Broad Twin's Fortune Tellers
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Being the founder, coach and leader of the team, Vinhor Shalechop saw himself as the quarterback of the team. But as they played more games it became clear to him his roll is more that one of the enforcer. Blood Bowl made him discover hidden strengths and now everyone looks at him as the top body guard on the team.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Everyone on the team sees him as one of the most dangerous and evil players. Certainly after first foul killed (sent off) the Ogre, Franklin the fool:
In the first game of the DIEhard Bashfest (TR -150).
Now he is dreaming of becoming a real nasty dirty player and practising at killing rats in the basements of the lodgings they are staying.
Sure Feet
Thick Skull