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Ferocious Fiends of Thay
Mighty Blow
Break Tackle
Garlak ruled a great Empire eons past - when awakened by the Zulkir, some thirty years ago, there was a mighty clash and only through great cunning and awesome magic did the Zulkir bend Garlak to his will... Garlak is Captain of the team, a title he disdains having once had untold people live and die by his whim as First Emperor.
Apparently, Garlak doen't like Wood Elves very much... He injured two of them in the victory over Shadows in the glade by way of broken jaw and ribs...
Mighty Blow
Theonor was a famed King-Priest from where Impiltur lies today. He was interred by his own people against his wishes and instantly jumped at the opportunity when the Zulkir offered him unlife in exchange for his services on the Bloodbowl field.
Mighty Blow
Alion was a renowned King of an ancient realm located where Cormy lies today. He was a wise and careful ruler, but when raiders from Anauroch became too much of a problem he showed remarkably aptitude for large-scale strategy and something of a vicious streak: he had every tribe of raiders completely annihilated, performing genocide on a large scale. Thus, his kingdom was never troubled again in his life-time. The Zulkir bargained long and hard with this ancient despot to recruit him for the team, as he possesses an instinctive flair for the game.
It would seem that Alion is as strong as he is wise: in his debut game he first broke the leg of a Human Blitzer and commenced to Badly Hurt an Ogre.
He also uses his speed efficiently: against Hammerhiem's Vanity Fair (Pro Elves) he intercepted a pass and rushed 11 squares in two turns for a touchdown!
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Cerastes was a Fiend of remarkable power - some say he was a Balor but this is unconfirmed. He attracted the unwanted attention of Zulkir Szass Tam and was slain in an epic battle and promptly raised as a Mummy to bolster the offensive line for the Zulkir's pride and joy: the Ferocious Fiends of Thay!
Against the Super Dark Elves: After a superb kick by Quondath towards the end of the game, Cerastes first intercepted a pass thus preventing a loss, and then proceeding to pass the ball to Turlock the Brave
Mighty Blow
Turlock the Brave was a Paladin who under different circumstances would have been a famous Hero. Unfortunately he was in the company of even greater heroes (and villains); Michael Kandrak, the most ferocious warrior the Forgotten Realms have probably ever seen - Ali Akbar, a famed Transmuter and later High Wizard - and greatest of the all: Sir Edward Ringwald, a Paladin of Tyr so courageous and able that Turlock faded a bit into the background. Furtermore, Turlock had a nasty habit of dying, probably because of the mighty enemies that Edward and the others fought. When at last he could not be resurrected anymore, he was given a Hero's funeral by his party members. Unknown to all, the Zulkir of Necromancy raised him as a Wight to play for the Ferocious Fiends of Thay, a role he abhors. Turlock hopes in his heart of hearts that Edward or Ali will find out and avenge him and put him out of his misery...
Mighty Angus was a Knight known more for his brawn than for his piety. However, when a great Orc Horde razed through the Western Heartlands destroying everything in their path including Angus' homestead, he was infuriated. Filled with holy zeal he collected a band of brave and mighty Knights and met the Orc Horde head-on. The climax of the battle was when Thrugkrukh and Angus met in the chaos of the melee and did battle. Thrugkrukh used his inhuman strength to batter Angus onto the ground with mighty sweeps of his Greataxe. Mighty Angus repeatedly regained his feet, and with his mighty hammer he crushed the thick skull of the Orc Warleader. This broke the morale of the Orc Horde, and the Knight routed them. Unfortunately, Angus died of his wounds, and the surviving Knights interred him in a great tomb along with his nemesis, Thrugkrukh. This tomb was later raided by agents of the Zulkir of Necromancy, and they were brought to unlife, do smash the enemies of the Zulkir, on and off the pitch. Strangely, they have developed quite a good relationship with each other.
3/4-05: After a very unusual game vs Hammerhiem's Dukes of Darkness, Zulkir Szass Tam had to reanimate Mighty Angus...
Sure Hands
Maxlock was a member of the same party of adventurers as Turlock. His personal power, however, was unquestionably greater, and he competed with Ali Akbar to be the greatest Wizard of the lot. His desire for power was such that he often allied with the amoral Michael Kandrak, but after the party split up he was never seen again - until now, in the ranks of the Zulkir of Necromancy! What deal have these two villains made?
Al-Quasar was the bodyguard of Garlak. When his master was interred, so was he in order to protect Garlak in the afterlife. When the Zulkir of Necromancy raised, defeated and recruited his master, Al-Quasar was only eager to follow.
In his time Al-Quasar was a remarkable general and the Zulkir hopes to profit from his vast knowledge of tactics and strategy, applying both to Bloodbowl.
This monster wandered for no apparent reason into the training camp one day.
When Turlock tried to evict it, it bit him. Since then it has been allowed to play for the team, albeit with limited succes. In the slaughter of Schwarzheim Gallopers, he got one of two MVPs. Garlak sent him to the School of Block, and he might have become a regular player rather than a substitute...
An Elven Druid of remarkably charisma, Quondath was a benevolent leader among the Wood Elves of The High Forest. One day, however, he simply disappeared to the chagrin og his people.
Much later he was discovered to have been slain by Raziel and taken to the Zulkir of Necromancy for reanimation. It is yet to be seen if he has retained any of his legendary agility and leadership abilities in his present unlife.
Not much is known about this spell-wielding skeleton. He claims to have ruled most of the Forgotten Realms in ages past, but scholars have no knowledge of this. Only the Zulkir, or maybe Alion who is the oldest of the team's Mummies. Raziel is no Lich, however, or he wouldn't agree to such a menial task as a Skeleton Lineman... He exists beyond definition, but even the Blitz-Ras give him a wide berth...
Beogrum was a Northerner that came down from the farthest mountains known to man, to slay and wreak havoc. He did this with great vigor, until he met his bane: Raziel, a spell-wielding Undead of an unknown type, serving the Zulkir of Necromancy. Raziel collected the scattered remains of the mighty Barbarian and delivered them to his Master the Zulkir who promptly raised Beogrum as a Skeleton Warrior of mighty prowess. He serves still in the Zulkir's Bloodbowl team...