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Gralhk's Fellowship
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Captain Grahlk used to be a pirate. Having plundered and pillaged all over the Old World and piled up a lot of loot, Gralhk figured he should try something else.
Bloodbowl sounded fun.
He proceeded to "enlist" a number of "players" for his team while providing the cash necessary to register it and get nice game outfits sowed.
So far Gralhk has been a slow learner while the others have caught on to the game rather quickly.
Gralhk figured if he breaks a leg every game he has pretty much done his part. Hes become rather good at this aspect of the game. Though he ponders on what there is to do after that. Only time will tell....
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Torri Heavyhelm is Putti Headbutts oldest cousin and in charge if the Headbutt clans beer brewery. That means that a) Torri lets NO ONE unauthorized near the brew and b) Torri hits em HARD if they touch it.
Gralhk has been rather successful in implementing Torri's brewery gaurding skills on the pitch.
Thick Skull
Thick Skull
Putti is chieftan of the Headbutt clan.
Back in the day Putti had never lost an armwrestling match until he met Captain Grahlk. The captain made him swear that if he lost he would help him play bloodbowl.
That pretty much explains why the rest of Headbutt clan are wondering where thier chieftan and his 3 cousins are.
Frey and his young brother, Ryth, were threatened by Captain Gralhk and have therefore decided to play bloodbowl for his team.
Recently, Frey seems to have changed as the weightlifting program he has been on has given extraordinary results (Ryth claims something else is the deciding factor in his new found strength). Frey has gotten much stronger but has unfortunetly lost some of his elven quickness.
His brother, Ryth, now teases him about his clumsy muscles and then proceeds to run away from him before he gets clobbered.
Nuffle Ultimate Xtreme Champion MVP: Frey Quick (Gralhk's Fellowship)
Ryth, unlike his older brother Frey, has been practicing sprinting. His fast pace helps him avoid his brother whom has been rather agressive of late. Must be the roids.
Sure Hands
Pass Block
Madeye Mazorro used to be the leader of a gang of thieves. After looting a caravan they decided they wanted even more gold and decided to bet on a bloodbowl game. An elven team with an unbeaten record was playing a mixture of elves, dwarves and an ogre. "pfft....this is gonna be easy money" he thought. He proceeded to place all the money they had "earned" on the elf team.
The elf team conceded after 7 seconds, seeing as the ogre had broken an elfs leg. A monsterous pitch invasion occured shortly after, the fans feeling they had been cheated out of a good ol sunday game of bloodbowl. Madeye and his merry band of thieves were pulled in by the crowd and severly beatup.
Madeye woke up the next day. he was being held around the neck by an ogre and dangling 1 meter off the ground. The ogre said "Me Kaptinn. Oo tri cheet an hellp em pointiears. Now oo an yer frends plays fer me teem. "
Seeing as they were broke, Madeye's merry band of thieves "decided" they rather wanted to play bloodbowl.