Mutant People From Uranus
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Piling On
Remutated in a Chaos Warrior, Wqopwiepoigf claims for another oportunity in the MPFU!!! There you go, lovely mutant!!!
And Wqopwiepoigf proved his skill in his very first game as Chaos Warrior, making 2 casualties and earning a well deserved MVP!!! Brilliant Wqopwiepoigf!!!
All Uranus fans expected Spqiowegams to get another mutation. Spqiowegams is kinda shy, so he took his time to develop his mutation. Weird guys these mutants!
Razor Sharp Claws
Lqwopeipofuh was actually the very first player to get an ability, and the first mutant Mutant People From Uranus has ever had.
Maybe it were the toxic fumes from Uranus.
Maybe some Gamma-Ray from far stars reaching Uranus.
We will never know.
This is MPFU second mutant (in order of mutation!!). Achieved it after his 2nd touchdown against a woodie team!!
Managed to kill a wood elf in his very first game. Well, who knows if it was his or her??? No clue on the sex of this Uranus People.
Big Hand
Mighty Blow
And now here is our third mutant!!! After breathing the disgustingly toxic fumes from Uranus that mutated his hand into something biggest than Uranus itself!!! Oh my my, keep em coming!!!
After a funny game vs some dwarves, Xojrognmnxsa started to move more slowly... Some say his feet are small and noone noticed before.
Weird mutants!!!
It was a great and nice surprise for the MPFU that Sqwiepoikfsd mutated into a demi-octopus, due to an overdose of Uranus water. Now lets see if our brand new mutant manages to squeeze and hug some of his opponents!!!