18 coaches online • Server time: 06:36
Sure Hands
<b>" Da Pitz clan haz alwayz had a strong arm & good eye! "</b> Smelly's longest pass so far came during the second half to tie against a Necromatic squad from south asia! As the Facepeelerz star thrower, Smelly was tragiclly stricken with <i> Orkeritus</i>. A genitic defect that lowered his agility. While most throwers would have retired, Smelly has sworn to die on the pitch!
<b>He holds the Franchise record of four completions in a game!</b>
In his third match he fouled and killed a star Treeman!
Da Butcher badly hurt The Mighty Zug!
<big><b>DA FAN FAVORITE!</big></b>
Blackie aint scared ov nuthin!
Jimi iz<b> "Da Meanist"</b> ov da boyz. He luvs to beat on anything smaller den him. Gnomes iz favorite!!
First Black Orc to score a touchdown!
He iz a tricky one. He refused to take block as a first skill cuz he though he wuz tuff enuff!
<b>Team leader in touchdowns!</b>
Joey has suprised Da Big Boss with hiz playing ability! Da only reason he wuz drafted into da Facepeelerz wuz cuz hiz bruda was off fightin humies! But so far he iz makin da Squarehead clan proud! He don't like wearing much armor <b>" cuz I'm sneakier den da other boyz!"
Current Team leader in fouls!!</b>
Gutzy of the 'No-Tung" clan is da bravest of the boys. He'll head butt ya, till you beg for mecy!
Da Kutter Klan iz proud ov der boy Mutta!
One of the first orcs kidnapped by the Big Boss, Trog was drafted & trained as a lineman, but after 29 games Trog still hadn't got a skill. He showed da coach he was good at handling da ball. So he was resigned as a thrower.
Before he was recruited (kidnapped) by Da Boss, Blatz was a master brewer of Orc Beer! <b>Gnome Knuckle Ale, Bloody Spit Stout,</b> and<b> WAAARGH Boss Malt liquor</b> are some of his classic brews created for the hordes. Orc fans are anticipating good things for Blatz. But that could be the beer talkin.......