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Timid Terror
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Cleaver is known to be reliable, and just recently obtained Piling On. It's in the teams hope that Cleaver can pitch in every now and then with an important casaulty when needed.
He will forever be remembered for a clutch interception against a disgruntled wood elf team that helped swayed the luck to our side.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Butcher has slowed in development more then I would like. It's really great having 7 Movement, but without tackle or mighty blow he doesn't get the points he needs.
I thought about retiring him and getting a new Slayer, but really, the 7MV is too nice. I only wish he could just get one more skill.. then he could be an amazingly good player. Until then, I'll just hope..
Update : He finally got Mighty Blow! Yes! And didn't age, I'm estatic!! Mwahahaha!!
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Jake has developed into a solid runner, but until he can get dodge I still don't feel as confident with him as I do with Jim. Nonetheless, +MA really increases his worth, hopefully he can either get one more +MA or dodge for his next skill.
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Safe Throw
Here is our workhorse and main runner/blitzer of the team.
SpeedKills is always able to do whatever it takes to get the ball down the field. Having pulled off impossible plays with clutch performances, we can only hope that SpeedKills can keep up with his current performance.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Here he comes to save the day! No, really. Murray took the death of Burdo quite hard and pushed himself to do the killing Burdo would have done in his place.
And now, after just gaining Mighty Blow, the only thing more terrifying to an elf would be Cleaver or Butcher. I'm looking forward to Murray splattering the entrails of elves everywhere. And he's just as eager as I. Oh, and occasionally he'll even score the occasional touchdown. But mostly it's about killing.
Thick Skull
Thick Skull
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Good old Hurin, still doing his best to kill and maim everything he can get his dirty little hands on. His favorite activities include squishing elves, catchers and gutter runners. He really hates anything that can move faster then him.
Especially now that he hurt his hip in the last game and is no longer as limber as he used to be. Though this really only encourages him to injure even more, a little fuel for the fire so to speak.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Piling On
The progress of Vhern has almost been chilling.
Having been useless for the first 24 games or so, Vhern decided that it was time to step it up, and in twelve games, managed to acquire three skills and suddenly become a very important player on the pitch.
He looks upto Hurin and plays very similiar, trying to hurt or kill everything in his path. Together they shall hopefully squish many an elf and live to laugh about it later!
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Perhaps not completely useless, Mr. Unreliable has more often then not done nothing useful for entire games. And I'm not joking. But I think Nuffle is. It's amazing how many 1's he can roll, or how many double skulls with Pro failing. It's heart breaking.
His efforts in the last two games were nice though. He never actually caused a single turnover, and he actually managed to get a casaulty (when an opponent rolled a skull on him that is).
I've basically given up all hope on him actually becoming a positional player. He's just fodder now. Usually I just hope people target him, focus on him and if they really want to, even kill him. Better him then someone I value worth keeping. Mostly though, everyone ignores him, recognizing he's just a useless oaf who stands around slobbering and muttering to himself.