers to help them both escape.

Later, Cain and Charles were serving in the same American military unit in Asia, when Cain went AWOL after an attack. Charles followed Cain, who had found refuge in a lost mystic temple. Cain grabbed a glowing ruby and was transformed to a superhuman degree, calling himself the " Juggernaut" as part of the inscription from the temple. Almost immediately, an enemy bombardment destroyed the temple, although Charles managed to escape. Finally emerging from the tons of rubble, Cain tracked down Charles who had returned to America to form his original team of mutants, the X-men, although he was defeated by them.

As Juggernaut, Cain has returned to menance Charles and his X-men over the years. He also formed a successful partnership with Black Tom Cassidy. Juggernaut has also clashed with many heroes, including Spider-Man, X-force, Thor, and the New Warriors.

Cain has recently learned that the temple he found was but one of eight such temples, each dedicated to a different mystical entity in order to serve their dark purposes. Although Juggernaut was "activated" early due to its mystical protection being compromised, the other "Exemplars" were recently created and bade Juggernaut to join them in destroying the world. Juggernaut clashed with his own entity, Cyttorak, claiming his independance of the god, and was successful in spurning his influence and helping assorted heroes defeat the remaining Exemplars.

Black Orc Blocker
Fighting: Unearthly
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Unearthly
Endurance: Unearthly
Reason: Good
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Amazing

Health: 330
Karma: 50
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: 75

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: As one of the most powerful Asgardian gods Thor's resistance to injury is greater than the majority Asgardians. Thor has Amazing protection from physical and energy attacks.
Resistances: Thor has Unearthly Resistance to fire, cold, radiation, toxins and aging.
Invulnerablity: Thor has CL1000 Resistance to Disease.
Illusion: Thor can detect Illusions with Remarkable ability.
Warrior's Madness: Thor can enter a berserk state that raises his strength up to Shift-X for 1-10 rounds. At the end the Warrior's Madness he must make an Yellow Endurance FEAT or pass out for 5-20 rounds. Thor's strength level drops to Monstrous for 3 days afterward, regardless. Should Thor use other strength enhancements, the bonuses are cumulative. This means wearing the Belt of Strength his strength would increase to Shift-Y and damage from Mijolnir would be Shift-Z.

Unique Weapon:
War hammer-"Mjolnir", CL3000 Uru metal, following powers:
Thor may inflict up to Shift-X Blunt damage with Mijolnir
Thor may throw the hammer up to 10 areas away with the hammer returning the following round.
Thor may fly up to CL1000 speeds space and Shift-Z maximum in atmosphere
By spinning the hammer, Thor may use it as a shield of Un strength.
Weather and Air Control: Shift-Y rank. Thor has all associated power stunts and can shoot lightning bolts from Mjolnir without summoning a storm.
Dimensional Travel: By spinning the hammer, Thor may move into adjacent dimensions with Un ability.
Magic Detection: Unearthly ability.
Light Blast: Unearthly intensity
Absorption: The hammer can absorb blasts of up to CL1000 intensity which must be redirected the following round, in any direction.
Mystical Energy Blasts: Mijolner can fire draining blasts of mystical energy (on the force or energy column) with Unearthly ability, capable of slaying Asgardian gods. Thor refers to this energy blast as the Anti-Force.
Life Support: While in space, the hammer provides Thor with Shift-Z Life Support allowing him to breath freely. Thor can naturally go long periods without food or water but must still breath and sleep(with the hammer).
Only one who is worthy may lift Mijolnir. The wielder (other than Thor) must have 1000+ Karma, Remarkable Strength and positive Popularity. A non-living object must have at least RM Strength to lift Mjolnir.
Unfettered Might: Thor has developed a particularly deadly power stunt with Mjolnir which he seldom uses on mortal opponents. This is a Thrown Attack, with a "wind up" that increases dmg. from Shift-X to Shift-Y, and surrounds the hammer with a blazing blue energy-aura (use the Throwing Edged column for this attack). The friction-generated heat of the "wind up" is so immense that it causes Unearthly damage on Thor himself if he is not wearing his Gauntlets (see below). If Thor is wearing his Belt of Strength, while performing this power, dmg. is increased to Shift-Z. Thor is reluctant to use this power on mortal opponents, and as such looses half of his Karma every time he does so. Against rampaging foes of great power (such as Surtur, Fafnir, ect.) he does not suffer this penalty (they must be stopped at all costs). Thor may also attempt this as a melee Edged Attack (not throwing it), but is restricted to only one attack that round.
Dimensional Rift: By focusing all of Mjolnir's energies, Thor can create a rift in the fabric of the universe, breaking the barriers between dimensions. Anyone or anything caught nearby will be forces into the rift by a Shift-Z (CL1000 if wearing his Belt of Strength) energy backlash. Thor can determine into which dimension the victims arrive in. This power costs Thor all of his remaining Karma points.

