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Demon Patrol
This is one angry, bad tempered dude. Drinker and hid brother Thirster are well known downunder as a couple of cassanovas, never seen without a beatiful ghoul on their arm and always at the trendiest haunts.
One morning after a particularly heavy soul drinking session the previous night, Drinker discovered someone had stolen his favourite slacks while he and his brother slept in a hedge. To his horror Thirster also found that his mystical underpants had been stolen too.
After a tip off from a kindly soul the brothers are now searching for two namby pamby Bloodbowl playing elves who were seen running away shouting "At last we'll be the height of fashion".
Drinker has vowed to kill all namby pamby elves to retrieve his magic trousers and as soon as Thirster finds a spare pair of pants he'll join his brother on this fashion quest and maybe become Bloodbowl stars on the way.
Not the Private Ryan from that Tom Hanks war film, but a war veteran famous for his lightning raids on the Powers That Be upstairs.
After a brief stint as an army cook, he could never quite get the food to taste revolting enough and he kept cutting his fingers off, he was transferred to the artillary corps.
He became quite an accomplished soldier and very deadly, but his fear of loud noises meant his constant crying and panic attacks became a nuisance to his fellow soldiers. So again he was "transferred".
Now the junior vice captain of the suicide squad he is responsible for leading raids against "Upstairs" and takes pride in the fact that he is in charge of thousands of bloodthirsty soldiers. So far he has a 100% success rate and has lost over 5000 demons on these raids, though he himself did manage to slightly bruise a small chipmunk and live to tell the tail.
A deadly killing machine indeed, watch out!
Razor Sharp Claws
The only female player on the team and what a looker eh?
As a former Miss Afterlife she is infamous for flashing her scaly bits at male players to put them off their game, and their food.
Spurned by a rather dashing Norse Linesman who she fell in love with, she is on a mission to cripple or kill any men that don't swoon at her womanly charms, including referees and fellow players!
So you've been warned, if she takes a liking to you try not to throw up and run away screaming or you may not live to tell the tale.
At least it'll be a night to remember !!!
A veteran of over 30 Bloodbowl games without ever being injured or carded, and without ever scoring a single point or playing without a hangover. Nobody actually knows his real name or where he comes from, scientists reckon he could be over 200 years old, but he's always remained coy about his age.
He first made his debut at the Semi Finals of the Spike Cup 4 years ago, apparantly he was looking for a pub and wandered into the stadium by mistake. Drunken and angry he mistakenly thought that one of the referees had called him a nancyboy, and so he killed him, several spectators and half of the winning team.
Fortunately the magistrate at his trial was a Bloodbowl fan and was impressed with the violence of it all and the case was thrown out. When asked why this monster had been freed the judge replied "Look at that face, how can you say no to that face", and so the legend of Captain Slaughter was born.
To date, Slaughter has been utterly useless on the pitch but his recent return from rehab and a new mentor in player-manager Razor could see him curb his famous drunken aggression and violence to pub landlords and autograph hunters to the game instead.
Watch this space.
Damage by name Damage by nature. Here's a player who epitimises the aggresive nature of the chaos team. A Mr Universe in a previous life he really is built like the proverbial "brick s..t house". A totally aggresive player he's not intrested in getting the ball, he's just there to cause some hurt and some of the other teams are actually frightened of him.
His ability to start a fight is a joy to behold and he sometimes has to punch himself to stop from going totally beserk if he's feeling particularly violent. He has played in every game so far and has been sent off each time, the longest he has stayed on the field is seven minutes and he was unconcious for two of them.
However, under the guidance of Razor there has been a marked improvement in this young demons attitude on the field. He is now channelling his tremendous violence to help the rest of the team rather than just hitting everything that moves and Razor is confident he will soon be able to complete a whole half of a game.
While this looks like a promising season for Damage he is going to have to try to rid himself of his panic attacks whever he gets the ball, because if he freezes in this league the other team will just take him apart.
The smartest player on the team, he earned his nickname as the brains behind the them, replacing Thicky McThickboy as the new player-manager. Razor sharp, he is responsible for the strategy and intelligance behind the improving chaos team.
With weekly "brainstorming" meetings for all the players it was he who first thought of the idea of passing the ball, not just eating it. Most of the team have stopped trying to eat other players too, although one or two still maintain that without this halftime snack they won't be able to perform. Admittedly the famous incident involving Ug, 3 players, a referee and the late cheerleaders was hilarious and it wasn't altough he ate all of them, it seems Razor is on the right tracks, Ug is now attending anger management classes and Slaughter is out of rehab.
So far Razor has proven that brains as well as braun make a winning combination, but now that they are up against real teams will they be able to continue the success they enjoyed against the Boys Brigade last season?
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
You don't have to be a genius to play Bloodbowl and Ug is no exception to this rule, in fact you could say he epitomises it.
Born Uglandisolian Del Torrienteshnappffnkopffn 22 years ago in a dank smelly cave far away on a mountainside, Ug has only recently come into contact with civilisation. Born of the Blue Mountain tribe he was kept in solitary confinement for the last 16 years because nobody liked him and he smells bad.
Ug was actually born a very clever little ogre and was always working on new theories and inventions while everyone else was licking rocks. His tribe didn't like this new "freak" who was intelligent and well spoken and they used to throw rocks and small animals at him. As a result he suffered many many head injuries, the tribe litterally beating his brains out and making him stupid, thickening his skull in the process.
At the age of 6 he was locked in the "Naughty Cave" for 16 years and the only person he had for company was Pete, his pet rock, although he did develop an intimate relationship with some nasty looking fugus while going completely mad.
His size and strength make Ug a formidable opponent when he can remember what he is supposed to be doing. His taste for eating other players has been a problem in previous matches but the new manager is confident those snacking "incidents" are a thing of the past.