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Death by Blood Bowl
Lurgo enjoys invadiing others personal space and gouging out their eyes upon his armors spikes.
Blergo is aggressively hostile to all of those whom have the misfortune to be in his general vicinity.
Torack views others fingers as his personal property. He becomes violently deranged when he sees others using his property and quickly moves to twist them off their hands and take back his stolden goods.
Khailick collects the scalps of those he dislikes. Unfortuntely he does not like anyone and therein lies the problem.
Whether mad is used to describe his mental state or his perpetually foul mood it is the perfect single word to sum up Mung.
Mighty Blow
Gruss takes the time to think. He likes to take the long view. Why would one simply just kill someone when a crippling injury forces one to live a lifetime of agony?
Mighty Blow
When given the choice between weapons and his bare hands Leer always takes his two fists. He takes great joy using them to inflict pain upon others.
Tyron's extreme anti-social behavior has prevented him from making any friends. In fact the last person he was close to died of severe head trama. The bent marks found on the victims skull matched exactly with Tyron's fists.
Tor does not like anybody. Perhaps the hate he projects outward is because his mother did not breat feed him as a child?
Sneers likes to smash his ham sized fists into the faces of unsuspecting victims. While he finds this great fun, many of his targets simply fail to get the joke.
Grob not only skinks, he takes his odor to new heights of offensive. He has been known to kill at the meer mention of soap.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Multiple Block
Tenuk'Tuk wants to pull off your arms, then your legs, then your head, before finally punting your torso into the upper bleachers.
Mhorg is a disagreeable orc whom takes great delight in crippling injuries to the knee joint. His many over zealous and unprovoked attacks has earned him a sentence of Death by Blood Bowl.
Biff went from extorting lunch money as a little hooligan to a murderous killer later in life. He has finally chosen the wrong victims and has been captured and sentenced to the games.
Right Stuff
Squee is not a murderous killer, in fact he has done nothing at all that would warrant his sentence of Death by Blood Bowl. He is just a pitiful goblin that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brutal orcish justice could careless about goblins. No matter how loud he cries his innocence no one cares to listen, he is just a stupid goblin after all.
So now Squee lives his life in terror. In terror of his "team mates". In terror of his coaches. In terror that he will ever be forced to actually play in a game. For the time being spends his time grovelling and crying dreading the day he will be forced to play.
Some may ask, "How does Squee get the MVP when he never plays?"
The answer is simple. He is a favorite target for the fans to throw things at and definitely the safest; unlike his teammates Squee does not run into the stands and exact a brutal revenge.