Belt of Strength: When wearing the enchanted belt, Thor's strength is increased +1CS. This increase conveys a +1CS on the damage he can cause with Mijolner. Thor's strength and Endurance is reduced by -3CS for one week after removing the belt.

Gauntlets of Might: CL1000, Shift-Y protection vs. contact powers

Asgardian Armor: Thor sometimes wears a suit of mystical armor wich provides him with Sh-X protection from physical and energy attacks.

Thor is a Weapons Specialist(+2CS) with Mjolnir. He is also skilled with Bows, Blunt and Sharp Weapons(+1CS) and is a master in the art of Wrestling. In mortal forms has exstensive knowledge of Medicine. As an Asgardian god, Thor has extensive knowledge of Occult Lore, Asgardian Lore and Mythological Lore. Thor also has the Leadership skill though has never been extremely comfortable with that roll.

Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men

Thor is at least 2,000 years old. He is the son of the Skyfather of the Asgardians, Odin, and an Elder Goddess, Gaea, though she is known to Odin and Thor as Jord. Because he is a union of Asgard and Earth, he has powers far beyond the natural abilities of other Asgardians.

When Thor was eight, he was sent by his father to Nidavellir, the land of the dwarves, so that he could have a special weapon forged. This weapon was Mjolnir, which would one day become Thor's, but only after he had performed a number of good deeds. It was during the next ten years that Thor would strive to become worthy of the hammer, often foiling the plots of his foster-brother, Loki. Thor considers this one of the happiest periods of his life.

When Thor was eighteen, Thor finally earned the right to wield Mjolnir, when the young goddess Sif was captured by Storm Giants. Thor grabbed Mjolni and rushed to the Storm Giants' fortress. There he learned that the Storm Giant King had given Sif to Hela, in return for immortality. Thor rushed to rescue Sif, and volunteered to give up his own life for Sif's. Hela was so impressed by his selflessness, that she chose to release Thor and Sif.

Thor quickly rose in rank in Odin's army, and came to lead thousands of warriors. His prowess in battle led him to become overconfident and arrogant.

During the age of Vikings, Thor was placed in mortal form by Odin, where he Thor was known as Siegmund, and later Siegfreid. The legends of these heroes from Norse mythology were in fact based on Thor's exploits.

Thor actively sought the worship of the Vikings, until he learned of the atrocities some of his more fanatical followers committed in his name. It was then that Thor allowed the worship of his race to die out.

In recent times, Odin learned that if Thor was not kept safe from harm for several years he would die. This would cause Ragnarok, the end of the world, to have a worse outcome than had been foretold, and no new race of gods would rise from the ashes.

Odin chose to place Thor in the mortal form of Dr. Donald Blake, so that he would be safe, and he would also learn some measure of humility. This strategem was successful, but has caused Thor to become very attached to Earth, because of the love he developed for Jane Foster during this time. Odin disapproved of this, and erased Foster's memories. Thor eventually dropped the Blake identity.

Next Thor took on the identity of Sigurd Jarlson, but this identity was short lived.

Thor was later merged with the mortal Eric Masterson, to save Masterson's life. When Thor was banished for killing Loki, Masterson took over the heroic identity of Thor.

After a short time in banishment, and living merely as Thor, with no mortal identity, Thor was merged with the dead mortal Jake Olson, by Marnot, the third raven of Odin, given human form.

Much of the Thor revamp work is supplied by Solidsnake and tweaked by Ramon Ortega and myself
Wonder WomanDiana Prince

Fighting: Unearthly
Agility: Incredible
Strength: Unearthly
Endurance: Monstrous
Reason: Good
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Incredible

Health: 315
Karma: 70
Resources: Good
Popularity: 40

Known Powers:
True Invulnerability: Diana's heritage offers her Excellent protection against any form of attack or damage.
Hyper Running: Excellent
Enhanced Senses: Excellent level sight, hearing, taste and smell.
Animal Empathy: She has a special rapport with animals and is able to calm and befriend them with Good ability..
True Flight: Amazing

