Dr. Darkheart's Sunshine Club
Mighty Blow
The diabolical Dr. Dearkheart decided to organize all of his demonic cohorts and take out their frustrations on hapless Blood Bowl teams.
His first incarnation was rather conceded and not only hogged all the TDs but all the MVPs as well. Unlike some of his teammates, he was not killed on the field but after getting his 4th MVP and 6th TD his teammates decided that they were getting abused because of his high standing. They killed him while he snacked on the entrails of a young autograph seeker.
When he dug himself out of the grave, he was much more a team player. He still harbors ill feelings for his teammates actions, but he also has a morbid respect for them as well.
He is secretly plotting his revenge.
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
The horrifying Nurse Hatchet is one of Dr. Darkheart’s top lieutenants. Her malice is only surpassed by her disturbing appearance. It is said that she was once beautiful and that her love for Dr. Darkheart not only scarred her soul but her face as well. In truth, she altered her own appearance in homage of the good doctor when he was killed by some of the other teammates.
Upon his return from the grave, Dr. Darkheart has shown that he trusts only Nurse Hatchet by making her the team captain.
During a match against some Nurgle zealots, a member of the crowd hurled a sharp brick-bat that was aimed at the good Doctor. Nurse Hatchet spotted the projectile and intercepted it, with her face. The assault ripped her nose completely off. The injury plagues her to this day. On occasion Dr. Darkheart insists that she sit out a game. Most think that this is so she can rest (no nose makes it hard to breathe sometimes), but in truth, he just can't stand to see her wheezing up and down the pitch flinging snot everywhere and when his disgust reaches a point he has her sit out.
Mighty Blow
Strip Ball
No one, but Dr. Darkheart, knows the true name of The Professor. It is whispered that he is really a foul demon from the abyss. Whether this is true or not is debatable. No reporter has been able to get close enough to him long enough to ask him any questions.
Easily the most brutal of all of the Sunshine Club, the Professor has made it his mission to defile the bodies and souls of all whom cross his path. For this reason, Dr. Darkheart looks to him to even the score when an opponent decides to get violent.
Mighty Blow
The being known as The Hangman is a silent, deadly killer. He quietly goes about his business on the field. It is debated whether he is actually living or some strange creation of the foul Doctor’s.
On a bizarre note, he is by far the best dancer on the entire team.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal