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Scuttlers in the Night
This poor Skaven has some brain defect that causes him to think out loud, something of great hindrance when plotting around his betters. As a result he has taken to muttering and is quite adept at grovelling his way out of trouble.
This skaven lost most of his nose in a battle. He still smells terrible. He has found a pair of human gloves which it is convinced are great lucky charms of the Horned Rat. It wears them on its ears.
This Skaven is near unhinged with a lust for power which is kept in check by a musk-inducing fear of anything larger, faster or possessed of a lower centre of gravity than it is.
Sure Feet
Very Long Legs
Having survived an assassination attempt by a Gutter Runner in training this Skaven feels that it has come into favour with the Horned Rat and will one day be rewarded by becoming a powerful leader of its race.
Long exposure to warpdust and warpslime has caused this skaven to glow in the dark. This is clearly a blessing from the Horned Rat and the skaven takes care to remind all his clan brothers of this every chance he gets.
For some reason this Skaven’s fur is of a very dark brown colour, not quite black, but close enough that it feels itself rightfully stronger and more vicious than other Skaven. Fortunately this jeopardous Skaven is too timorous to seriously threaten either its superiors (whom it outwardly treats with sycophantic respect) or the races of the surface world. Nevertheless, it wants to be an awe-inspiring leader of Skaven, whose powers extend throughout the entire under-empire.
This duplicitous Skaven is just going along with what its superiors want, disguising its abilities with a masquerade of cowardliness, until the time is right for it to strike! Then it will take its rightful place amongst the elite of the under-empire. Who knows, it may even become a member of the hallowed Council of Thirteen, if not the leader of the under-empire in its vast entirety. When this day comes it will surely lead its minions into a glorious conquest of the surface world. There it will reign at the right hand of the Horned Rat itself as its underlings cavort amongst the ruins of the then enslaved surface dwellers, feasting greedily on their flabby hairless flesh. All hail the Horned Rat!
This little brown Skaven is strangely clean for one of his perfidious kind, in spite of living in filth his fur retains a healthy brown sheen and even his musk is not very strong or offensive, other Skaven give him a wide berth.
This traitorous Skaven is thankfully too lacking in courage to seriously threaten either its superiors (whom it outwardly treats with grovelling respect) or the races of the surface world. It has a real zeal to command the under-empire. This Skaven has previously lost all of his teeth, something of great peril to a Ratman, and has been forced to make false teeth in any way he can, scavenging them from other Skaven, animals and even odds and ends such as splinters and discarded toenails.
This treacherous Skaven is thankfully too cowardly to seriously threaten either its superiors (whom it outwardly treats with obsequious respect) or the races of the surface world. It has unlikely ambitions to one day become a mighty force in the under-empire before its short life is finished with.
Hungry, hungry. This corpulent Skaven would surely plot slyly to overthrow its peers and become a glorious leader of the under-empire if it wasn't so constantly ravaged by pangs of bottomless hunger.
This skaven is convinced he has the power of telekinesis, and can often be found at the back of a pack, holding his fingers to his head and drooling. He will then claim credit for some random turn of battle.
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal