38 coaches online • Server time: 09:48
Blitzkrieg Spitfires
Had a pony tail until a short while ago. Has a goth little sister so he suffers a lot.
Some people say he is a racist, but I don't believe it. He hates everybody, how much undescriminatory can one get?
This guy thinks he's "The Shit". A little bit cocky. HOWEVER he is now the player with the most casualties on the team. Give him credit. He will be a good player.
In the future he will have Mighty Blow. Because he blows. Mightly. Really, just check the picture.
Sniffs glue to pass the time. Just check the picture.
Has the uncanny hability of being the single most worthless Thrower in BB history.
Spends most of his time watching the stars in an observatory in Paris. And sniffing glue.
5-7-2005: Failed to pick up the ball four times. And he does have sure hands. The first resulted in a turnover that ruined the rest of the game. Luckily the rest of the team, specially Vovin and Carvalho, managed to hold the Onslaught while I was 6-11 on players. No serious injuries ensued.
Side Step
Skinny guy, resilient, loves biking...
He just shouts "Human Catcher" with all his fiber. I think that STR 2 Blodgers with lots of MA are the most dangerous players in the game (wood elf catchers, juman catchers, gutter runners).
He and Bailadeira make a powerful duo.
They are a couple in real life
Skinny guy, excelent magic player, always making fun of people.
He once went to Japan for a Magic tournament and ate all the referee's pizza. Bad, bad move.
He and Resende make a powerful duo.
They are a couple in real life
UPDATE: On his first game managed to make a casualty and a MVP, therefore gaining a skill.
Maybe this guy will put some sense onto this God Forsaken team...
Blue eyed surfer boy. Should have been a blitzer. Alas, we can have only four...
Sexual pervert. Swings both ways. Would swing more ways if there where some more.
Has a sex drive that can reach Warp 9. His cock is HUGE! I'm talking about 30 cms. If you don't believe, just ask him. He'll show you.
He is so lazy that I think he will never earn a single star point and will probably be killed by a Str 5 Witch Elf or Amazon Blitzer while trying to copulate with her. Or probably chokes on Kroxigor cock.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Also known in real life as Pedro "Bone Head" Alves, this guy was the perfect pick to play as the ogre. He is big and lumbering. However is also a gentle soul, as his main hobby is taking care off his little fishies.
A cool guy.