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Orphans Call
Mighty Blow
Captain of the Call, and 750 years old, Kel-Shaq is the thinker, responsible for the sneaky plays that delight the fans at the Calls home stadium The Boneyard.
Totally commited to the teams cause, fans are convinced he will bring them success both on the field and in their ongoing quest off field.
Mighty Blow
Kel-Shaq's right hand man, and therefore vice captain of Orphans Call, the greatest team of skeletons to ever shuffle onto a bloodbowl field.
Toth weighs in at about 7 stone.(Which, incodentaly is quite a lot for a guy with no skin)
He and the captain are the hardest hitting of the Call, and usually represent the main thrust of the offense.
Sure Hands
Oldest of the Call, Guiseppe is a great marksman(by undead standards) and is responsible for the rare outbursts of elfbowl the Call have been mustering in recent games, in the process of teaching his trade to Quel'mah, he is scoring a healthy touchdown count, and is a firm fans favourite
Sure Hands
Apprentice to Guiseppe, Quel'Mah is thusfar still quite an underachiever by thrower standards, but the future is bright, and Quel'Mah looks forward to the day he can take the reigns as playmaker for the Call
Apu, youngest of the Call is a riotous and proud youth, with aspirations of leadership, and whilst he would never break his alleigance to the Call, he takes his duties as team motivator and midfield powerhouse very seriously
Sca'Re is the first in a new breed of 'Cultured' Skeletons, possessing almost elflike nimbleness and a jaw breaking block, he is both admired and respected by the rest of the team
Tethis is part of the creative nerve centre of the team, he has superior reflexes and great vision, much is expected of him in the future