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Zlatlan Smallhorns
aXceec Sable
Before the small horns took Xahumec madness potion, dubbed by the now ice blue team, there were few survivors from the first time the coach decided to train in the harsh weather of the Great Mountains due to frostbite and hypothermia. But a few did survive and now the only one of that starting eleven was of course our aXceec Saurus. Be it only luck that he receives this privilege of Captainship because his successors died one by one due to Blood Bowl related fatalities or by a dwarf Deathroller. He is the only player who has both skill and experience to lead the team to there destiny of supreme Blood Bowl greatness.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Break Tackle
This giant blue fiend has plague the pitches of the Zlatlan away games since he came to the team in 2502 when he mistook a large cualdron of the potion which had turned the home team blue in 2500 for a large bublin homebrew of Kroxoade which is by chance the teams sponsers. He recieved his name however when a fly ball landed in his lap and he stoped running just five feet short of the touchdown down line were the fans would hoped he would stop and go, when his bone head trait kicked in, with just seconds left on the clock he cost the team a sure victory as becuase of it they ended up tieing with a halfling team.
Another replacement skink. This little fellow is nown for his quick play stratagies to be were the bas is going to be. It can be anywere but he will still seem to catch it. Its gona be a fun season with this little fellow around.
As a replacement to red tail this young fellow is not as easy a puchover as his predecesor. Packing a mean street he has learned his gaming from watching goblin fanatic players, but with out a weapon be spins himself around and tries to knock out his opponents. This technique however is quite successful and was enough to get the little fellow drafted to the team.
By having horns fused to his helmet this formidable Saurus is next in line for captain much to his disliking as the Smallhorns have a reputation for death counts to the team captains, however Sable is holding the posttion quite well.
Side Step
His finn is no bigger than any other 4 foot tall reptile but one embarasing day at try outs were he shouted at the chearleaders ''look at this big finn'' instead of ''look at this big thing''. It was his huge pom pom from his days of chearleading for the Lazy Lizards team.
Named after his father Gill the quick this skink is trying to fallow in his fathers foot prints but is finding it difficult as his father served in the wars and gill has no battle experience save the blood bowl pitch but he is pulling through with help from his friend black horn who wears his fathers old helmet. The only way Gill will play however is if the mage priest will give hima ward spell against fireballs if the oposing team has a wizzard, but this im afraid is a placcebo given by the mage priest as he is mean with his spells and whants them for himself. Wont Gill get a surprise if he jumps in front of a wizards wrath.
This beaf cake spends his time working out and was once mistakin for the teams kroxigor Stop'n'Go. When the team found out about this they got jellous and told Stop'n'Go that he was bad mouthing his mother and said he was born A-sexually like godzilla does. What happened after that cant be told till after a nine pm watershed.
He looks there for he is a big nasty son of a bloch (S.O.B; ) He is the dirtiest player to play the game from Zltalan or any other Lustrian teams. Banned from a number of teams and tournaments and his bans from the pitch doubles and two players. He is a valubale player to the Zlatlan Smallhorns.
With the inhability to use his favourite golden knuckle dusters shiney knuckle inlisted the aid of the slan mage priest who hoped could hide the weapon with magic. The spell whoever went wrong and instead of the knuckle duster going invisable it fused to his hand and is no stonger than his own fist, and to add to bad luck, it itches.
This player came to the team late, origonally called Macros he was an avarage player but could keep up. As he was drafted late before the league started he had to adorn the only helmet left which was origonaly a past team memeber Fast gill (gill's father). The helmet was roasted by a dark elf wizard, when i say te helmet was roasted I mean the poor little skink was and the top horn burnt helmet was all that was left. So the name stuck an his team mate gill has taking a likeing to the young skinkand are great friends......aawww.
After an unfortunate incident this old veteren has only the use of his left eye and has taken on the postion of father figure to the team. His ferocity is deadly and will protect his team-mates at any cost.
This is another player drafted pretty late in the season. He is a relative of one of the players of Soteks Word and inherited the players skill as is evident by his manner on the Blood Bowl pitch. The other players better watch out as he seems a good canidate for the M.V.P. award at the end of the season.