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Shades of Ulthuan
Team Captain
Of a wealthy and influential family, Reeset could easily have avoided the exile inflicted and remained in Ulthuan. But he refused to consign his friends alone, and nobly led them out of the lands himself.
He has since been the only thing holding the team together, and intends to at last make good on his promise that there is still a place the Shades will be admitted.to play.
The youngest member of the team, New Shadow was unfortunate enough to sign up just a month before the exile. He remains bolder than most of his colleagues, and has brightly predicted a bloodbowling future for the Shades all along.
Darkness Cloaked, Reeset's right hand man, was one of the furthest gone after the exile. He had always dedicated everything he had to bloodbowl, and to find himself without a match for months left him aimless. He took to sitting in dark corners and not saying anything to anyone for hours, which is why his teammates dubbed him darkness.
Reeset is greatly relieved to bring his 'lieutenant' to Purebowl, for fear that he had almost run out of time.
Mountain's Cover was an inhabitant of a small farming village up on the snowy peaks overlooking the white cities of Caledor. He would enjoy taking in the majestic view of the glittering stadium as he descended for daily training, and was often know to be late for kick-off as he ambled his way down the mountainside.
That gentle existence melted away after the exile, and Mountain has found the terrain of the rest of the world lacking compared to the heights of his home. He is willing to tolerate the flat plains of the Border Princedoms for now, but he hopes to one day return to the mountains of Ulthuan.
Forest's Blanket was used to a darkened existence before he left Ulthuan, but his was that of the peaceful, even serene still beneath the forest canopy outside the city. He was known as the squad's calmest member, using his private time to reflect on onfield troubles and wash them away.
Once turfed into the new reality of taverns and unwelcoming, busy towns he almost drowned in noise, before being dragged to the more sparse Princedoms by Reeset, where the captain hopes he will once again find some tranquility this side of the grave.
River's Depth was a fisherman before he left Ulthuan, spending time away from the team on the banks of the great river that swept through the city, fishing further upstream for his keep. He would always claim that bloodbowl was to him like hooking the largest fish in the depths, treading such a fine line between glory and dissappointment.
He has tried to keep up his pursuit, but, as if in tune with his lack of match practice, he has failed in his chase of fish for months on end. He can only hope that a return to bloodbowl leads to a return to form in both senses.
Blackened Veil took the curse of exile as a serious bight on his honour, and has since dedicated himself to a pugilist and militaristic code, blackening his armour and donning warlike face paint. He does it all in the most sombre of moods, pure determination to display his dishonour denying him respite, until their return to bloodbowl proper.
Night is one of Reeset's oldest friends, and another of the Shades that had ambitions of turning professional. As with all elven teams, Night's passing ability lit up the stage on many occasions, and he was not one to reject the glamour and attention he received as a result, spending much time in the socialite circles of the city, beginning to drift away from the game itself.
This meant the exile came as a bit of a jolt to Night, ripping him out of his reality by the roots of the old game that had taken him there. However, loyal to Reeset, he stayed with the team, and vows that should they build a further success, he will keep his feet more squarely on the pitch.
Dusk was the player of the greatest promise in the 'Flame of the South', his dedicated running bringing speculation that he was soon destined for the big time. The exile shattered this dream, of course. Dusk was angry for a long time, and blamed anyone in sight for ruining his great chance.
Eventually, he came to the realisation that he would only attain his former heights in one way; he renewed his commitment to the Shades, and was among the first to sign up for the journey to the Border Princedoms.
Drawn to the team by the reputation of it's star receiver, Shade had always followed in the footsteps of Dusk. And so it proved after the exile, as he dissapeared into the shadows as Dusk walked away. When Dusk returned, Shade was still not to be found; Reeset looked wherever he could, but came up with nothing.
When the date for leaving drew close, Shade re-appeared, from nowhere. He wouldn't say where he'd been, but he had clearly changed, no longer the young prospect, now cold and aloof, a shadow forever over him. His team-mates could come up with nothing more suitable than Shade.