13 coaches online • Server time: 02:23
Spawns of Quetzl
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Break Tackle
A slow start, but late in the second period the huge paycheck is justified with a mangleled opponent. The biggest suprise for all was the boll suddenly got stuck in his horns. Unfortunatly Narg was fully occupied with chasing down fleeing girlees and lost the boll tripping over his own feet never realising the chance to make history scoring a goal.
Continues to smash players left and right, disrupting enemy lines. Due to his humiliating tripping last match, has been training hard ignoring flung out legs. Lets see next match if it has paid off.
First blitz in his 3:rd game and the Amazon linewoman is to weak stomached to continue, later on yet another foolish women tries to grab hold of Narg, the Amazon no longer has the use of her arms.
An embarassing Saurus, laughing stock of the team. manaed to badly hurt himself when trying to pound a little amazon girl....
Crushes the opponents hips and ankles slowing them down for easy hunting. The record so far 2 in one game.
Soon to be named Amazonslayer, after a brutal block which left the poor amazon laying in a bloody pool.
Knock Roc down, Roc returns the favor by ripping you to pieces. Head the warning and leave Roc in peace. Kills so far 1 in 1 game after being KO.
A new nickname is appropriate after todays game, Vampire-duster.
Has a natural affinity to acctually play ball instead of just smash up the opposition. Managed to pick up a loose ball and blitz through a vamp schredding him to peaces before TD:ing.
Pretty anonymous so far, but saved the game in the 5:th match when in turn 16 managed an intercept which otherwise would have made the game a draw.
Swift and agile, scores usually in the 16:th turn after a dash across the entire field.
Continues to produce touchdowns. Mostly sprinting accross the entire field.
A fine 2-turn TD. Saurus smashed the enemy LOS and 3 skinks managed to run through. Recieved a pass the next turn and a touchdown was a fact.
The second game and the only scorer. Low in field and a throw in from the crowd basically just run unopposed to make a touchdown.
Continues to play on top. Was part of a successfull 2-turn touchdown with his beautiful pass.
The best Skink in the team so far. Passing and dodging like there is no tomorrow. Made one scoregiving pass and also TD after dodging 3 amazons.
Side Step
Tall for a skink and with excellent jumping power. Turn 7, intercept and TD thats the way to go.
Learnt the hard way not to blitz angy amazon blitzers. Was so beat up that the apo had to heal him. A turn later rushed into the goal line just in time to reciece the pass from Toc. Nice!
Rushed deep into enemy territory and dodging the entire defensive line on first round. Survived the enemy regroup and dodged the way into the endzone just in time when the pass come from Toctlax. Touchdown. The first and so far only successfull pass-rush game.
A regular ball hogg. Instead of handing of the ball for an easy TD when for the goal line himself, which resulted in him tripping and a crushed jaw.