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Fang U
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Proffesor Lucian, the teacher of proper Blood extraction and storage. A cranky vampire with a short temper.
Bitter that he was not choosen for the Dean postion at Fang U, when the University decided to host a BloodBowl team he was the first to sign up expecting to become the head coach. But he was quickly snuffed, as the Dean himself decided he would coach the team and on occasion grace them with his ablity on the pitch.
Left with only one place to take his frustrations out he takes the pitch and lets loose on the opposing side.
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Proffesor Viktor, is the head administrator of the Blood Sciences wing at Fang U. He was one of the founding Vampires behind the Comerical Blood Cloning that is currently bieng finalized at the school now. Looked up to by al the students as one of the wisest of all the proffesors when he speaks on the pitch the team tends to listen. His leadership skills are only surpassed by his amazing athletic talents.
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Mathmatics professor Lestat after seeing Fang U embarresed in their first few matches decided the tam needed her help. After calculating their chances of ever bieng a winning team she hopes they can get a few more of the professors to join the team.
Prefers to be the leader on the pitch like to have the play start with herself where she can advance the ball in the most logical way.
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Professor of History Lucious was brought into the team in hopes that they could learn something from their past mistakes. A natural leader on the field even the Vampires listen to his wisdom.
'Blood Doners'
The Fraternity no student wants to be a member of.
The Proffesors send any student who has proven to be less then worthy to the 'Blood Doner House' They spend the rest of their time at the school as walking Blood Cocktails for all of the staff. Once a student becomes a Blood Doner (or BD for short) they lose their identity and are from there out known only as a walking blood bank, or ATM.
Blood Doners take the pitch hoping for a moment of glory where they can prove they are worth something, hoping for the imposible that they will get out of the BD House and join the student body again.
'Blood Doners'
The Fraternity no student wants to be a member of.
The Proffesors send any student who has proven to be less then worthy to the 'Blood Doner House' They spend the rest of their time at the school as walking Blood Cocktails for all of the staff. Once a student becomes a Blood Doner (or BD for short) they lose their identity and are from there out known only as a walking blood bank, or ATM.
Blood Doners take the pitch hoping for a moment of glory where they can prove they are worth something, hoping for the imposible that they will get out of the BD House and join the student body again.
'Blood Doners'
The Fraternity no student wants to be a member of.
The Proffesors send any student who has proven to be less then worthy to the 'Blood Doner House' They spend the rest of their time at the school as walking Blood Cocktails for all of the staff. Once a student becomes a Blood Doner (or BD for short) they lose their identity and are from there out known only as a wakling blood bank, or ATM.
Blood Doners take the pitch hoping for a moment of glory where they can prove they are worth something, hoping for the imposible that they will get out of the BD House and join the student body again.
'Blood Doners'
The Fraternity no student wants to be a member of.
The Proffesors send any student who has proven to be less then worthy to the 'Blood Doner House' They spend the rest of their time at the school as walking Blood Cocktails for all of the staff. Once a student becomes a Blood Doner (or BD for short) they lose their identity and are from there out known only as walking blood banks, or ATMs.
Blood Doners take the pitch hoping for a moment of glory where they can prove they are worth something, hoping for the imposible that they will get out of the BD House and join the student body again.
Comes from a wealthy family and want to be imortal if for nothing else then to enjoy his riches forever.
Kid that grew up on the wrong side of town. Promised himself he would be succeful in life. His determination can be seen on the pitch as he charges into even the ugliest of situations and fears no one.
Claims to have blown off several of the Colleges of Magic to come to Fang U. Though his stories are questionable at best he is a bright student. Asked to play on the team by a couple of the professors personelly it is believed that he will get turned someday.
The Class Clown keeps the the players on the team laughing and having a good time, when the Vampires aren't around of course. His smart ass comments are appreiciated nearly as much by Fang U's opponets. Often on the wrong end of some dirty blocks.
Unfortunatly one of those dirty blocks came in his first game. Suffered a permant injury that will make him more suspectable to future injuries. Isn't looking very promising for his career.