Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
Side Step
He has the experince many envy, and not a single badhaor day yeat !
/me knocks the wood<hr><b><u>First Season</u>
Worlds Edge Mountains Monumental Tournament </b>
After a long & consuming journey to Karaz-a-Karak, we had eaten our supplies
and started starving, which was easy to see in our first <A href="">game</a>. Those rats left
the field with a win in their pocket, but with a tail (or what was left of it) between their legs.
Maybe we could concetrate more on the ball now that our stomachs
are ful... örr not empty.
Sappe led his staff to a <A href="">game</a> (and was rewarded after the ref saw his knife skills)
against <A href="">Men of Valor</a>. We played hard and didn't even avoid using the dirtiest tricks,
and that was forth it: <i>we WON!</i> Now that we have opened our winning
streak, we should be able to stick to it and head for the top.
Just ya wait Sappe and his cooking crew will reach higher than anyone else
Well after long waiting we managed to get a game, might it be that others
are too afraid to play us?!. So we had to face <i>dr_scitt</i>'s Lizzies and we
had few customers who were asking if we had any frog legs or tortoise soup,
Sappe said "maybe after the match." But as anyone can see we don't have
and Sappe is recovering at home from his sore angle: he tripped over his
own pan... and after that the staff just stopped trying. <A href="">game</a>. ended in embarressing 0-5 defeat.
After arriving for Tribal 'Eadsplitta Cup we took alook at the schedule, Kaos Dorfs, UHH!.
We came back from the game, beaten and with many bruises. BUT we
managed to hurt that st6 bullshentaur! plus <b>Cleaner Dirtfoot</b> showed
his skill landing TTM and sprinting for a TD. We lost 1-3
We faced another hungry team, VAMPS!, and won them, but there was
some odd casualties: our Fork managed to take him self down and to
BH box... + few other oddies. Hottes potato was... Cleaner Dirtfoot. He
made 2 passes, cas and Spoon threw him on last turn and after landing
he had a clear path to the end zone. Reward for the most valuable player
went to Cleaner Dirtfoot, and for a good reason!
Moonlight Stalker were bit too much for us, we managed to bash them a bit
but we got some beating too, Sappe is now suffering from a bad headache
will spectate next match from the bench... At least our Spoon & Fork managed
to do few cas... actually they doupled their casses.
<b>Little Grudge Bowl </b>
Norsie norsie where are you we are waiting for you...
it was a game with a horrible HCs and a changing luck. 1-1
Skavens got some boot, but managed to make it unharmed, but we made 2x mng and 1 -ma,
those rats are goingto be an easy target for the next opp they meet. game ended in a tie 2-2.
One of our best players died today,
lets spend a one minute in silence for his memory, Cleaner Dirtfoot,
we'll miss you.
up next: norsies again, but this time only 11 and no apoth =D
<b>Training grounds:</b>
8 teams played: Chaos,Delf,Khemri,Ogre,Orc,Khemri & Necro
<b>Mootland, beerbellies</b>
First up Undead. We had no fear because we had been training
for these so called "bashing" teams and it was good to see the result:
2-0 and we mangled em!
***no one reported the match***
Lucky norsies won us, and mangled a few
Damn dwarfs, won us and mangled us badly
Those Vamps had to face 8 flings and a tree, but once again we lost.
<b>Woofen fork</b> retired and was replaced with <b>Wooden Knife</b>
<b>End of Season 1</b>
Time to idle and cather some cash and stuff for next season
Lizards got some loving, as we made 3/1/0 and won 1-0,
one froglegged ended up dead, but too bad we couldn't cook him
because he made a suicide.
We didn't manage to hurt anyone when we played against orcs, but
they didn't hurt more than two of us, on first turn and on last turn a
goblin tried to kick our Wooden Spoon to death, luckily our apo fixed him.
a solid 2-1 victory.