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Word Of The Day
Sure Hands
sine qua non \sin-ih-kwah-NON; -NOHN; sy-nih-kway-\, noun:
An essential condition or element; an indispensable thing
concupiscence \kon-KYOO-puh-suhn(t)s; kuhn-\, noun:
Strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust.
agog \uh-GOG\, adjective:
Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen.
prevaricate \prih-VAIR-uh-kayt\, intransitive verb:
To depart from or evade the truth; to speak with equivocation.
excoriate \ek-SKOR-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:
1. To express strong disapproval of; to denounce.
2. To tear or wear off the skin of.
supererogatory \soo-puhr-ih-ROG-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Going beyond what is required or expected.
2. Superfluous; unnecessary.
daedal \DEE-duhl\, adjective:
1. Complex or ingenious in form or function; intricate.
2. Skillful; artistic; ingenious.
3. Rich; adorned with many things.
maladroit \mal-uh-DROYT\, adjective:
Lacking adroitness; clumsy; awkward; unskillful; inept.
stentorian \sten-TOR-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Extremely loud.
tmesis \TMEE-sis\, noun:
In grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a
compound word, now generally done for humorous effect; for
example, "what place soever" instead of "whatsoever place," or
quidnunc \KWID-nuhngk\, noun:
One who is curious to know everything that passes; one who
knows or pretends to know all that is going on; a gossip; a
Right Stuff
Side Step
inanition \in-uh-NISH-uhn\, noun:
1. The condition or quality of being empty.
2. Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment.
3. Lack of vitality or spirit.
thaumaturgy \THAW-muh-tuhr-jee\, noun:
The performance of miracles or magic.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
fillip \FIL-uhp\, noun:
1 A snap of the finger forced suddenly from the thumb; a smart blow.
2. Something serving to rouse or excite; a stimulus.
3. A trivial addition; an embellishment