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Sveins son and a strong heir to the berserker tradition. Was recruited by Sven now that he has retired and are now coaching instead.
Side Step
Sure Feet
Sure Hands
The crazy person in the tribe and has been known to attack a village single handed.
2006-05-26 Harald became teams first starplayer
Founding member
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Side Step
The son of Erik Blatand and a quick and agile boy who often try to prove himself for his father.
Founding member
Son of Sveinbjörn Larsson and a robust lineman and a strong shieldbearer in many battles.
Founding member
Dirty Player
Proud father of Björn and Anders and a very old warrior who have lived to many battles. Were planning to stay home but the bloodlust and prospect of coming to Valhall quicker...
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Leif joined a small warband that were doing raids along the Empires shoreline.
After a raid he heard of Sveins Einherjers and he decided to join up.
A strong and furious player that are totally ruthless!
Father of Erik and the "grandpa" of the team. He may not be the oldest but still have the voice of experience that he shares constantly.
Founding member
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Mighty Blow
Tyr is a childhood friend of Anders Sveinbjornsson and just after he finished one of his many Brettonian raids he decided to join up with the "Einhaerjers" and fight on the pitch.
Sveins father Hallbjorn urged him to join up with the team from the start but Svein refused due to a girl in the next village. Her father refused him and after a short battle where Svein slaughtered his father in law he left for the bloodbowlfields of the empire.
He brought with him the girl of his dreams: Helga. And she is always seen in the stand in full battlearmour ready to beat up opposing players!
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
One of the misfits that wander around in the forests up in Norsca.
Has been kept chained up in the ship til now and was finally brought up to stand on the line and "bash a few".
Torlaug is the teams dirtiest player and the one who most often end up in trouble.
We have yet to see what he can accomplish on the field.
Sure Hands
Torbjörn is only known for one thing and that is his incredible strong right arm. It´s almost twice as big as his left and that is what made Svein use him as a thrower.