Lasso of Truth: Cl1000 material, Monstrous entanglement, if capture, victim must make a Red Psyche FEAT vs. Amazing Mind Probe. The Golden Lasso of Truth made out of an indestructible metal taken from Gaea's girdle. It is 150 feet long and it's controlled telekinetically.
Bracelets: Diana's bracelets were forged by Haephestus and created from Zeus' aegis, an impenetrable shield from the primordial goat-goddess Amaltheia. It was this goddess who wet-nursed Zeus and provided the binding energy which created Mount Olympus. Diana can use her bracelets to deflect up to 90 points of damage by thrown weapons or bullets
Gauntlet of Atlas: This mighty artifact has the power to increase Diana's strength to Shift-Y
Sandals of Hermes: Wonder Woman gains Excellent airspeed by using these sandals.
Tiara: The tiara is golden and has a star engraved on its front. Not evident, but the tiara has other uses than being an ornament; it can also be used as a razor-sharp throwing weapon. Made from Unearthly material capable of inflicting Incredible damage. The tiara also acts as a boomerang.

Due to Wonder Woman's origin her powers are tied to the Earth. Consequently, a prolonged time in space starts to diminish her powers. This loss of power affects her strength, invulnerability and Endurance by -1CS per day. As long as Diana remains within the life-giving Gaea-sphere around the Earth, everything is ok. Diana seems also to retain her powers on the godly plane of Olympus.

Leadership, All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Pilot, Weapons Master, Marksman, Weapon Specialist: Lasso of Truth and Tiara, First Aid, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Wrestling, Occult Lore, History: Roman and Greek, Psychology, Medicine, Horsemanship, Swimming, Languages Greek, Latin

Themyscira, Hippolyta, Artemis, Troia, Wonder Girl, Helena Sandsmark

Wonder Woman is the child of the Amazon warrior Hippolyta. When the Amazons decided to send a representative into patriarch's world, they held a contest which Diana won while in disguise. Wearing the same uniform that her mother wore years before (Hippolyta was a member of the JSA), Diana joined the Justice League of America as Wonder Woman.

Recently, Diana was somehow killed and resurrected by Zeus, king of the Greek gods. Diana gave up her godhood to become mortal once again. Even mortal, Wonder Woman is second only to Superman in power. Where Superman is the ultimate powerhouse, Wonder Woman combines physical strength with weapons knowledge. Wonder Woman is a warrior and has a warrior's heart. Few people could stand up to her in battle and few would want to.


Fighting: Incredible
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Remarkable
Endurance: Remarkable
Reason: Good
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Good

Health: 130
Karma: 40
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 0

Known Powers:
Immunity to Vampires: The bite of a vampire is unable to turn Blade into a vampire. Nor can he be controlled by vampiric powers.
Berserker: Blade may enter a berserker rage. When he does so his vampiric half takes over. He may ignore stuns and gain Unearthly resistance to mind control. A yellow psyche FEAT roll is required to come out of it.
Vampire Bite: Blade's canine teeth enlarge so that he can deliver a "vampire bite". This bite inflicted Typical edged damage per turn.
Enhanced Senses:
Smell: Excellent
Hearing: Remarkable
Tracking: Blade has spent much time in the pursuit of tracking individuals. He may track with Excellent ability. He is also finely tuned to vamipires and the occult. He gains a +2CS when tracking these.

Broadsword: Unearthly Material strength. Excellent edged damage
Knives: Typical edged damage
Samurai Sword: Incrdible edged damage
Double-Barrelled Gun: Fires wooden stakes capable of inflicting Remarkable damage
Wood daggers: Excellent edged damage
Also carries an assortment of various other sharp weapons.

Occult Lore, Vampire Lore, Sharp Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Marksmanship, Martial Arts A, B and E

Midnight Sons, Dr.Strange, Nightstalkers

Blade has perhaps the most bizarre origin of all of the vampire hunters. During his labor, Blade's mother was undergoing complications and her friends summoned a doctor of dubious background. The doctor turned out to be the white-haired vampire known as Deacon Frost. He feasted on Blade's mother right before Blade's birth which resulted in Blade being immune to vampire bites. As a result of Frost's attack, Blade's mother died but not before she gave birth to Blade. Blade was raised by his mother's work associates until he was 9 years old. At age 9, Blade helped save the life of vampire hunter Jamal Afari, a musician who took Blade in and raised him as his son. Afari trained Blade as a vampire hunter as well as a trumpet player until Dracula turned Afari. Blade was forced to kill Afari and swore revenge on Dracula.

