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Durin's Folk
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
The eldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, the first of that race to be created by the Vala Aulë. He was set to sleep under the mountains of Middle-earth until after the awakening of the Elves.
When he woke, he journeyed in the wilds until he came upon the Mirrormere, the lake that the Dwarves call Kheled-zâram. Looking upon mysterious stars reflected in its surface, he took this as a sign, and there founded a great city tunnelled in the heart of the Misty Mountains. This was Khazad-dûm, later called Moria.
Durin lived to a great age even by the measure of the Dwarves, but though he was called the Deathless, he was not immortal. He died some time before the end of the First Age, but he founded the line of the Kings of Durin's Folk that extended down through the history of Middle-earth.
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
King of Durin's line, successor to Óin. He led the Dwarves of Durin while they abode in the Grey Mountains. Late in his reign, dragons came south out of the Forodwaith, and began to assail the Dwarves.
Náin was 247 years old when he died, having reigned as King for 97 of those years. He was succeeded by his eldest son Dáin, who became King Dáin I.
Thick Skull
King of Durin's Folk, son and heir of Náin II, and ancestor of both Thorin II Oakenshield and Dáin II Ironfoot.
Thick Skull
Son of Glóin, he travelled from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring. After the breaking of the Fellowship at Parth Galen, he hunted Orcs across Rohan with Aragorn and Legolas. He fought at the Battle of the Hornburg, and at the Pelennor Fields. He is famed for his fast friendship with Legolas the Elf; some stories say that they sailed into the West together - if this is true, then Gimli was the first and only of dwarven-kind to come to the Undying Lands.
A Dwarf of Durin's Line, the second son of King Náin II. He was the ancestor of both Balin and Gimli Elf-friend of the Company of the Ring.
The eldest son of Dáin I, and King of Durin's Folk after him. He returned the Kingship to Erebor, and was King under the Mountain when the Lonely Mountain was invaded by Smaug. He died years later in Moria, at the hands of Azog the Goblin.
The son of Dáin I of Durin's Folk, and brother to Thrór the founder of Erebor. He was slain with his father by a Cold-drake in the Grey Mountains.
Thick Skull
Grór was born into the House of Durin during its last troubled years in the Grey Mountains. He was the youngest of the three sons of King Dáin I, who ruled Durin's Folk during their wars with the dragons of the north. When Grór was just twenty-six years old, a cold-drake attacked Dáin's halls, and slew the King along with his second son, Frór.
The two remaining brothers resolved to flee the Grey Mountains with their people and settle elsewhere. As the elder brother, Thrór inherited the Kingship, and led his people back to Erebor in the east. Young Grór travelled still farther east, to the Iron Hills, where he founded a realm of his own.
Grór saw many mishaps and tragedies during his reign. The kingdom of his brother Thrór was destroyed by the dragon Smaug, and Grór's son and heir, Náin, was killed at the Battle of Nanduhirion before he could inherit. Grór's rule passed instead to his grandson Dáin Ironfoot. Many years later, at the Battle of Five Armies, Thrór's last descendant, Thorin Oakenshield, was lost. Dáin inherited the high Kingship of Durin's Folk, a title that remained with the descendants of Grór.
Grór ruled the Dwarves of the Iron Hills for two hundred and fifteen years, and was succeeded by his grandson Dáin.
King of Durin's Folk in exile, the son of Thrór and father of Thorin II Oakenshield. He escaped Erebor when Smaug descended upon it, but later wandered Middle-earth seeking to return there; he was captured by Sauron and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.
Thick Skull
The King of Durin's Folk who led his people to reclaim Erebor from Smaug; slain in the Battle of Five Armies.
The second son of Thráin II, and younger brother of Thorin Oakenshield. He was slain in the Battle of Nanduhirion
Thick Skull
The daughter of Thráin II, and sister of Thorin II Oakenshield. The mother of Fíli and Kíli, she is the only dwarf-woman named by Tolkien