35 coaches online • Server time: 11:26
Justified Enforcers
Side Step
Greef has been busy in his righteous judgement of others and it has
begun to show in an increased absence from duty. Instead he has
compensated by being even faster when he does show up.
Constantly struggling to maintain control in a chaotic world Greef
is a constant support to his team mates anywhere on the field.
Side Step
Diving Tackle
Mason is a talented and versatile player. He's not that spectacular but is
non the less the top-scorer of the team.
This has now earned him a modest place among the top 10 active
ranked scoring Pro-elf blizers.
Nerves of Steel
Dump Off
Pale makes sure that the team will remain in a certain position of control
so that they can always keep their heads cool - after all justice can not
be enforced when one does not follow his mind rather than his feelings.
Nerves of Steel
Dump Off
Mae is a particulary agile enforcer and has been able to establish control
when all other measures would otherwise have failed. She has proven
to be a great asset to the team.
Recently Kill has acquired the ability to get in <i>anywhere</i> in order to
stabilize the situation on the Bloodbowl field.
Nerves of Steel
Dump Off
Strip Ball
This justicar is always ready to strike where the need is in order to
regain control in a pressured situation and bring the sence of dispair
upon the heads of his enemies - and a really nice guy too.
Not only is Gregory a threat to the enemy ballcarriers he is now also able
to get the ball out of harms way should the opposition decide to go after
Being the rising star on the team as well as a crowd favorite he has
ensured himself a place amongst the top 10 Most Valuable active pro-elf
Howard's performance on the field may seem like a humble one to some
but in fact he's a rock-solid corner stone - especially on the team's offence.
Nerves of Steel
Fast, agile and sturdy - what more could a man ask for in his players?
I hope to figure out the answer to that question soon.
Dean is a <i>true</i> regulator who is there to make sure that the
opposition doesn't stray from the righteous moral-path that the Enforcers
believe themselves to be the guardians of. He doesn't usually degrade
himself to barbaric behavior that involves a boot in the opponents groin
but should the situation arise he is a firm believer in the rule that you
must "fight fire with fire".
A stalwart defender of the organization's beliefs Mortridge has also
proven to be one of the team's most versatile lineelves as well as the
only elf on the team to make an interception.
Ortomis has proven popular among the audience (perhaps
because he has caused more cas than any other on the team)
and is now in charge of regulating the balls position on the field.
His efforts in the cas-department has earned him a the modest position
of #10 on the list of blockers among active ranked pro-linelves. He
doesn't really care.