As a result of the deaths of his mother and foster father, Blade traveled the world to revenge himself against Dracula and Deacon Frost. Blade traveled the world , his path crossing with many other vampires, including Dracula, including one incident in which Blade and four of his friends lured Dracula into a deathtrap. Unfortunately, some of Dracula's minions soon revived Dracula and the vampire lord murdered most of Blade's vampire hunting friends.

Over time, Blade met up with Quincy Harker and his band of vampire hunters. At first their relationship was troubled at best, as Blade felt that Harker and his band were somewhat soft. Nonetheless, Blade found himself allied with Harker at times as his search for Deacon Frost often was sidetracked by his battles with Dracula.

After the death of Quincy Harker's daughter Edith at the hands of Dracula, Blade helped Harker hunt down Dracula and succeeded in killing the vampire lord. Unfortunately, Dracula's minions rescued his corpse and the vampire lord was eventually revived.

Blade's search for Deacon Frost led to Blade teaming up with the vampire detective Hannibal King. King was a former detective who had been turned into a vampire by Deacon Frost and he too had a vendetta against Frost. Blade very reluctantly teamed with King, and at times, it seemed as if Blade might try to kill King. However, their partnership grew stronger as the hunt continued and over time, Blade began to respect King, especially after King saved Blade from becoming one of Deacon Frost's magically created vampires. Eventually, the two finally found Frost and confronted him. Frost died in an explosion during the confrontation and Blade could finally rest, knowing that his mother had been avenged. After Frost's death, Blade and King went their separate ways, but they parted as friends.

After his battle with Frost, Blade's future seemed uncertain, his entire life had been devoted to killing Frost, now what would he do? As he pondered his future, Blade occassionly teamed with Harker and his band and from time to time, found himself embroiled in battles with vampires besides Dracula.

Blade was probably the most dangerous threat to Dracula with the possible exception of Quincy Harker. He possessed a fierce fighting style which helped compensate for Dracula's tremendous strength. and was highly skilled with his wooden knives.
Right Stuff
RobinTim Drake

Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Typical
Endurance: Excellent
Reason: Good
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Excellent

Health: 86
Karma: 50
Resources: Typical
Popularity: 25

Known Powers:
The following should not be considered a power as it falls more under the auspice of "Training".
Stealth: Typical

Weapons: Robin's weapon of choice is a collapseable staff with which he can do Excellent damage. Robin can use his staff to deflect arrows and thrown weapons such as shurikens. This action requires a successful Agility FEAT roll.

Uniform: Excellent Body Armor vs. physical attacks, Good vs. energy attacks. Contains nightvision lenses providing Remarkable Infravision, voice-command audio processor, radio transceiver, inertial GPS system, and field-of-view display projector.

Utility Belt:
Equipped with pockets of varying size. Failsafe in the belt will cause it to explode (Remarkable damage) and be completely destroyed should the buckle or pouches be opened incorrectly.
De-Cel Monofilament Jump Line: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods.
Launching Grappling Hook: Fires a hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target. Contains 200 ft. of de-cel cord (above).
Wall Penetrating Grappel: Fires diamond-bit piercing darts that can attach to up to Remarkable materials. Contains 200 ft. of thermoplastic line (Incredible strength, can support up to 600 lbs.).
Conventional Gas Mask: Allows for freedom of operation under exposure to any airborne noncontact toxins.
Rebreather: Provides oxygen for 2 hrs.
Smoke Capsules: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2 CS to performing actions.
Crime Scene Kit: Contains sample bags, blood-drying bags, fingerprinting kit, odor-analyzing chromatograph, independent detachable video camera. Linked directly to Robin's uniform, the Batmobile, and the Batcave computer.

Detective/Espionage, Martial Arts B,C,E, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Crime, Weapon Specialist-Staff, Thrown Weapons, Computers +2CS, Trivia-Batman and Art

Batman, Nightwing, Harold, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Drake Industries, Oracle

When Tim Drake was but a very young boy, his family took him for a trip to Haly's Circus. While there he met an older boy, Dick Grayson of the Flying Graysons and even had his picture taken with them. Dick even promised to do a quadruple somersault for Tim, and he did. Soon after, Dick Grayson's parents died.

During the aftermath of the Graysons' deaths, Batman arrived, believed by Tim to be an evil monster at the time, until Batman consoled the orphaned Dick Grayson. That night was burned into Tim's memory as one of the most vivid in his life.

