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Pilgrim's Progress
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Sir, I perceive, by the book in my hand, that I am condemed to die, and after that to come to judgement; and I find that I am not willing to do the first, nor able to do the second.
Yes, said Mistrust, for just before us lie a couple of lions in the way, whether sleeping or waking we know not; and we could not think, if we came within reach, but hey would presently pull us to pieces.
page 47
What are the things you seek, since you leave all the world to find them?
page 16
The hearing of this is enough to ravish one's heart. But are these things to be enjoyed? How shall we get to be sharers thereof?
page 18
Christian: Sir I was bid to go this way by a man called Evangelist, who directed me also to yonder gate, that I may escape the wrath to come; and, as I was going thither, I fell in here.
Help: But why did not you look for the steps?
Christian: Fear followed me so hard, that I fled the next way, and fell in.
Help: Then, give me thy hand. So he gave him his hand, and drew him out, and set him upon sound ground, and bid him go on his way.
Prehensile Tail
There is not a more dangerous and troublesome way in the world than is that unto which he has directed thee; and that thou shalt find, if thou wilt be ruled by his counsel.
page 22
And as he was troubled thereabout, he espied two men come tumbling over the wall on the left hand of the narrow way; and they made apace to him. The name of one was Formalist, and the name of the other Hypocrisy.
page 43
We were born in the land of Vain-glory and are going for praise to Mount Zion.
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Big Hand
Sure Hands
An open door is set before thee, and no man can shut it.
page 30
I left off to watch and be sober; I laid the reins upon the neck of my lusts; I sinned against the light of the world, and the goodness of God; I have greived the Spirit, and he is gone; I tempted the devil, and he is come to me; I have provoked God to anger, and he has left me; I have so hardened my heart that I can't repent.
page 38
Christian said, Sirs, what's the matter? you run the wrong way. Timorous answered, that they were going to the City of Zion, and had got up that difficult place: but, said he, the further we go, the more danger we meet with; wherefore we turned, and are going back again.
page 46
For as here thou seest, Passion will have all now, this year, that is to say, in this world; so are the men of this world: they must have all their good things now; they cannot stay till the next year, that is, until the next world, for their portion of good.
page 35
Simple said 'I see no danger'
Page 43
And Presumption said, Every fat must stand upon its own bottom. And so they laid down to sleep again, and Christian went on his way.
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