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Things That Go Bump
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Boris was a slow starter, but in the last handfull of games he has started to contribute to the team more than ever. He is the master of the "standing in the way looking confused but smelling horribly"- art. And every once in a while he will accidentaly slap someone to the ground.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Made from bits and pieces left over from the original Karloff. Being re-assembled doesn´t seem to get in the way of his playng-style much, though. He still spends most games lying down. Sometimes in a usefull spot.
Jump Up
ageing on first skill roll... -1 ag...
Grävling was never the death-dealing menace that Skabbterrier is, but then again, he usually manages to stay on the field most games.
Jump Up
Mighty Blow
Ageing on the first roll. -1av. Hooray!
Even though he is a pretty fragile little wolf, Skabbterrier usually rips great chunks from the opposition. But most games he spends second half in the dugout, bleeding and whining.
Little Quis has learned the art of doing nothing and still be allowed to play by the master, Merde. Quis is following his mentor´s lead and usually under-preform the Zombies on the team.
Quis succeded with a late pass that failed to make any difference and gained tackle... And promptly aged... Niggle. Will be fired someday soon.
Merde used to preform resonably well until he decided that he was a professional player, cool and calm. Since he gained this selfproclaimed pro- status, he hasn´t done a thing. In 14 games...
Sure Hands
Having been the primary scorer for some time, The Chick has lately been coached towards a more aggressive style of play .
Offer, or victim, nr.4 is proving herself to be quite long-lived... This surely can´t continue?
The most murderous of the Zombies. And, the one with the least pathetic musical abilities.
Little ms. Simpson has turned out to be quite the MVP-sink... However, she compensates this by kicking really bad. Omg...
Britney is a speed bump. A masochistic little dead girl, who usually mumbles something about being beaten by a baby, over and over. Though that rarely happens, she definitly gets hit a lot.
Shakira spends most games in the dugout shaking her worm- infested behind. I hate her. Keep that a$$ still!
I must have a soft-spot for Whitney... Eventhough she sometimes gets the shivers and cant preform (she is NOT a druggie! The white stuff? Its just cosmetics) she is allowed to stay.
Raised skaven.
Sturk seems to have kept some of his speed from his living days. Sadly he couldn´t outfight an egg.