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Green Ajahs
Has a fiery temper, unusual in an Aes Sedai, and has strange ways of saying "I'm sorry." Bonded Rand al'Thor against his will. Warders: Ihvon, Owein (dead), Rand al'Thor. Nationality: Arafel.
Part of the original thirteen who left the Tower with Liandrin as their leader. Had Warders, but left them behind. How she broke the bond is unknown. Nationality: Saldaea.
A newly raised Aes Sedai. Part of the Tower capture effort for Rand al'Thor. Captured by Rand.
An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is sister to King Paitar of Arafel. She is affiliated with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She has four Warders. She is elegant and statuesque with large, dark eyes.
(NIGH-neev al-MEER-ah) die Seherin von Emondsfeld. Sie wurde 973 NÄ in Emondsfeld geboren. Ihre Mutter ist Elnore, ihr Vater verstarb als sie noch jung war. Er behandelte sie stets wie den ersehnten Sohn, den er nie hatte. Von ihm erlernte sie das Spuren lesen, das sie meisterhaft beherrscht. Sie ist schlank und nicht sehr groß, was ihrer Schönheit keinerlei Abbruch tut. Ihr hüftlanges dunkles Haar trägt sie stets zu einem dicken Zopf geflochten, der ihr über die Schulter hängt. Das Ziehen an diesem Zopf wenn sie zornig ist, ist eines ihrer größten Kennzeichen.
Sure Hands
An arrogant farmwife. Or she would be if she weren't Aes Sedai. Part of Perrin's rescue effort for Rand at Dumai's Wells. Now under the tutelage of the Wise Ones. Sent to the Waste by Salidar. Nationality: Andor.
An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is associated with the Salidar Aes Sedai. Her Warders are Furen Alharra and Teryl Wynter. She is Cairhienin.
Strongest Aes Sedai before the arrival of Nynaeve al'Meara, Egwene al'Vere, and Elayne Trakand. Has faced more men who can channel than most Reds. Refused a position as a Sitter. Supposedly left the Tower because the Hall wished to make her Amyrlin. Nationality: Ghealdan.
Part of the Salidar delegation to Ebou Dar. Held the Seat of Pardon at Elayne's trial. Nationality: Arad Doman.
Part of the original thirteen who left the Tower with Liandrin as their leader. Tried to use the balefire ter'angreal without much success. Nationality: Arad Doman.
A Sitter for the White Tower. Stood for Elaida. One of Pevara's friends.
Part of the Salidar delegation to Ebou Dar. Has a sister in the Brown Ajah, Adeleas. They look very much alike. Is trying to write the history of the world with her sister. Warder: Jaem.
Called the Warrior Amyrlin by some. After her death, at the end of a battle, she was found with her four Warders dead around her and surrounded by the bodies of no less than nine Dreadlords.
The most legendary Aes Sedai ever. Many stories, most half-believed, exist about her. She supposedly took a man who could channel all the way to the Tower at a time when she had no Warders.
5'2 tall and very watchful/observant. Dark coloured eyes. When she is displeased she may cross her arms under her breasts and pinch her lips. Sometimes laughter in her big, brown eyes. Figurehead Amyrlin of the Salidar Laegue. Is furtively gathering strong oaths of fealty. 7-striped stole on her shoulders. Has a masseuse named Halima, who takes away (or gives) her headaches.