10 coaches online • Server time: 05:13
Tiamat's Revenge
The man the myth the legend. Kilgor Darknorth is infamous in his seiges against anything lawful. Most notably he nearly destroyed Vesve Forest in his quest of global Elfcide. <b> Thee Codex ov Infinite Planes </b> was his undoing hurling him into this plane where he has dedicated himself to Blood Bowl in order to keep himself battle ready & recruit <b>Agents ov Chaos </B> into his Confederacy!
After a career high of two casulties in a game and getting a skill, Kilgor's age has caught up with him and he now has a recurring back injury.
Break Tackle
It is said that just over a decade ago a tribes of huns discoverd a toddler wrestling a pig in an recently abandoned farmhouse. The child besting the swine turned to the hunters and babbled for hours in an unkown language.
Enthralled they mentored the child, teaching him the ways of this plane. In those years the huns were blessd with many victories, large land grabs, and much gold.
<b>Only player to have scored a td & cas. in a game. 4 Times!!!</b>
Franchise leader in most touchdowns scored.
Mighty Blow
Razor Sharp Claws
Utek is bitter towards his father since Loki does not acknowledge the drunken night in Uzakistan thirty odd years ago. Since then Utek has pledged to prove himself as a true <b>Champion ov Chaos</b>!!
<b> Current Team Leader in Casulties
The first player to have caused two casulties in the same game</B.
<b><big>The God of Death and Ruler of the Fifth Court of FENG-DU, the Chinese Hell.</b></big>
The Chinese version of <i>YAMA</I>, he was originally King of the First Court of Hell, but Heaven accused him of undue leniency. Far too many souls were crossing the Golden Bridge to Heaven and the place was getting crowded.
To prevent spiritual overpopulation, the JADE-EMPEROR put QIN-GUANG-WANG in charge of Judgment and assigned YEN-LO-WANG to the Fifth Hell of Wailing, Gouging and Boiling. Once there he developed a real relish for making souls miserable, so everyone was happy again. Except the souls, of course.
As a God of some importance, YEN-LO-WANG is far more than just a dealer of boiling oil. He rules over the whole of FENG-DU and has a team of deadly assistants. His filing system contains the records of every soul, complete with their allotted death date. MONKEY once paid him a visit and wreaked havoc, but we imagine security has been tightened up since then
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
<i>"There he was completly wasted, out of work and down.
So we hired and we trained him from sun up to down!
Now he's ready and he's nasty and ready to play.
Just don't try to come and block him cuz he'll clobber you out of town!!!
Breaking the Law! Breaking the law!"</i>
Larry retired after a niggling injury but due to huge signing bonus, he sent his younger brother to fulfill his contract with the chaos lords. His brother Lenny lasted five games before his death. Enraged, Larry spent the last of his money to heal himself and avenge his brother!
Very Long Legs
First player in franchise history to intercept a pass!
First player in franchise history to score two touchdowns in a game.