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Alliance Reborn
Mighty Blow
Side Step
Prior the Incident (as the members of the Alliance have taken to calling their magical transformation from living hero to undead abominations), Strider was an elven ranger, roaming the wilds, guiding pilgrims through the wilderness to arrive safely to their destination...and watching to ensure those same pilgrims paid proper respect to the nature they passed through. Perhaps a touch of this far-ranging nature helped influence his transformation into a fast, agile werewolf instead of the slow, clumsy zombie forms of his friends and allies...
Mighty Blow
Born completely deaf, Dawn was something of an outcast among the other kids at play growing up. However, she learned to turn this handicap to a serious advantage, since she wasn't distracted by sounds around her, thus enhancing her concentration. This supreme focus made her the best archer her community has ever fostered. She's not quite sure what to make of this transformation into a werewolf...she misses being an elf, yet for the first time in her life, she can now hear...voices of companions, whistle of the wind through leaves, laughter...of all the Alliance, Dawn is the least sure she actually wants to be returned to the way she was before...
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
A giant of a man, Thoro is a paladin dedicated to the God of Justice. Self appointed judge, jury and, if need be, executioner, Thoro roamed the world seeking out lawbreakers to punish. Being transformed into an undead THING, a creature he formally reviled as utterly evil and not worthy of mercy, has forced him to do much rethinking of the definition of right and wrong...
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
He may not be the tallest of the Alliance, but Dalvo certainly has the biggest heart! (And shortest temper...) When not in immediate conflict, Dalvo spends his time whittling toys out of wooden branches, which he then gives to children. He's finding it a tad bit harder to get small kids to accept gifts from his hand since the Incident, a fact which has only heightened his fury on the pitch of battle...
The Archmage Fritz himself has decided to captain the team of misfits, trying to uphold the pretense of playing bloodbowl while in fact searching for those secret, rare ingredients to recreate that most powerful spell which went somehow awry...although he won't admit it to any others, he really doesn't know what went wrong, and fears trying again and somehow making things worse!
Eben's a mage of almost identical ability to Fritz, but his attention has ever been focused on the fairer sex, which has caused him to not quite live up to his true potential. Nevertheless, Eben and Fritz have been rivals and friends for decades, and it was on Eben's recommendation that Fritz explore necromancy in the first place...a fact Eben is trying to quietly ignore as he assists in searching for the needed spell components...
Cuchillo is a master of every bladed weapon known to exist...at least, to his adoring audience he is. All flash and no grit, nobody knows just how effective Cuchillo would actually be in a real fight. However, as skilled as he is at twirling daggers in his fingers and encircling himself in a seemingly solid mass of glittering blades, few bad guys have actually been willing to find out!
After retiring from the skaven bloodbowl team Weapon Masters, Sai was wandering the world in search of a new challenge, when suddenly there appeared a bright light and he discovered himself transformed from his lean, lethal self into a skeleton, yet still alive (in a manner of speaking). Deciding to hunt down whoever did this to him, he was convinced to join the ragtag band of misfits as the only experienced player. Revenge can always come later, after he's regained his sleek, sexy rat body, with all the razor sharp claws and horns that come with...
A lone hunter was prowling the woods surrounding Fritz's castle, and was caught in the edge of the magical transformation. Scared out of his wits, he meekly obeys the orders of the talking wolves, terrified of never returning home to see his wife and small son again...
Sonja is a telepath of immense power, but ever since she got trapped in this rotting body of a zombie, her concentration has been ruined. She's too busy picking at her own decaying flesh to be able to utilize her special gifts in any meaningful way. She is very impatient to be returned to her formerly beautiful self (with plans to erase everybody's memory of ever seeing her as something ugly)...
Lishan was a junior apprentice mage to Fritz, with dreams of one day becoming master of the magical academy Fritz founded. Fortunately, all of the other students were on break when the Incident occurred, so the school is temporarily closed until a solution is found...
Normally, Zahn is a master marial artist, using only his hands and feet (and sometimes head) to defeat armed opponents. This new form, very slow and not very agile, doesn't suit him very well, but rather than complain, Zahn has taken the situation as a personal challenge, to improve his fighting technique to account for his current...handicaps...and still be just as ruthless as ever.
Farsi is Fritz's bodyguard, serving to watch his back while the master is busy pouring over potential spell ingredients in merchant's shops. Doesn't say much...in fact, outside of Fritz, nobody can remember him ever saying a single word! So it's not very surprising that, of all the Alliance unwillingly transformed, Farsi has uttered the fewest complaints...none, actually...
A very pretty and simple girl, Aurora has a natural affinity towards plants, almost as if she can talk to them. Being turned into something dead is, naturally, a bit of a shock...
The smallest member of the Alliance, with the biggest ego! Gifted since birth to effortlessly create the most realistic illusions, Noghri continually proclaims himself the most powerful wizard ever! His friends really aren't sure if he's just uber-boastful, or if a lifetime of illusions has truly clouded his judgment of the real world...
Mighty Blow
Jem is a beautiful dark elf female with a talent for blending sorcery with skull-duggery, using magic to enhance her already formidable talent for thievery. Being a zombie is seriously crimping her style...hard to sneak up on somebody when you're shuffling along instead of gliding...rotting fingers are terrible at unworking knots on pursestrings...and the stench! Yech!