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SOT Phoenix
Strip Ball
Sure Feet
Twin brother to Ham, and younger sibling of the legendary founder of the South Down Raiders, Han Hardrunner, Harri has made a much greater impact on the Phoenix since signing up. Faster than most war dancers high hopes are held for Harris career and the bond between him and his twin should serve them well.
As his demonic brother has become the teams 'designated hitter' on defence, Harri has continued to shine in offense, currently the leading Phoenix TD scorer and seeming less and less drunk by the day.
In his 20th game Harri reached star status at the same time as his brother and the linelf Tomriy Dok, but the celebrations dont seem to have dulled his extraordinary pace.
**********Reached 51 spp with no MVPs 14 TDs 5 completions and 4 casualties******************
Side Step
Younger brother of wardancing legend Jodrell Freshbreeze, Jossy has long despised living in his brothers shadow. A regular at the Sore Orc since he flunked out of wardancer academy for failing his leaping classes, Jossy has sworn revenge against his sibling and is going about making a career for himself as a dependable line-elf.
***Jossy became the first star for the Phoenix, passing 51 spps in his 22nd game.***
*** Jossy then became the teams first Super-Star reaching 76spps in a 6-5 victory for the Phoenix over The New Leghorn Tarpons. This was the Phoenix' 30th game, and Jossys 29th*******
******Jossy has continued to be the right elf in the right place for the Phoenix, in their Fumbbl Cup debut he scored seconds after the kick off, blitzing a fearsome beastman and catching the kick direclty to lead the Phoenix to a 4-1 victory***************
Pass Block
Got to third skill with no mvps, 8 completions, 7 tds and a casualty in his first 17 games.
A prodigus scorer in the Phoenix line-up, Seth has shown his talents surpass most of his peers. The smooth flow of seamless passing, moving, hitting, dodging and scoring has been breathtaking in his career so far. VERY unpopular amongst his team-mates Seth has taken a vow of abstinence until he is forced to miss a Phoenix match......
******became a star in his 31st game****
A very strange Wood Elf, Izzibum is known for being the most miserable, whinging, selfish Wood Elf of them all. Forever moaning about a lack of attention and always asking for more of everything from everbody and complaining about his perceived persecution at the hands of his teamates meant that few tears were shed after he was brutally gored by a Beastman in the Teams Fumbbl Cup debut, unfortunatley for his teamates Izzibum has decided to play on.........
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Multiple Block
A sapling taken from the same parent tree as the great Raiders Treeman Samson Darkoak, Jebediah is proving as equally technically gifted.
Being shorter than most Treeman Jeb suffered the jibes of other saplings while in the nursery wood. Since taking up BB Jeb has been hankering to get his hands on another tree......
*********Became a star after 29 games (20 cas and 3 MVPs), brought up his 20th casualty SI'ing 3 of Gary Gygax famous pro elves We Score More****************
Pass Block
The fourth Farfire brother to represent the Phoenix. Blackthorn was named after the bush he was conceived under according to his mother. He seems to have a good grip on all th Phoenix basics, scoring two TDs on his debut despite spending 11 turns knocked out.