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Care Lizards
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Break Tackle
Multiple Block
There's always something funny going on wherever Laugh-a-lot Kroxigor is. This silly Kroxigor gets everything mixed up but turns her little misfortunes and mistakes into lots of laughter for others. Her symbol shows what she really is—a star at giving others the giggles.
Caring Mission: Helps people laugh.
Symbol: Laugh-a-lot Kroxigor's laughing star shows that she is a star at starting laughter.
Personality: Silly and giggly.
Character Quirk: She has a magically contagious giggle that can make others laugh for no real reason.
Color: Orange.
Best Friend: Love-a-lot Skink.
Relationship Challenge: She likes Funshine Saurus, but oddly, she never seems to get his jokes.
Motto: Get some giggles going!
Break Tackle
Champ Saurus is a real sports star. He's great at every sport, but he's even better at sharing the real prizes of sports-fun, fitness, friendship and learning to be your best. He even shows this with his symbol—a golden trophy with star.
Caring Mission: Teaches people sportsmanship.
Symbol: His golden trophy symbol shows that you always win when you're a good sport.
Personality: Confident and fair.
Character Quirk: He's even good at games he's never played before.
Color: Blue.
Best Friend: Good Luck Skink.
Relationship Challenge: Wish Skink, when she uses her wishes to change the rules in a game.
Motto: Playing fair makes the game more fun for everyone!
Bedtime Saurus stays up nights. He's the special Saurus who helps people get a good night's sleep and makes sure that they have sweet dreams. There's no better bear buddy for a goodnight hug. Bedtime has a symbol that says what he's all about—a sleepy-faced moon.
Caring Mission: Helps people sleep.
Symbol: His crescent moon symbol represents his nighttime mission.
Personality: Brave and alert (at night).
Character Quirk: During the day, he's always confused or dozing off.
Color: Blue.
Best Friend: Wish Skink.
Relationship Challenge: He is baffled at how to help Friend Saurus get over her fear of the dark.
Motto: Sleep is what I do best!
Cheer Saurus is a very happy Care Lizard who helps others see the bright side of life. She will sometimes even do a cheer to help make someone happier. Wherever she goes, Cheer Saurus wears a symbol of hope and happiness—a rainbow.
Caring Mission: Cheers people up.
Symbol: Her rainbow symbol represents hope.
Personality: Happy and upbeat.
Character Quirk: Sometimes communicates through rhyming cheers.
Color: Pink.
Best Friend: Wish Skink.
Relationship Challenge: Grumpy Skink- she's always trying to cheer him up!
Motto: When in doubt, SMILE!
Break Tackle
Mighty Blow
Need a good friend? Friend Saurus would love to be your best buddy lizard. She's the perfect example of a friend, too. She's caring, likes to play with you and she's fun to be with. She has a friendly symbol on her tummy—two smiling flowers!
Caring Mission: She shows how to be a great friend.
Symbol: Her twin, smiling flowers symbolize the joy of friendship.
Personality: Kind and friendly.
Character Quirk: A real chatterbox, she doesn't always know when to be quiet.
Color: Peach.
Best Friend: Love-a-lot Skink.
Relationship Challenge: No one-she gets along with everyone!
Motto: Have I got a friend for you—me!
Funshine Saurus is the Care Lizard's class clown. This playful bear really knows how to be funny and to have fun. Funshine Saurus works hard to make sure that people have a good time. "Enjoy each day" is Funshine's motto and it's shown on the bear's symbol—a smiling sun!
Caring Mission: Helps people have fun.
Symbol: His smiling sun symbol reminds us to find the fun in each new day.
Personality: Fun and funny.
Character Quirk: He can do perfect impressions and sound effects.
Color: Yellow.
Best Friend: Grumpy Skink.
Relationship Challenge: Share Skink, he teases her constantly but has a secret crush on her.
Motto: The fun starts here!
Do-Your-Best Saurus is a Care Lizard who dreams big and never gives up. Like his name says, he helps others put their best into everything they do. He's an upbeat bear who's always ready to say, "Great job!" His "aim high" attitude shows in his tummy symbol—a beautiful kite.
Caring Mission: Helps people be the best they can.
Symbol: Do-Your-Best Saurus's colorful kite symbol reminds every one that the sky's the limit when you give your best.
Personality: Energetic and confident.
Character Quirk: No matter how hard he tries, he's the only Care Lizard who can't fly a kite.
Color: Light green.
Best Friend: Champ Saurus
Relationship Challenge: He wishes Wish Skink would wish less and try harder. Wish Skink wishes Do-Your-Best Saurus would relax more.
Motto: You feel your best when you do your best!
