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Mister Men
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Mr Strong is so strong that you can barely believe it. He is the nearest thing to a super hero in Mr Man land. He gets all his strength from eating hundred of eggs!
His strength sometimes gets him in trouble, and he regularly breaks everything he touches by accident. But sometimes it helps save the day, especially if there is something really heavy that needs carrying.
First Ever Casualty for the Mister Men
Mr.Skinny lives in Fatland; a place 100 miles from Mr. Greedy's house. Their lifestyles are just as wide apart.
Mr. Greedy eats anything and everything in abundance; whilst Mr.Skinny survives on one cornflake, a baked bean and the world's smallest sausage.
But if Mr.Skinny lives in Fatland, where everyone is fat (except Mr. Skinny) why doesn't Mr. Greedy live there?
Don't stand still for long when you're with Mr Fussy.
He'll polish you, scrub you, straighten you, clean you, mend you, dust you, iron you, tidy you up, and throw you away.
Fussy old Fusspot!
Mr Worry was worried that he'd been left out of the team. But he hasn't.
And now he's worried because he's in it, and he's worried that people are watching him.
Now he's worried that you're not looking at him… oh, I give up!
Poor Mr. Dizzy is the laughing stock of Cleverland.
He’s not very bright; and all his neighbours delight in making him look stupid. When Mr. Dizzy drinks the water from the wishing well, he magically becomes intelligent; and is able to outwit the pig and the elephant who had both made him look silly earlier.
And it just goes to prove that if clever people can be confused by nice but dim Mr. Dizzy, then they should dobbit.
“I’D LIKE A LOAF OF BREAD” booms Mr. Noisy to the aptly named Mrs. Crumb, the baker’s wife. Poor Wobbletown.
In his waking hours, Mr. Noisy slammed doors and clumped down the hill; and even when he was asleep, his snore could be mistaken for a herd of elephants. He changed his ways when the residents pretended they couldn’t hear him. Eventually Mr. Noisy got so fed up of not being heard, he succumbed to their plan and began to whisper. Hurrah for cunning plans!
Topsy-Turvy Mr. is muddled very.
His whole backwards life is; and his jumbled come out words. He comes to hotel in a stay, where he chaos causes town in the.
Going nightmare is a shopping for hapless shopkeepers; and street down the walking is very drivers for hazardous.
Sure Hands
Nerves of Steel
First Ever Pass for The Mister Men
Looking rather like Mr. Happy with a hat, Mr. Bounce is the Mr. Man who can’t sit still. Luckily, the superbly named Dr. Makeyouwell gives him a pair of tiny red boots. But being Mr. Man land, they aren’t ordinary boots. These boots are extremely heavy, and keep Mr. Bounce’s feet firmly on the ground. But the best thing about Mr. Bounce is the noise he makes when he hits the ground. Check out the sound files if you don’t believe me!
Diving Catch
It takes Mr. Busy just seconds to do something that would take us half an hour. He is always on the go, and expects others to keep up with him. Which, of course, they can't.
Mr. Busy lives next door to Mr. Slow, which must make life unbearable for both of them.
Silly by name, silly by nature. And that’s how it should be.
As a resident of Nonsenseland, Mr. Silly is required to be extremely, well, silly. His idea for the Nonsense Cup is, to you and me, quite normal. But painting the red leaves of the tree in the City Square green awarded him not only the coveted trophy, but also the silly respect of the King.
Roger Hargreaves has said that Mr. Silly is his favourite Mr. Man, because of his daft nature!
Mr Rush is the fastest person in the world, and he shows it by always being in a hurry.
The trouble is that he goes so fast that he doesn't get anything done properly, that is until he gets his ideal job... A Postman!
But…it…took…him…three…days…just… to…say…hello…so…we…gave…up.
The story of Mr Clumsy is a catalogue of disaster!
Everything he touches, breaks or ends up where it shouldn't. Everywhere he goes, chaos erupts.
Mind that valuable antique vase…CRASH!!! Ooops!
He’s as cute as ickle pickle, and probably just as tasty.
Mr. Small is, unsurprisingly, the smallest of the Mr. Men. He lives in a house underneath a daisy, at the bottom of Mr. Robinson’s garden. His tiny size is an occupational hazard, as he soon finds out when he falls into sweet jars, mustard pots and match boxes. But he finds eternal happiness and fame when a man decides to write a book all about his adventures.
Hurrah for Mr. Small and all his smallness!