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Warm Fuzzy Care Bears
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
<div align=justify><p>When <a href='http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651513'>Mime</a> was killed, we thought he was gone for ever. Little did we know that it was actually a part of his routine, and he had just stepped out to pick up some armour.</p></div>
<div align=justify><p>Freckles is an unusual Care Bear. When he was initially diagnosed with the horrifying skin affliction known as freckles, everyone thought they they would go away. It was not to be the case, and it seems that the disease is worse than we originally thought - it is causing him to age faster than other Care Bears, and we are worried that he is bottling up his anger, and may take it out on innocent bystanders in a fit of rage (probably when they are least able to defend themselves.</p><p>Aged for -ag on his first skill.</p></div>
<div align=justify><p>Kisses II replaces the original <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651509>Kisses</a> who wasn't a particularly impressive player, so we thought we'd give him another chance.</p></div>
<div align=justify><p>Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cutest care bear of them all?</p></div>
<div align=justify><p>The original <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651505>Toothy</a> was the first player of mine ever to achieve a Larson ... too bad he niggled on agind immediately after the game.</p></div>
Replaces <a href=FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651517>Rainbow</a>, quite possibly the happiest care bear in the world (especially now that he's retired).
Replacing <a href=FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651503>Cuddles</a>, who just wanted to give a friend a hug...
<div align=justify><!--
--> Last time, <!--
--> <a href="FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2651507">Fluffy</a> <!--
--> was killed by a vengeful norseman ... now it's time for <b>revenge</b>! <!--
Sure Hands
<div align=justify><p>This little fellow evolved from the team's pet cat. Like all cats, "Purr" (almost) always lands on his feet, and is remarkably agile compared to the rest of his bear-like team.</p></div>