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Orcidas AllStars
Shagratz TrollBlood, a migthy orc blitzer, not much is known abot him, one day he just show up and proved he could be on the team, and have played for the Allstars sins that day.
In his 7th mach for the Allstars he played a good game, and had the honor of being the team MVP.
Last Kind, on off the Allstars draft this year. He proved alot of portential in the orc accadany of barstards. well known for his quick feet and ability to stay in the game with a 210% atitude, gave him a spot on this team.
In the most boring match ever, he was the outstanding player, giving him the honor of the team MVP.
Borak Wormbreath a mighty Blackorc Blocker, his trademark is to bring terror on the field and for excellent defence. Borak was draftet in the first round bye the Allstars, and with him to stop anyone that whats to score, the Allstars endzone is safe.
In his 1st match for the Allstars he made the teams first interception and the teams first kill, Thats Defence.
In his 3rd match for the Allstars he made his 2nd interception taking it all the way to the endzone for a TD
In his 5th match for the Allstars he made the teams only cas.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
BuckTooth is the team Captain and firce leader of the Allstars, as a hardcore veteran of Blood bolw he knows what it takes to bring home the big wins. Before he got Tradet to the Allstars, he played for the Bullettooths, were he was the top star. With him to lead the team its only a matter of time, before he takes them to greatness.
In his 1st match for the Allstars he made 3 Complitions, in the Teams 4-0 Victory
In his 2nd match for the Allstars he made 4 complitions, 1 TD and had the honor of being the teams MVP.
In his 3rd match for the Allstars he took them on the wining drive and had the honor of being the teams MVP, and made 1 complition.
Grishnag BunnyPoucher a quick hard hitting orc Blitzer, has a great ability to be were the action is. He played for the Menacing Torturs and was there cas maker nr:1, the Allstars payed a lot of money to get him and hope he will inflickt pain on the opendents.
In his 1st match for the Allstars he made 2 cas, with one of them was a kill, here comes the pain.
In his 7th match for the Allstars he made he teams only cas, and it was a kill.
Gorbad HellBringer a firce orc blitzer and knowned veteran to game of Blood bowl. His a master on getting his hands on the ball and bringer it ind the endzone. The Allstars was fast to get there hands on this scoring machine.
In his 1st match for the Allstars he scored 2 TD, in the teams 4-0 Victory
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Varag Ghoul Chewer fames orc blitzer from the Orcland Raiders, a liveing legend, the temptation and lure of a team that can go all the way, was to much, sow now he plays for the Allstars. He has made a promich to all, we will have a trophy soon.
In his 1st match for the Allstars he made 2 TD, with one of them was in the games dieing seconds, and was giving the honers of being the team Mvp.
Balarban "The Boot" Barbick, You got to love the Boot, a mean low down dirty rat, well thas just part of the game. The Allstars spotede him when he played for the Mean Monsters, he had a natrual talent for kicking players when they were down and giving good assist + he was excelent to stay on the line of scrimice. He loves playing for the Allstars were he whants to be, the meanest dirty player ever.
In his 5th match for the Allstars he was excellent and made sure that the opent made 2 turnovers en a row, making him the team MVP.
Niebling Lord of Bones is one of he mightys black orc blockers known in the game of blood bowl. He is feared on any team, if you are on the other side, maybe he is the last thing you see.
In his 2nd match for the Allstars, He first killed Grod he minotuar, and then made one more cas.
In his 6th match for the Allstars, he made a very importent block that lead to a cas, and had the honor of being the team MVP.