Darkheart Skullsmashers II
28/5/05 Ishra was made the team captain after his magnificent display against the skaven of Bloodbowl Fight Club. Injuring both the opponent's gutter runners in 2 consecutive turns is a feat that will be remembered by the fans for a long time.
27/5/2005 Athrik may be strong but he's also pretty simple-minded and excells at injuring himself after going down on 2-die blocks.
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28/8/05 Aged a niggle on her second spp roll. Now assigned to suicide actions duty.
28/8/2005 Even though he has been assigned to front line duty after his aged niggle his displays of bloodbowling skills remaing dazzling. Today he was instrumental in our 3-0 victory by giving the final pass on each of our 3 touchdowns.