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Altdorf Adelers
Not much is known about Otto Graff. The rumor says that he is of noble heritage, but this hasn’t been confirmed by any reliable source.
What IS well known, however, is that he NEVER! do interviews, and doesn’t talk to anybody once off the field.
Son of the late 151'st panzer Blitser "Rudi Von Überweiss".
"Junior" is determined to pick up his dads Bloodbowlgloves and countinue the familys BB tradition.
Fritz used to be the captain and "Star Blitzer" of the 151'st Reich Panzers.
His previous preformance, and his huge number of loyal fans, has seen him headhunted to Coach Kredes newly formed team.If not for anything else, then to increase the gate.
Wether he will prove himself worth his rather large salery...remains to be seen.
So far 9 sp's in 8 games has NOT impressed any one in the Adelers Coaching staff.. Fritz has to deliver some better playing if he is to keep recieving his high paycheck
The youngest son of a pigfarmer, Jürgen has always showed a remarkeble talent for catching up with, and taking down runnaway pigs!!
A skill that is of great value to the Adelers, and has obvious aplications whenever the team is playing elves and other fast and agile opponents.
A former 151’st receiver, Johnas managed to convince head coach Krede, that his apparent lack of results wasn’t his own fault, but due to the fact, that he was only very rarely passed the ball.
Krede has bought the explanation…for now, but has asked an assistant coach to keep an eye on Johnas’s progress.
Like some of his teammates, Franz also used to play on the now disbanded "151'st Reich Panzers".
Being one of , if not THE only , lineman that did show some potential, Franz played a few games in the minor leagues after the disband , and has now joined head coach Kredes newly formed team, eager to prove himself wothy of the trust placed in him.
During his previous employment with the 151’st Panzers, Dieter never missed a game, was never sick, and did always show up in time for practice(and matches!!!).
These three facts(MUCH more then his actual performance on the field) has earned him the respect of headcoach Krede, and a 2 season contract with the Adelers
Sure Hands
Fresh out of collage Bloodbowl. Michael is here to take over if(when) Heinrich failes.
Sure Hands
Heinrich used to play as quaterback for the 151'st Reich Panzers, and his very poor preformance was one of the key element in his former teams embarassing failures.
After the dimise, and "re-education" of the Panzers most people would think that Heinrichs career should be over..
However.. in the world of bloodbowl some things aren't as people might think..
As it turned out, Heinrich parents are extremely wealthy, and on top of that he is the second cousin of one of the teams largest sponsors!!
So after some intensive training (Mostly payed for by his parents) Heinrich has not only joined the game again.. he has even been given his old position back!!! (though head coach Krede has wisely hired a "backup" in case Heinrichs training hasnt improved his passing game)
Finally the long houers spend in the gym seems to have payed off...
Though his passings hasnt improved much, none of the other Adelers players dare mention this to him!!
Heinrichs determined effort with the weightes AND his use of expensive and highly illigal substances, has made him the largest player on the team!!.. and bad temperd to!!
No one knows the first names of K.B. Müller..
Though head coach krede was informed of his full name when he first applied for the position as lineman for the adelers, krede soon resorted to just writing "K.B" as the name proved almost impossible to spell right.
Müller doesnt seem to mind being called "K.B". and find it amusing that the rest of the team has a wager going... .. the pot currently stands at 55 gold crown for the who ever findes out "K.B's" full name..