25 coaches online • Server time: 13:15
Forgotten Fears
Always showing off and trying to get as much attention as he can Athagaz fears being forgotten!
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Athagaz Picks up a kill!!! </a>in a game vs Horned Guys</p
Bromidro has his own locker room and avoids being near others at all costs! Some say if a teamate removes there shoes he screams! He fears bodily smells!
CAthiso is hyper and alwasy sprints around the field. He is afraid of sitting down!
Dysmorph is always kissing the apothecarys ass! He is afraid fo being Deformed.
Mightyer than his brethren Picka has been chosen by Khaine to lead a bloody Crusade! He also had his name changed by nuffle and the coach thinks its too funny to change to anything else!
Frigo is alywas running around and refuses to play in blizzard games! He is afraid fo the cold!
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=3090018">
Frigo Picks up a kill!!! </a>in a game vs Corrupted Bloodstone</p
Gerasco is always trying to avoid skilling up and alwasy useing products to reduce wrinkles! He is afraid of growing old!
Hemo always screams at every Cas for the team or against! Hwe is afraid of blood!
Ipho avoids the teams star players at all costs...the witch elves bugger him out too! He is afraid of poison!
The witch elven matrons now have decended to the team. They feel there underlings are skilled enough to denfende there fury.
Kopo is always smoking the krack rock and drinking coffee...he si afraid of fatigue!
This guy will not play against any halfling teams! He is afraid of cooking! He has proven the be the most agile member of the team!! Lets hope he can score some great TDs for the scared boys!
High prince and all around nasty fellow this blitzer delites in death and carnage!
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=3548992">
DD kills a great thrower!!! </a>in a game vs Pretty Pale</p
Sadistic slave of the teams Witch elves, he has been tested upon and has a evil pchycotic demeanor!
Vile new blitzer for the team!