21 coaches online • Server time: 02:51
Altdorf Furies
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Name: Helmut Weissmuller
From: Altdorf, The Empire
Former Clubs: Altdorf Juniors
Helmut is another former Altdorf Juniors player, rushed through training by the coach in order to help fill the gap left by the deaths of both Ragnar Surestrike and Gregor Strongfist. Hopefully Helmut’s carer with the Furies will be longer lived.
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Name: Siegfried Reinhorn
From: Ropsmann, Norsca
Former Clubs: Dunsfeld Doom Forgers
Siegfried is an old friend of the Coach from back when they played together for the Dunsfeld Doom Forgers. hearing of his friends venture in to coaching, and the disastrous loss of 2 star Blitzers, Siegfried agreed to lend a hand in times of need.
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Name: Griff Delvee
Born: Viejoncourt, Brettonia
Former Clubs: None
Griff Delvee, formerly Marquis Delvee de Viejoncourt, was a Brettonian Noble Man until the coach of the Altdorf Furies approached him. Girff was bored of his royal duties and seeked a more exiting life. His hunting abilities were amazing, able to chase, catch and kill any beast within his kingdom - this is what caught the coaches eye. Griff has now given up his titles to pursue a full time Blood Bowl Career.
<img src=http://www.bloodbowlnewteam.com/EstaliaBlitzer2.gif>
Name: Ricardo Pavlova
Born: Scozzeze, Tilea
Former Clubs: Sponanti Spears, Verezo Razors, Astiano Avengers.
This Hot Blooded Tilean has a reputation for having a very short fuse. This has led him into countless arguments and fights with his own team, let alone his opponents. However, the coach of the Furies knows if he can fuel his anger into the game, Ricardo could be a future Star.
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Name: Conrad Longley
Born: Nuln, The Empire
Former Clubs: Grissenwald Guards
Conrad "Quick Hands" Longley earned his nickname during his fantastic debut season with the Grissenwald Guards. More Agile, But weaker than his team mates, Conrad was pushed into the role of a Catcher. This is where he showed his abilites - breaking all previous records for Catches and Touch Downs in the Guards History.
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Name: Pablo Montoya
Born: San Luis, Estalia
Former Clubs: Santoyo Saints, Tigarre Tigres.
Pablo "Greasy" Montoya is so called beacuse of his ability to slip out of virtually any situation. A natural at Side Stepping, Dodging and weaving at speed, Pablo is perfect Catcher Material
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Name: Brad Yankeeman
Born: Nuln, The Empire
Former Clubs: Grissenwald Guards
Along with his team mate, Conrad Longley, Brad "Sure Shot" Yankeeman was a vital part of the Grissenwald Guards Success. Brads ability to throw with pin-point accuracy, and his steady nerves under pressure has meant every pass thrown, has landed on target.
Sure Hands
Hail Mary Pass
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Name: Ryu Takahashi
Born: Yamakuki, Nippon
Former Clubs: Nagasaki Dragons, Suzuki Sabres
Ryu "Kamikaze" Takahashi is a born risk-taker. Never content with quick off-loads and passes when a potential Long Bomb could be thrown. Although this is a very dangerous tactic, Ryu's natural throwing ability and Strong Arm have served him well.
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Name: Ulrich Vanderpumphaffen
Born: Grotenburg, Kislev
Former Clubs: Altdorf Juniors
A previous player with the Altdorf juniors, Ulrich has shown keen Blood Bowl skills from an early age. The Coach of the Furies is hoping to build on these skills and turn Ulrich into a star
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Name: Bruce Castlemain
Born: Foorecks, Badlands
Former Clubs: Black Gulf Gators
Bruce comes from a small village in the Southern Bad Lands and learnt Blood Bowl as a means to improve his strength, stamina and ability to survive. A resiliant fighter and survivor Bruce is looking to make a name for himself on the proffesional circuit
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Name: Henry Pilkington-Smythe
Born: Bol-A-Hat, Albion
Former Clubs: The Albion Stallions.
Henry's Stiff Upper Lip, and his never say die attitude have served him well throughout his long playing career. A former legend in his younger days, Henry has joined the Furies as more of a retirement than anything else. Henry is looking to help guide and coach the new players in the team.
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Name: Logan "The Hitman" Hart
Born: Weissbruk, The Empire
Former Clubs: Weissbruk Wildcats
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
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Name: "Slugga" Trax
Born: Unknown
Former Clubs: None
Trax, or "Slugga" as the coach has named him is not a proffesional Blood Bowl Player, in fact Trax has never played Blood Bowl in His life! The coach came across Trax in a bar, when a fight broke out between Trax and a local Orc Blood Bowl team - "The Grashnak Greenskins" After the dust settled Trax stood tall amongst a pile of broken bodies. This is why the Coached convinced him to join the team!