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Aalien Tombs
Mighty Blow
Mighty Blow
Piling On
Pass Block
Sure Hands
All Time Top Skeleton Star
All Time Top Skeleton Passer
2nd All Time Best Undead Passer
Kindly donated by Disfigured Warriors !
Strip Ball
Strip Ball
Sure Hands
Kindly donated by Palisade Roughnecks !
Mighty Blow
5th All time Most Valuable player for Undead
Aquired from Super Lamers during Aalien Tombs first turn of what can only be described as a killing frenzy, where 2 kills and 4 injuries where incured by the Skaven.
However, undawnted by this savage entrance, the Super Lamers went on to secure a solid 3 - 2 victory.
Just a small tribute to this coach who endured multiple casualties, but did not give up, he kept giving as good as he got !
Whilst under the inspiring command of 'Crazy Loons' Fungus got over enthusiastic with his madcap mushrooms .... little did he know that his next wheel of the ball and chain would be his last..... as he pull an almight swing,... he colapsed grasping his chest and keeled over, suffering a massive cardiac arrest... it was rumord that his last word were something along the lines of....'a waffer thin mint' before his chest exploded !
Rest assure Aalien Tombs was at hand to make him good... after taking several minutes running around scraping up his guts and inners from the pitch (with numerous dogs from the crowd running around making the most of the snacks that Fungus donated) we collected enough body parts to hand them over to bones, who took out his industrial staple gun and patched Fungus back together again.... (quiet a work of art if you where lucky enough to see it)
With great concentration and a few elaborate hand signs (some I am sure where directed at the crowd who where booing and hissing at the loss of such a renound player) Bones managed to re-encarnate Fungus .... his first words ... WTF ...Fire the missiles !
Within minutes of his re-encarnation he was summoned into play... and the crowd where on the feet with a ROAR as he made his renewed appearance... spured on by the crowed, he proptly smacked into one of his previous team mates from 'Crazy Loons' and broke his jaw..... the crowed by now where in a frenzy and egged him on...
With such a eventful game, Fungus Appeared, had a heart attack, underwent MAJOR surgery, got resurected, and gained a stripes within minutes of his return... which just goes to prove he is indeed a true re-encarnation of his former psycotic self and a true asset to his new familly ... AALIEN TOMBS !
Kindly donated by Brown Star Boys !