34 coaches online • Server time: 16:15
Shattered Skulls
Mighty Blow
Krash took a long time to achieve anything. After his 35th match, he pointed out, that he's advancing rather slow and steady instead of fast and violent. 14 games later, he's now the brightest (emerging) star of the Skulls. Only 10 SPPs away from becoming the most valuable player the Shattered Skulls ever had. Finally on his 49th match he surpassed the legendary <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2830324">Gorlok da Fast</a> by 2 SPP which he gained for dropping a Norse-Blitzer from Heartfires.
<b>Another Orc Sponsored by</b>
<img src="http://arenatools.ar.ohost.de/bilder/bbowl/orcmartens.gif">
After a streak of bad luck, where the position of a blitzer for the skulls seemed to attract a lot of violence chulag is one of the brave champions of foul ball who attempts to fill the gap left.
After some unlucky games where the Skulls lost two Blackorcs, Hooaarg replaces <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2830319">Dats Me</a>
His plain refusal to move out of the way of other people already made him a valuable player for the skulls and a well seen traffic warden for the Karak al Kazadh school of orphaned dwarves.
Kukri showed real talent by scoring a CP and a CAS in his first match. After only three matches he already begins to show that he has various talents to display in scoring, passing and blocking...
Garoonk is the raplacement for <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=2830321">Zlorg Uglyface</a>
Garoonk is very popular with the feminine orcs, for his - for orc standards - stunningly good looks. If he doesnt' play BloodBowl he's a highly paid model for a notable house of armor-smiths
Sure Hands
Replacememnt for <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=3037972">Poomba Ballgrabber</a>. Proved himself by scoring a TD in his very first game.
Ashtak isn't really a member of the team. Most of the time he just sneaks into the dugouts and pretends that he belongs there (and everybody who points this out earns a firm kick into the nadgers).
He's currently aiming to his own contract with Orc Martens Boots - The ones with spikes and extra iron caps. Nobody really knows why he needs them, but maybe nomen est omen.
Damo was with the skulls from the beginning. But while the rest of the mob tends to be loud and where the action is, Damos prefered place is in the quiet background., waiting to make his moves.
After 35 matches, he's still waiting for his hour of glory...
Finally after a serious conversation with his fellow orcs he bagan to work out taking some lessons in skullbreaking and boneshattering from the blackorcs, adding fearsome valuable fists to the LOS. After his 45th game he signed a advertising contract with "Orc Martens" which outfitted him with the latest high-tech boots for sprinting.
After 46 games, Damo is the last member of the original line-up. Only 2 games missed.
<b>Sponsored by</b>
<img src="http://arenatools.ar.ohost.de/bilder/bbowl/orcmartens.gif">
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Multiple Block
Woohrag joined the skulls after their 35th game. <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=3037495">Horak Gobboeater</a> picked him up in a swamp while on vacation, where he accidentially mistook him for a distant cousin.<br>
Whoorag-Moments: In <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1362001">his first game</a>, knocked himself down in the first action of the game, got fouled in turn one and slept for the rest of the game in the dugouts. A really valuable addition to the team.
got himself killed in the first turn of the game vs Thorn Spirit but thankfully regenerated to get -MA gangfouled in the first turn after the next kick.
Mighty Blow
Somuns Armpit is almost a member of the original line-up. This black orc stinks as much as one can stink without foul appearance. Regardless of this, he is very helpful, especially when the other black orcs try to block.
After 30 games Somuns Armpit started to develop a nasty and smelly fungus-plantage around his knuckles. Fortunately that affects his victims more than him. Rumor has it, that this fungus even fights by itself, and Somuns Armpit is merely there for carrying this violent thing around the pitch.
Broke two Amazon girls in <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=1563811">the Match vs Blondinen</a> thus getting the 'Chief Skullsmasher' Award.
After 50 games of breaking bones Somuns Armpit slowly begins to feel that getting kicked and beatne all the time takes its toll. A niggling injury on the middle finger of his left hand sometimes leaves him unable to properly beat any opponents and thus renders him useless for some games.
<img src="http://arenatools.ar.ohost.de/bilder/bbowl/skullcracker.gif"> (10 CAS)
Rumor has it that this smelly orc is related to <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=2840584">Somuns Armpit</a>. Another orc sponsored by "Orc Martens" - boots for running and kicking.
<b>Sponsored by</b>
<img src="http://arenatools.ar.ohost.de/bilder/bbowl/orcmartens.gif">
Another Orc to take the slow but steady road to glory instead of rushing blind and violent. Let's hope age doesn't catch up.
Zolug joined the skull after their 55th game, replacing the aged <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=2876147">Rock Hammerfist</a>