Good Luck Skink is loaded with luck and he loves to share it with anyone who can use a little more good fortune. You'll almost always find this bear with a big smile on his face. Even the symbol on his tummy is lucky—a four-leaf clover!
Caring Mission: He shares his good luck with others.
Symbol: His four-leafed clover symbolizes the luck that's always with him.
Personality: Happy and self-confident.
Character Quirk: He can make broken machines work with a snap of his fingers.
Color: Green.
Best Friend: Funshine Saurus.
Relationship Challenge: Cheer Saurus—for some reason, his good luck doesn't work when she's around.
Motto: Lucky for you I'm here!
Diving Tackle
Side Step
Sure Feet
Grumpy Skink frowns a lot—that's his way to show us how silly we look when we frown too much. He also shows that it's okay to be grumpy sometimes. But even when we're grumpy, we're still loved, and we're reminded of that by Grumpy Skink's symbol—a rain cloud with heart-shaped raindrops.
Caring Mission: He helps others see how silly it is to let our grumpiness go too far.
Symbol: His rain cloud with heart-shaped raindrops means a little
grumpiness is okay when it's tempered with love.
Personality: Grouchy, but perseverant.
Character Quirk: He's accident prone and things never seem to go his way.
Color: Blue.
Best Friend: Funshine Saurus.
Relationship Challenge: Good Luck Skink—Grumpy can't stand the way things always go right for Good Luck.
Motto: I'm not mad, I'm Grumpy!
Love-a-lot Skink believes in the power of love, but is not afraid to help it along. She's a pretty and perky bear who loves everything about love and tries to make it grow wherever she goes. Love-a-lot Skink loves her tummy symbol too—two hearts!
Caring Mission: She helps spread love.
Symbol: Love-a-lot Skink's two intertwined hearts stand for the closeness and loyalty of true love.
Personality: Spunky and energetic.
Character Quirk: Like cupid's arrow, she can create a crush in no time. She can bring the most unlikely couples together.
Color: Pink.
Best Friend: Friend Saurus.
Relationship Challenge: She has a bit of a crush herself, on Tenderheart Skink.
Motto: Love will find a way, and if it doesn't, I will!
Nobody knows how to share like Share Skink. She is a friendly Skink who knows how much fun it is to give some of her good things to others. She thinks that sharing is such a treat, that she shows it with her symbol—two heart-shaped lollipops!
Caring Mission: Shows people how to share.
Symbol: The hearts on her two, crossed lollypops symbol shows that the root of sharing is caring.
Personality: Generous and sharing.
Character Quirk: She collects little things to give away, but gets distracted by the strangest things at the worst times.
Color: Lavender.
Best Friend: Tenderheart Skink.
Relationship Challenge: Funshine Saurus—he's always playing jokes on her.
Motto: Do your share of sharing!
Side Step
Sure Feet
Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lots about helping others share their feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Skink helps spread love and make it grow. He wears the perfect symbol for his job on his tummy—a heart.
Caring Mission: Shows people how to care.
Symbol: His heart symbol represents his famous loving care.
Personality: Caring and kind.
Character Quirk: He's a real daredevil in any vehicle from a skateboard to a cloudmobile.
Color: Brown.
Best Friend: Grumpy Skink.
Relationship Challenge: Helping Funshine Saurus know when it's the wrong time to joke.
Motto: Nobody cares like a lizard!
Side Step
Sure Feet
Do you have a wish? Then Wish Skink is the bear you should wish for. She knows that sometimes wishes come true, and that even when they don't, making wishes can be a lot of fun. She shows this with her tummy symbol—a smiling wishing star.
Caring Mission: Helps wishes come true.
Symbol: Wish Bear's shooting star with a rainbow tail reminds us to believe in our dreams.
Personality: Quiet and shy.
Character Quirk: Can sometimes "magically" make the wishes come true—but not always, and sometimes the wishes come true in funny ways.
Color: Aqua.
Best Friend: Cheer Saurus.
Relationship Challenge: Sometimes Good Luck Skink teases her into arguments about who is luckier.
Motto: Your wish is my wish!
Harmony Skink helps others get along. This peace-loving Skink knows our differences are something to be celebrated, not something to keep us apart. When differences are brought together in harmony they create something beautiful. That's the meaning of her symbol—a smiling flower with different colored petals.
Caring Mission: Helps others overcome differences and get along.
Symbol: Her smiling flower symbol shows the beauty and happiness that comes from getting along with those around us.
Personality: Open and friendly.
Character Quirk: She's got a beautiful singing voice that seems to magically help calm others when they're upset.
Color: Lavender.
Best Friend: Friend Saurus
Relationship Challenge: Champ Saurus (He can be so competitive sometimes.)
Motto: Good times get better when we get along together!