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Avatars of Pirrekurr
Ray Bisley is my all-time longest running character in any game. He was my character in Kult, a horror RPG. He lived in New Orleans and used to be a base player in a heavy metal band called Wounded Turtle. As the other four members he always wore a black leather coat with a picture of one of the TMNT's being shot on the back. I think it was Donatello, but I don't remember.
I played him weekly for about two years, and I am sad to say that he ended his days being "murdered" by his fellow bandmembers. But not until he had made a pact with a demon, lost an arm when he got shot by a cop with a shotgun and being turned into a living dead zombie by a slimy magician from Haiti.
Now he is back to show the world that onearmed zombie-base players can be reincarnated too.
My longest running Warhammer Fantasy Battle general, Lord Galek the Lost is a Dark Elf Highborn. He have been with me for three incarnations of the game, and he has now been reincarnated as a skaven stormvermin, fate laughs upon him.
Burros-Burros Galej is at the time my most beloved RPG character and the only one I am currently playing. He is a character in the swedish RPG Mutant; Undergångens arvtagare, which losely is translated as: Mutant; Heirs of the Apocalypse, Children of the Judgement Day, Survivors of the Catastrophe or something like that. He is a mutated burro, yes a grey little donkey. He has lived his whole life as a gambler in the frontier cities of the Pyri-Commonwealth. Lately he have taken work as an fire-inspector/investigator for the government and is right now chasing after the dreaded Pig-Nazis who have torched a small community and kidnapped a small mentaly mutated human child.
One of my favourite characters of all time have to be Forge. He was another character to the RPG Kult. He also was an accomplished magician who wielded both the powers of time and the powers of insanity. Unfortunately he had lost all recollection of his previous life and hid in a warehouse in New Orleans with his big stash of Doctor Pepper, his favourite bewerage.
When I was playing a Bretonnian army in Warhammer Fantasy Battle I used to have a general I named Pierre sans Coleur. The reason being that neither the model nor any other models in the army where painted. Oh, and he used a twohanded sword instead of a lance. I loved the model.
Me and my friends had a small competition in making special characters to Warhammer 40k. My special character was Ji'brail, Son of Battle. He was a combined medic and battle standard bearer from the desert planet of A'khirah. He wielded his mighty bolter with his bionic arm and showed his holy relic for everyone to see. A religious fanatic that fought the Emperor's enemies with both boltgun fire and firebrand speeches...
One night me and some frinds decided to play the old classic swedish RPG, Drakar och Demoner, translated to Dragons and Demons. We decided to only play stereotypical characters, and I ended up with the barbarian. Raenryc is very blond, very stupid, very muscular and very adept at killing things with his twohanded sword. Or at least he was until he was killed by his partys magician over some loot.
Valentariel was my character the only time I was playing the swedish RPG, Drakar och Demoner Chronopia. He was a wild elf shaman from the Raven Clan with some magic to transform himself into a raven, and two short swords. We actually tired of plying the game and so the last I heard about him, he just started to settle in in the city Chronopia with his associates.
Valdemar, my beloved halfling hunter when I played the Swedish RPG, Drakar & Demoner. He was totally random generated and built like a little tank with minimal size and maximal physical attributes. He had his spear that really was way to large for him and he was a killer in fistfighting, at least against other halflings. He and his brother joined a group of adventurers to get enough money to start a sheep farm, and after among else banishing a dangerous demon they managed to get the cash needed and retired. The last I heard from him he had gotten married with a beutiful halfling girl and raised a couple of kids. His good for nothing thief brother was still hanging around making his life miserable.
My replacement for my longest running RPG character Ray Bisley was his sister; Stephanie "Candy" Bisley. An asskicking young woman who had been through both drugabuse and some other traumatic events that made her more or less homicidal. I soon tired of her, but she was my first female character ever. That means she had all the stupid attributes a boy on the verge of manhood wanted her to have, including a kick-ass body, being very cool and wearing way too much lingerie. Oh, and of course she was lesbian, I was way to immature to ever play a character that where interested in men...
My first ever Kult character. What is there to say. He died after just one game session since his friends left him to fend for himself when he was afraid to go into an elevator. He was soon run down by two cops and shot in the head by a .357 Magnum. The End, or so I thought until he was reincarnated.