Tim became Batman-obsessive, keeping a scrapbook of every Batman article and feature to be published. Two years later, while watching news footage of the Penguin's defeat by Batman and his new partner Robin, Tim witnessed Robin perform Dick Grayson's quadruple somersault. He knew Robin was Dick Grayson, and soon did a little detective work of his own and discovered Batman's identity as well.

Even more years later, after Dick stopped being Robin and became Nightwing, Jason Todd, the second Robin, was murdered by the Joker. Batman became reckless, and Tim knew what he needed to center him again: Robin.

Tim then began a search for Dick Grayson, ultimately finding him again at Haly's Circus, in order to convince him to retake the Robin mantle. While Dick refused to become Robin again, he agreed to help as Nightwing and the two insinuated themselves on Batman. Leaving Tim with Alfred, to be dealt with later, Batman and Nightwing went off to face Two Face.

But Batman needed Robin, and Tim knew it. With more than a little help from Alfred, Tim donned the Robin guise, and trailed Batman and Nightwing to the home built by Two Face's father. Two Face had blown it up to kill the two heroes. With Tim's help, Batman and Nightwing escaped the destruction, and defeated Two Face. With quite a bit of convincing, and help from Nightwing and Alfred, Tim convinced Batman to train him as the next Robin.

Tim spent the next months learning detective skills, self defense, and anything and everything he could from watching Batman in action. Though the physical was more difficult for Tim, he excelled at the mental studies.

Months later, while Batman was trying to trail Scarecrow, Tim was trying to catch a computer hacking bank thief named Moneyspider. Tim soon caught Moneyspider, revealed to be the teen calling himself Anarky. He then went on, against direct orders, to help Batman bring down Scarecrow. If Tim hadn't disobeyed, Batman and Vicki Vale would have died. That caper ended with Batman officially making Tim Robin, and giving him his costume.

Soon after Robin's accepatance of the uniform, his parents Jack and Janet Drake were kidnapped by a Haitian vauduin known as the Obeah Man. Forbidden by Batman to come along on the rescue (Batman even kept his knowledge of the events secret from Tim, jerk) Tim was at least spared from witnessing the events that occured. The Drakes were badly dehydrated, and on an island surrounded by hot coals. The Obeah Man was planning to sacrifice them. There was a pitcher of water near, and when Batman arrived to rescue them, they drank from the pitcher, unaware of its poisonous contents. Janet Drake died that day, and Jack was left first in a coma, and later temporarily paralyzed from the waist down.

Not long after this tragedy, Robin is sent by Batman to France to learn an ancient Tibetan Martial Art from its last living master, Rahul Lama. From the Lama he learns much, including weeks of study in the human body and ancient healing arts. The Lama, too old for physical training, has a student, Shen Chi who teaches Robin the combat. Supposedly. All said, Shen Chi really just beats on Robin day in and day out, though Robin is learning some moves from him. While under his tutelage, Robin chooses the sling as a weapon to be used in instruction.

The next night Robin goes out for a night at Club Dangerous with Shen Chi. While there he meets a girl named Ling who makes advances at him, and secretly breaks Shen's finger when he tries to step in. While outside with Ling, she is "abducted" by a local gang who take a moment to rough Tim up before taking off. Robin goes back to the Lama's for his danger-suit, and tracks the gang back to their place.

When he arrives, Robin witnesses the beginnings of a beating. Not knowing which side is right, he sides with the underdog, and helps the man, Clyde Rawlins, fight the gang while Lady Shiva looks on from the rafters.

While he and Clyde battle the gang, he urges Ling to run, but she merely stands and looks on. Clyde is sorely wounded, and Robin makes the decision to escape with him while the escaping's good. While they make their escape, the gang is revealed to be backed by Sir Edmund "The Kingsnake" Dorrance, and Ling "Lynx" is revealed as one of the gang. Meanwhile, the French hire Henri Ducard to take down The Kingsnake, and Robin takes Clyde to a rather posh hotel for recovery -- a recovery that is short-lived as Lady Shiva offers her assistance just as a group of Sir Edmund's gang arrive trying to kill Clyde and Tim. With Shiva's aid, they beat the gang again, and escape. Lynx, now in charge, vows to make Robin her gift to Sir Edmund.

