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Mylantiir's Ambition
Side Step
The eldest, and hardest, of the three sons. Mylantinor learned early how to please his father - perform on the Bloodbowl field. The team captain and 'motivator', he plays with determination, tenacity and a cool head. <BR> Probably the least talented of three, he makes up for it in his reading of the game and sheer guts.
Side Step
Scorned by his father for his reckless daring, Mylantenar is neverthelss the most talented. Seen as the most likely to achieve his fathers ambition he is also recognised as the one most likely to die while doing it!
Mylantenar reputedly disguised himself as a one of the Druchii and spent a year amongst his darker cousins refining his game. His appearence and hawkish demeanour give credence to the rumour but his father cares not. Mylantiir is untroubled with the methods his petulant son chooses to employ - as long as he performs on the field.
During his seventh match Mylantenar finally demonstrated his full potential in scoring all the teams TD's in a 5-1 match against the Ordinary Dark Elves. Even his father was impressed!
On 27/3/2506 Mylantenar was finally recognised as a star - a mere 11 games into his career, without the benefit of a single MVP award. He remains the apple of his fathers eye.
16/7/2506 Mylantenar achieves super stardom (15 games). Sadly in celebrating his achievement he overindulges in the wine and manages to break a leg. While the injury will heal, its clear he will be plagued with a recurrence of the injury from time to time. However his continued efforts on the practice grounds have improved his speed even further.
31/7/2506 Mylantenar passes the 100spp's mark by scoring all six of the teams TD's in a game vs Team G.U.N.D.A.M. (Humans)
The youngest of Mylantiir's three sons and for whom his father reserves the most affection (if it could be called that). Showing early promise at the Academy with a steely nerve and a fast arm, the coach hopes to keep him out of the rough stuff and allow him to run the team.<BR>
Of all the sons, Mylantiir has the highest hopes for his youngest. Sharing the same position Mylantiir called his own, Mylanterse inherited his fathers drive and ambition. But can he develop into a greater player than his sire?