Nienna Eärfalas Guardian Team
Side Step
The most feared Wardancer on the team
She has assembled this team to show the other female Wood elves that that the high status she was born with is something she without a doubt is something she can live up to
As an Close and personal friend of Nienna Eärfalas she has gotten this chance to prove to everyone else that even though she comes from a poor family she can make an name for herself
As a member of the Eärfalas familys private Guard she has been assigned a important position on the team as the Lead Linewoman on the team
This Elven warrior has sworn to proctect Nienna Eärfalas life with his own.
He holds Nienna Eärfalas in high regards and hopes that his support of her will make him rise in the ranks
She is the Scout for this team , her job is to scout out the other teams and find their weaknesses and strength and find a way to make any use of the information she has gathered
Another member for the Eärfalas familys guard... his purpose is to screen of any treath to Nienna Eärfalas and also report back to her family
He is the third member of the Eärfalas family guard that are with the team
he is concidered the most promising young elven in there guard and thats why he has gotten a place on the team
He is the fourth and last member of the Eärfalas family guard that are on the team and thats because he is the oldest and most wise of them all, his job is to give advice and help Nienna Eärfalas in her tasks and goals
He is Amdor of Dorthonion's Mentor and sensei and he has teached him all that he knows and he has gained his respect and loyality for life
He is a friend and companion to Amdor of Dorthonion and they have followed each other since the early days
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Multiple Block
This old and revered Tree is the tree Nienna Eärfalas played in when she was a little girl and some how they connected together and the tree came to life and now it follows her around at a slow but sturdy pace
She is the Latest addition to the team after they have reached to conclusion that they desperatly needs a thrower have lost many games cause the lack of a thrower ..
She is a fine addition indeed and hailed welcome