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Lords of the White Tower
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Duke Iaedian Longstrider is the third member of the ruling houses to take up the challenge of the bloodbowl team both his fellow nobles have died so his main goal is to survive.
Scored a Hatrick in his first game against a monsterous Ogre team that caused 11 casulties, 3 of which where thier own team...
After the game against the Ogre team Iaedian decided that brawn was often overcome by agility and a intence ballet course was requested for, soon the Duke was not only making the ladies swoon with his dancing ability but he was leaving his opponnents grasping at air as he flew past them.. his team mates have formally request he doesn't ware the toto even in training though.
Side Step
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The latest of the Hammerhiem Aristocracy to get a feel for Bloodbowl, this high impact Blitzers career has taken off with a bang, needing a meer 5 games to reach 20 SPP.
A player that likes to get involved he has the ability to be a threat no matter where he is on the field.
Nerves of Steel
Side Step
A noble highelf from the Hammerhiem Stable, loves to score and is developing into a mean blitzer to boot.
Only the second player i have had make it to Star without aging.
Nerves of Steel
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Master of the deft offload under pressure, a vital part of the Lords Offence and a reliable ball chaser.
Dump Off
Sure Hands
Rothmane has proved a agile and reliable passer for the Lords, nothing to flashy but gets the job done.
Consistant LoS elf that has survived against the odds, spends lot of time getting into people ways and the crowd just love a trier.
speedy lineelf come secondary catcher that has forced a nitche for himself within the Lords offence, hoping to set some TD records in the future.
The Lords Leading blocker, likes to get up close and personal with just about anyone, Ogre's, Troll's, Black Orc's makes no difference to this angry red-head
Lords Kicker and general back-field loiterer, versitle as he puts it, has a blocking role on offence, so long as his jersey doesn't get dirty.