Robin next rents a farmhouse while Clyde recovers further. While there, Tim hacks DEA files and learns Clyde is former DEA, Clyde himself reveals that Sir Edmund cost him his wife and two baby girls. The two decide to team up and take the gang (The Ghost Dragons) and Sir Edmund down, and Robin begins learning some street fighting skills from Clyde. Lady Shiva shows up again, reveals she too wants Sir Edmund, for the sheer need of beating him to prove herself stronger. She also reveals Sir Edmund is involved in a man-made version of the Bubonic Plague.

The three head to a lab in Auxille where they confront Lynx and the Ghost Dragons yet again. The three succeed in stopping them from escaping with one container of the plague, but the Dragons still make it away with a second container. The three give chase to Hong Kong, taking a jet to head Lynx's group off.

Robin, Clyde and Shiva track the ghost Dragons from their landing near Sheung Shui to Sir Edmund's lair in Hong Kong. They then go to one of Shiva's friends' estates near Victoria Peak to prepare for the confrontation with The Kingsnake. Meanwhile, he gives Lynx to his servant Bobbo for punishment in failing to kill Robin and Clyde. She loses an eye.

Shiva takes Robin aside for more training, she offers him a gift from her friends' weapon collection, and when he chooses a collapseable staff they have a small confrontation over ethics, and then begins training under Lady Shiva in martial arts. Later, Tim dusts off his British accent to fool a security agency into giving him the schematics of Sir Edmund's security. Over the next week, Robin continues his training, and with a little help from a whistling trick he gives his staff, he gains a pyrrhic victory over Shiva. Meanwhile, Ducart has a run-in with Kingsnake's men.

Individually, Clyde, Shiva and Robin move in on Sir Edmund's stronghold. Clyde is the first to meet Sir Edmund, and he dies for it trying rashly to avenge his lost family with anger his only weapon. Robin, meanwhile, is shutting down the plague weapon, and Edmund's flunky Bobbo. Robin is the next to meet Sir Edmund, and thanks again to his whistling staff, he is able to launch the blind warrior out a window to cling from the scaffolding for his life. Lady Shiva looks on, and urges Robin to be her instrument of Sir Edmund's death. Robin declines, and leaves dragging Clyde's body with him, fully expecting Shiva to kill Sir Edmund. While leaving he encounters Henri Ducart. Ducart reveals the location of Kingsnake's legacy, the cargo of blood money he was shipping ahead of him to Gotham. Tim shuts down the operation, only to find Batman was looking on as he did so. The two have a Kodak moment, and swing off into the night.

Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
She-Hulk Jennifer Walters

Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Monstrous
Endurance: Amazing
Reason: Good
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Excellent

Health: 185
Karma: 40
Resources: Good
Popularity: 15

Known Powers:
Body Resistance: Amazing protection vs physicla and energy damage
Invulnerable to Cold, Heat, Fire & Disease
Leaping: Shift-Z, 20 areas

Law, Acrobatics, Business/Finance

Hulk, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Heroes For Hire

Jennifer Walters grew up in a happy home in Los Angeles, although her mother died when Jennifer was at an early age. Growing up to be a successful prosecuting attorney, she was run off the road by the criminals she was investing. Her cousin, Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, saved her life by performing an emergency roadside blood transfusion. Jennifer found herself able to transform into the giant She-Hulk, but never restricted by the split-personalities of her brother, Jennifer was able to transform at will and retain her full intelligence and memories. She had a successful run of adventures as She-Hulk, even though her sheriff father distrusted and was constantly hunting She-Hulk. Eventually, She-Hulk found herself unable to transform back into Jennifer, but, after reconciling with her father, never found cause to revert anyway, preferring the adventures she had in her alter ego.

Eventually moving to New York, She-Hulk was contacted by the Wasp in a membership drive for the Avengers. She served for a brief stint before being among the Avengers captured by the Beyonder to his "Battleworld" and pitted against similar abducted villains. When returning to Earth, She-Hulk was invited to take the place of the Thing in the Fantastic Four, and she joined them.

While serving with the Fantastic Four, Jennifer met and became involved with Wyatt Wingfoot. Eventually, the Thing returned, and She-Hulk left the Fantastic Four, serving off and on again as an Avenger before focusing more on her lawyer occupation as a member of the district attorney's office, where she met and developed a friendship with Louise Mason (once known as the Blonde Phantom.) Although she had a series of adventures at the time, much of more recent activities have yet to be revealed.

She-Hulk was on hand to fight alongside the Fantastic Four and the Inhumans against the Sentinels activated by the menance of Onslaught. Apparently, she was among those who seemingly sacrificed their lives to absorb its energies and was actually displaced in another universe, only to soon return to our reality with the rest of the heroes.