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Gork and Mork Servants
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
2 cas and a MVP in 5 game isn't that bad for a troll that showed more concentration on fundamentals than most of the other trolls.
Coach sk8bcn said:
"Well he is not a pro right now but he already learned to make a proper block and that's a great achievement in such a short time".
After 9 games, Zarber made incredible progress. In just 4 games he added 5 casualties, having 7 overall (3 in a single game vs the Rasor Sharp Rats) and got 2 MVPs. He learned to block correctly and to help his teammates, what not every troll is able to do.
sk8bcn said: "He became invualable for this team. He's of an huge help on LoS and in the melee."
20games update: 9 cas and 4 MVP: Zarber is a great player. He can dodge away from a brawl, he can hit properly and help teammates out. He has all what the coach want from him. "I've trained many trolls and Zarber in one of my favourites. Here I have someone I can work with".
Dokord had made a cas in 3 games. He's just new in the team.
He made a cas and earned an MVP during the 5 first regular season games. He is able to help his teammates out of every situation and works hard on the pitch.
Impossible still to get an interview of him because of his hatred of journalists.
He added nothing in the next game, still beeing at 1 cas, 1 MVP.
When asked about that, he usually don't answer but coach sk8bcn took his defense.
"He is usefull to us and I appreciate his work on the pitch. Ok, it's not recorded in stats but he gives us power while playing in packs."
20 games 4 TD 1 cas 1 MVP: Compared to Reger, he is more offensive minded and did a good job. Both players are very similar. Both are good experienced players.
Sure Hands
Strong Arm
3 TDs and 1 MVP in 4 games.
He's a great passer, able to throw passes very precisely over far distances on the pitch but the fact is that he didn't once this season.
"I am able to pass as good as an elf. But it's not our game. I have no catcher around to catch the ball,so if requiered I can pass, but most of the time I drive the offense. I am best ball retriever of the team."
coach sk8bcn didn't agreed with that:
"He is an incredible passer but still needs to improve in passing by beeing more accurate. It's good that he's a good ball handler but I feel better when the ball is into a blitzer's hands"
After 8 games, Trekker recorded 5TD a pass and an MVP.
sk8bcn admitted his talent: "damn he is strong. I said earlier I prefer the ball in a blitzers help, but Trekker spend lot of time in the bodybuilding room, and now even a blitzer has a hard time to knock him down. Actually, he is now our best player".
Trekker said: "I am just too strong, unstoppable while running the court, able to pass accurately on a far distance (but no catcha's in the team so I score myself). I think I am the best in the team and the league. When I am up, my team is up, and when my team is up, we win. And since I am always up.....he he"
19 games update: 2 passes, 6 TD 1 cas 1 MVP: Some problems raised between Trekker and the coach. sk8bcn wanted to drive more with the blitzers and Trekker didn't liked the role. But they had too to gather more experience on other players. Trekker didn't commentr that but it's obvious that the 2 have problems.
Sure Hands
Dump Off
Strong Arm
Incredible player. in 9 games, he made 3 completes, 2TD and 2 MVP. He is way different from Trekker. He throws better and is more agile, catch the ball up easily. He may be the second driving force of the team. He usually, never plays on defense.
No achievement in 4 games:
Hindered by an early injury, he can't run as quick as before and medical staff admitted that there is little hope he'll find his quickness back (if we can speak about quickness for an ork).
sk8bcn said:
"For now we keep him in the roster but if he doesn't improve somehow his game, he will simply be fired. I can find numerous of rookies showing more dedication to the game"
After 8 games, despite of his weakness in term of speed, he managed to get throught making a pass, a TD and a cas in 8 games, making him valuable for the game. He learned to side step and that way can compensate his lack of speed. It is no more a question: he won't be fired!
19 games: 1Passe, 1TD, 2cas 3MVP. weird player supposed at the beginning to be fired, he now added his kicking skill to his techniques. He is now a valuable player, that causes problems to oppenents. Valuable ork!
1 TD in 4games, his carrier is already broken because of the constant injury that he suffers.
"Every time I go on the court, my arm causes me pain. I know I still can compete, but I also know that the staff will sake me if I doesn't show anything special in the next games. I ll fight through the situation and we'll see what happens."
After 8 games:
As often with coach sk8bcn, he learned Coldren to become very nasty and the Coldren works on it. He is now rumored to be the dirty player in the team.
19 games, 1TD 2 MVP. Supposed to be the "dirty player", he just fouled once because many opponents are just to weak to be worth a bad foul.
1 pass in 5 games and no spectacular moves. Melf is uncomfortable in the roster because of his teammates.
"I am not Melf the Elf. errrrrrrrrrr" did he said, frustrated.
After 9 games, he added a cas and an MVP award. "Still no genius", siad sk8bcn,"but he is as strong as black orks are and that's amazing. He will be of such a help for the team. I have faith in his capabilities."
20 games update:2 passes 1 TD 2 cas and 1MVp: Melf progressed a lot and proved to be a real good player overall. The coach firmly believes in the value of the player but admit he still lacks of basics.
"I am working with him to make him learn the very basics. I think it will show soon enough".
Both new Black ork blockers came at the same moment and after they arrived team won twice. They just changed the team alchemy. He made a cas in 2 games, showing more promise that the 2 blockers hired at the beginning.
After 6 games, he added another cas. The coach hopes he will learn to block soon. He thinks that beeing able to block increases black orcs value!
11 games after, no achievement more and a serious headache for the coach. The coach seems to consider him as a real dumb player.
New in the team, since he is in they won both games. Anyway, didn't acheive anything on a staistical review, but he helps on the court and it shows.
The enthousiasm lowered about him because, after 6 games he didn't add anything on his statline.
sk8bcn said:"We have a troll just to hinder the opponents. From black orc blockers, I wait something different."
Diving Tackle
Stand Firm