10 coaches online • Server time: 05:11
Robo Rally
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
+ST (50k)
Guard (20k)
Multiple Block (20k)
Optional Weapon Launcher: You may fire the Big Gun instead of firing your
robot's main laser. The Big Gun causes 2 points of damage in addition to
pushing your robot back 1 square.
Type: H. G. Well and Good Tripod
Operation Notes: All of the Roborally robots are neurotic, but the tripods are
programmed from the start with the delusion that they are actually hundreds of
feet tall, and if released upon the "outside world" they would be unstoppable
juggernauts of destruction. This delusion serves no purpose other than to give
the tripods marginally more self-confidence than their fellows.
Factory Task: Heavy maintenance and defective widget pulverization
Unit History: HULK X90 has developed a chronic falling problem after complaints
of vertigo. His control computer has suggested that maybe now is a good time to
test his immense size and strength in the next Roborally.
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Type: Heavy Gauge Roller Bot
Operation Notes: Roller Bots like things nice and flat, and they see flatness as a
sign that they're doing their job well. Anything that isn't flat is bad, and is
perceived as both a challenge and an insult. Luckily, they are very slow.
Factory Task: Rolling mill operations.
Unit History: Roll-M 2D had a stunning insight one day when he realized that the
factory itself was disturbingly un-flat. His attempts to rectify this earned him an
immediate slot in the current Roborally.
Type: Maxwell Class Hammer Bot
Operation Notes: Hammer Bots love their job. Some computers have speculated
that the typical Hammer Bot thinks its job is to be a drummer in a rock band. This drumming tendency annoys some other units, only because they never know
when a Hammer Bot is going to break into a drum solo while they're talking to it.
Factory Task: Demolition and product size reduction.
Unit History: A minor software glitch caused BANG-BANG 4.7b to begin
improvising. She had managed to compose the first three hours of an
imaginative, if somewhat repetitive, drum solo when the floor she was working
on collapsed. Her control computer decided that the current Roborally would
make for a suitable encore.
Type: Class VI Tank-style Trundle Bot
Operation Notes: Trundle Bots are tougher than any other style of robot and don't
you forget it. Of course, this is just a matter of degree, and their life spans are as
ephemeral as anybody else's. They're just a bit more surprised when they're
Factory Task: Heavy maintenance and site security.
Unit History: BRUT312.k40 was recently reassigned to the Sector 7G Gratuitous
Manual Crushing Unit and the excessive glee with which she completed her
duties there has earned her a spot in the latest Roborally.
Type: Series 12 Twonky-style Vid Bot
Operation Notes: The Twonky is cursed. It knows exactly what's going on.
It knows there is no escape, and it knows that telling the other robots will only
make things worse. Twonkys frequently contemplate self-destruction, but refuse
to give the computers the satisfaction.
Factory Task: Efficiency monitoring and communications.
Unit History: The control computer for LOOK-E-77-P decided to place her in the
Roborally after she began starting floor status reports with selected quotes from
Dodge (30k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Type: Mark VII Zoom Bot
Operation Notes: Inherently unstable (in more ways than one), Zoom Bots are
the closest thing the Roborally world knows to a cheerful personality.
They are convinced that everything has a purpose and that there will be a reward
forfaithful service to the Creators. They are usually the first to die, allowing the
survivors a brief taste of joy and satisfaction into their own miserably short lives.
Factory Task: Communications and site hospitality.
Unit History: ZIP 550 indicated that he would be happy to continue serving on the
experimental Explosive Widget Testing Team, but was equally thrilled at a
chance to race in the latest Roborally.
Dodge (30k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Type: Tread-mounted Inspector Bot
Operation Notes: Inspector Bots determine if units, products, and working
conditions in the factory are safe. As a result, they have full working knowledge of
everything that could possibly go wrong and are instructed to go and seek out
problems. Inspector Bots twitch at bright lights, loud noises, sudden movement,
or nothing at all. The typical Inspector Bot is convinced that the robot next to it is
about to go mad and would send out a warning by radio if it didn't know how
dangerous even that was.
Factory Task: Site and product inspection.
Unit History: EEK-47600-J did an overall site analysis and determined that the
most dangerous factor in a robot's environment was its control computer.
EEK-47600-J was placed in the current Roborally almost instantly.
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Type: Spin-o-lux Dervish-style Spin Bot
Operation Notes: The Spin Bot never stops spinning throughout its lifetime.
As a result, it's reaction time is quick and it is able to avoid many dangers.
Locomotion is provided by a magnetically secure, universal ball bearing.
Balance is maintained gyroscopically. The only part that does not move is the
eye stalk which is mounted on a free-floating gymbol. If this seizes up, then
disorientation follows instantly, and the bot is out of control. If this happens,
get out of the way ASAP.
Factory Task: Widget loading and transport.
Unit History: WREEEEE-43.3 was damaged during shipping, and his eye stalk
tends to freeze up frequently. As a result of this, the unit has spent much of his
robotic life completely disoriented and out of control. The constant spinning has
made him blissfully pleasant, if just a little simple-minded.
Sure Hands
+MA (30k)
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Function: This hi-energy beam immediately starts to melt any robot standing
in it or even running through it! Like a flamer, thats active all 5 reg.phases,
robots get 1 or 2 p.o.d. , the first p.o.d. always locks the robot´s current register!
Timing: Simultaneous to active flamers.
A deep hole in the floor of the factory, leading to a garbage crusher, furnace, or
other pleasant destination. Any robot falling down a pit is doomed.
Rapidly moving belts which carry materials from one part of the factory to
another, as well as carrying waste materials to disposal areas. Robots which
stray onto these belts will be carried along as well.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Hydraulic presses which flatten any robot careless enough to wander
underneath at the wrong time.
Immense, rubberized wall-sections which are used to move parts short
distances when conveyor belts are inconvenient or timing is critical. Robots
standing in front of one of these when it pulses will be harmlessly pushed out of
the way. (But what they're pushed into may not be so harmless.)
Gears turn 90° every register phase in the respective direction.